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Angel POV After having a little breakfast with daddy,I smiled.It felt like I could run back to my mischievous ways again. "Will you go to office today?" I asked daddy. "No,I want to spend the day with you." He said and pulled me into his chest. "Let's go to your room." I whispered.We walked to his room but he didn't know what I was planning. As he sat down on the bed,I sat over him and pushed him down. "I've got something for you." I winked. "Did you forget that I am your father and not your boyfriend?" He asked. "I don't mind making you mine." I winked as I licked my lips. "Did you lure me into the bedroom to continue your mischievousness?" He smirked. "Of course.Why else would I come into your bedroom?" I asked as I leaned forward and licked his lips.I was sitting right over his legs.I could feel his erection. "This is wrong." He whispered. "Since when do you care about what's wrong and right?" I asked as I pulled down his pants. ''Fuck." He said. "I don't like it.Please don't do it." He said.A man said he didn't want his c**k to be sucked.That's surprising. "You are still not opening up yourself to me." I folded my arms over my chest. "It's just that you are my daughter." He said. "Look at me." I said as I laid over him. "I love you,okay?"  "I know you love me.I love you too." He put his fingers inside my hair. "It's only us now,daddy." I whispered as I took out a pair of handcuffs and a blindfold. "You excite me,baby girl." He whispered.I cuffed his hands to the headboard. "That's what I was born for,daddy.'' I smiled before covering his eyes with the blindfold. I opened my clothing.I sat over his crotch.I felt his c**k on my p***y. "What are you doing to me?" He moaned out. I took his hand and guided it to my boobs.He touched it and squeezed them.He pinched my n*****s as I moaned. I adjusted myself over his c**k and started to ride him.I grabbed the headboard to balance myself. It was all too good. After our steamy session,I opened his cuffs and blindfolded.I laid over him. "You mean everything to me,daddy." I whispered. "So do you,baby." He said. He looked at me with so angelic eyes.We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I was the one named angel but he was the real angel.How can a person be so kind? He fought the entire world just to bring me into this world. I broke the staring contest because thinking about his sacrifices made me emotional.I rested on his chest. "You are the best human being ever.I hope you know that." I whispered. "I will try to give you all the happiness you deserve." I said as I cupped his face. "You are all the happiness that I'll ever need,baby girl." He smiled. "But baby,this will lead us to nowhere.You will grow up,things will change.You will get married to someone and then leave me once and for all.I will get old and di-'' ''Why do you talk so much?" I frowned. "I said 'I love you' daddy.Did you not hear what I've said? I never need another man.You are the only one for me.No man in this world can match up to you." I whispered. "But I am your father.We have no future." He said.I got up from over his body and wore my clothes. I sat down on the edge of the bed with my face buried in my hands. "Baby girl,I love you so much but this is the truth.'' He said. "I don't f*****g care about the truth.Tell me,why don't we have a future together?" I asked. "Because we can't marry each other,this is incest.It is a crime."  "You are telling me that you don't want to be with me because people might judge right?" I asked. "No, that's not what I mean.'' He said. "Then don't care about everyone else.If it bothers you so much,we can spend our entire life in this bedroom." I smirked before kissing him. "Bend over.'' He said. "What?'' "Bend over." I bent down on the bed.My cheeks touched the bedsheets and the ass was up. He walked behind me and touched my p***y. "You're such a gem.'' He whispered. "oh god." I whispered as he slowly rubbed me. "Please,daddy.'' ''Please faster."  "Beg." He said. "Please daddy,faster please.ohhh god." I whispered as I bit on the sheets as his pace increased.I screamed as he entered a finger inside me.He pumped his fingers in and out of my p***y. "Ohhh,ohhh my god," "You're gonna make me cum." I cried as he fingered me more faster.As I was about to c*m,his fingers were replaced by his tongue.He pushed his tongue inside my v****a, desperate for my orgasm. He laid me straight until I didn't c*m. "Mhmmmm," I moaned out loud. "Huh.You..." I whispered in an unsteady voice. "You are so beautiful,baby girl.'' He said. "I don't want to let you go.Ever."  "I will never leave you daddy, that's a promise." I smiled. - To tease him a little bit more,I came out with Rita.If he won't beg for it,he won't get it. "This place has really good fries." Rita said. "Seriously? I know places which has better fries than here." I sighed. I told daddy that I will be home in an hour but it has been 3 hours now and I didn't answer his calls. "How are things between you and Trev?'' She asked. "I broke up with him.He was just a waste of time.I told him that I just wanted to be friends with him since we are friends since childhood but he wants to be romantically involved with me.I clearly rejected his wishes." I replied as I gobbled up the fries. "That guy.He likes you too much.You shouldn't have done that." She replied. "That guy was cheating on me,Rita.He is a f*****g cheater and he thought that I didn't know about it." I replied. "Didn't you approach him?"  "No,not now but I will later." "Will you come for a stayover this weekend?" She asked. "Don't know yet.I will let you know though." I replied.I looked at my phone as the vibration stopped. A message popped up. "Angel,come home immediately.It's urgent."  "I need to go." I said and stood up. - I walked through the door.It was silent inside. "Daddy? Where are you?" I yelled.I walked to his bedroom and found him in his balcony smoking. "Daddy,you said it was urgent.What's the matter?" I asked normally.Everything was normal until I didn't look at his face. His eyes and nose were red for what seemed like,he was crying for hours.My heart skipped a beat when I saw his phone on the ground,broken. "What happened?" I whispered as I rose my hand to touch him. "Don't touch me!" He screamed and slapped my hands away. "What? What happened?" I asked again. "Listen to me!" He gritted his teeth and grabbed both my wrists tightly. "Ouch!" I groaned in pain. "You like to play with people's lives,huh?" He asked. "What the hell are you talking about?"  "You f*****g cheated on me? You made a f*****g s*x tape?" He screamed and slapped me.I fell to the ground and held my cheeks. "What?" I cried. "Did you think that I wouldn't know about it?" "What are you talking about? When did I ever cheat on you?" I asked. "That guy,Trevor.He send me the s*x tape you made together.He threatened to go further if I didn't give you back to him." He said. "Daddy, it's from a long time ago." I said. "Stop lying to me!" His voice was tearing my ears apart. "You look at me.You will remember that I am your father and nothing else.If I see you stepping your feet out of this house,you will see the worst of me." He said. "I thought you'd be different but you're a f*****g slut like your mother!" - Edward POV   Angel was the last person I've had.When her ex boyfriend sent me a video of them.I was shocked.I was heartbroken. Why did she betray me?  She cheated on me.I was just a time pass to her like all those boys but she wasn't to me. I loved her more than anything else. She f****d me up.I let her f**k me up. Leaving,I had to intention to come back.I went to one of my penthouses and spent the night. Angel POV He didn't come back home for the next 7 days.I tried calling him but he never answered. The guards never let me out of this house. I missed him so much.I craved for his touch. That Trevor.I will end him but at the same time,I couldn't get ahold of him at all. I called his friends as well but they haven't a clue about what happened to him as well.Did he run away? Did he change his identity? Did daddy do something to him? Later that night,I curled up on daddy's bed.I had fever,terrible fever. I had no one to talk to.No one to turn to. I don't understand why I get fever so frequently. I called his number knowing that he won't pick up. I clicked the voicemail. "Was it so easy to live without me? You wouldn't let me explain what happened.You wouldn't let me tell you the truth.You are the one who's punishing yourself.Say,I did cheat on you but then? Didn't you cheat on me? Didn't you f**k another woman just after f*****g me? But did I do that? No.I was in a relationship previously and I didn't know that,that guy had a camera.Is it my fault? I never did anything instead you are punishing yourself and me.When you cheated on me,did I do something? Did I run away from everything? No, because I am not a f*****g coward and cheater like you are.You ran away because you can't face the truth.You called me a slut.You called your own daughter a slut.What kind of human are you? You think you are the best human being? Well,guess what.You are not.I don't want to insult you anymore.Have fun f*****g other women.The moment you will return,you will see my dead body."  Send. Losing people is a part of life but he was the only person that ever meant anything to me. He was punishing me. I gobbled up a few medicines together.If I die,he will regret f*****g with me. Well,I just hope I don't die. Edward POV It was midnight.Angel kept on calling me continuously.When the ringing ended,it went to voicemail. Her voice. Everything she said in the mail was right.I threw the phone and went back to sleep. I was in a vacation.It was peaceful.At least,for a few days,I could be stress-free. Later that night,I woke up by the ringing of my phone.I grabbed my phone and looked at it. It was the guard from my house. He better not call me to tell me that Angel outsmarted them and ran away again.I sighed. "Henry! I'm out of the town.What do you want?"  "Boss, something is wrong.Something terrible has happened." He said in a creaky voice. "What happened?" I sat up immediately. "Miss An-Angel consumed an unhealthy amount of medicine.She-she is taken to the hospital." He said. '' What?" I gasped. I wore my clothes and called my assistant. "Get the jet ready in 10 minutes."  - "What happened to her?" I asked.My heart was trembling.She tried to take her own life. "She consumed a huge amount of sleeping pills at once.Did she try to take her own life? You should take her to a professional." He said. "I-I will."  I walked towards her cabin. "She had a seizure a while ago.She fell asleep again." A nurse said and walked outside. - I groaned in pain.I had a terrible headache. "Oh god." I cried as I held my head.A hand reached up to my back as I looked up. I wasn't dreaming now.Was I? Angel thought to herself He didn't make any eye contact but just turned off the lights and massaged my head. Edward POV  "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Well,I was informed that you tried to take your life." I scoffed. "f**k you.Leave!" She said. "Angel,behave.I am your father!" I said strictly. "Well,in the last seven days,you weren't my father.You can't just hop into my life and exit whenever you want." She rolled her eyes. "What? You are gonna stay silent because you've got nothing to say? Let me tell you, wasn't I a slut? Why do you care about a slut now?" She scoffed. "I didn't mean it." I groaned and whispered as low as I could.I really didn't mean it.I was angry.It slipped out of my mouth. "What did you say?" She frowned. "Nothing." I whispered. "I don't want your presence,leave." She said.She still had the bruise on her cheek from the slap I gave her a few days earlier. "Shut up and sleep." I said. "Stop being f*****g rude." She said and closed her eyes.I gulped. She was in pain.She wouldn't show it in front of me.She was asking me to leave so she could cry on her own. She made a mistake.I wanted her to apologize. - Angel POV I blinked.It was morning.My headache was a lot less now.I looked to my left and he was still sitting on the chair beside my bed. His eyes were bloody red. "It would be great if you leave.A slut never looks forward on catching feelings through." I taunted. "Shut up,Angel.'' He said. "Or do you still love me?" I smirked. "Since when do you like sluts?" I asked. "I didn't mean it!'' He burst out. "You are my daughter and that's why I am here.I don't want to be romantically involved with you."  "Of course and I don't care.Not everyone deserves this body." I replied. "Oh,I will make sure that you won't be stepping out of the house." He said. " Try me." - Later that night,I laid on the bed.Alone. Life was meaningless at this point. I looked at the door as I heard a knock. "Call me if you need anything and take this pill after an hour." He said. "I don't want to stay here." I whispered. "What?'' He frowned. "I don't want to stay in this house anymore." I said again. "Then where do you want to stay?" He asked. "I want to live on my own.I just need some money now." I said. ''You are not going anywhere." He said calmly. "I am 18 and I can go anywhere without your approval." I said. "Yeah,right.Take the medicines." He said and turned around to leave. "Argh, f**k you!'' I screamed and pushed him from the back.Before he could hit the wall,He placed both of his hands on the wall to stop the force of my push.I do not know why I did that.I was so angry on him. He turned around angrily. "What did you just do?" He asked asked he gritted his teeth. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer. "What the f**k did you just do?" He yelled. "Do you want to know what I did? What I f*****g did?" I yelled and pushed him again but this time,his back hit the wall and I captured his lips immediately.He tried to pull away from me but I sucked harder on his lips. "You listen to me." I whispered as I grabbed his jaw. "Don't f**k with me,Angel." He said,"You are a cheater and you have to accept it.''  "Okay fine.I am a cheater,I am a slut,I am a w***e,I am also your daughter and I am also the woman you love." I said. "Isn't that correct?"  He moved to walk out of the room but I didn't let him. "Leave me.'' He groaned. "So easily?" I asked. "If you deny that you love me one more time,I will kill myself right in front of you." I whispered. "I am not afraid of anything,daddy but I know what you are afraid of.You never want to see me die." I said. "You can never run away from me." I whispered.
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