
1234 Words
Edward POV I never truly understood the meaning of pain but I realized how terrible this feeling is. It will eat you up from inside you, ripping every veins of your heart. That's what pain was. And I understood pain when Angel distanced herself from me. She was quieter than ever.She wouldn't talk to anyone.Just herself, all alone.Sometimes, she went out to hang out with her friends and it was just sometimes. The Angel I knew never stopped talking, not even for a second. She just went numb.If I asked her she would just reply in simply yes or no. My heart felt like there was a war going on inside it.Everything was in fact,my fault.I was the one who got into her words and then had s*x with her and then I broke her heart because I was frustrated. I couldn't take this anymore.I stood in front of her room and knocked on the door. She opened the door.I looked at her. Our eyes finally met. "Angel..." I whispered. "Dad" She replied. "Can I...can I come in?" I asked. "I am busy." She replied.She pushed the door but I stopped her just in time. "Please? I just need to talk to you." I said. "Well,I don't so just move!" She frowned as she struggled to close the door. "Angel,you can't ignore me forever! You need to let me repent for what I did." I said. "Well,I don't give a f**k about you and right now, you will close this door and if you are wondering why I haven't left the house already, it's because I am generous enough to stay with you even after what you did.So you better be grateful for what you have." She said. I left struggling and headed back to my room. I just wanted to fix things between us. Later that day,I sat on the living room thinking about her.I was a bad person.She wasn't at the fault this time.I was. I hurt her. I caused her pain. Angel POV I walked down the living room just to see him sitting on the couch and smoking. There were no maids around in the house. I ignored him and walked towards the kitchen to grab some food.As I turned around,I saw him standing behind me. I frowned and narrowed down my eyes.I was too tired for an argument right now. I moved to walk away and he stood in front of me again. "Please move.I don't want to argue anymore." I said. "Then forgive me." He said as he grabbed my wrists. I sighed.I tried to break free from him but he was too strong. He turned me around and pushed me to the wall.I faced the wall and he pressed his body against mine from behind. I could feel his hardness on my back. "I told you this will ruin you,this will ruin us but no,you will never listen to me because you think you are the wisest human being ever! I told you a million times,I tried a million times to stop you from doing what's wrong but no,you had to come up with a way to seduce me, your father,your f*****g blood! Now,you are acting like all the blame goes to me!" He yelled. I could smell the alcohol.He was drunk. "I lost everything for you,every person I've ever loved but you will never see any of that because you think you are always right and I am always wrong!" He gritted his teeth. "Dad, leave me.You are drunk and you need to go to sleep and so do I." I said calmly. "Do you know how much pain I have been through just because I wanted you to be in my arms?" He asked.I frowned.What was he talking about? I tried around and got scared.His face was drenched with tears and his eyes were red as blood. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "My parents,my friends,my relatives,every f*****g person told me that I was characterless.I was a spoiled child,I was a f*****g rapist because your mother claimed that I raped her and that's how she got pregnant.So she wouldn't have to get lashed out at her home.I lost my name,my f*****g dignity,my image.Everyone told me to let your mother abort you but I f*****g ignored everyone and I worked hard on my own just to provide her child support but do you know that? No! You don't even f*****g know half the story and every time you hurt me! I know I have my fault but let's talk about you too!" He took a long breath after saying all that.My eyes filled with tears.I never knew this story.I never knew his pain and it was true that I brought him just the amount of pain as he did to me but he didn't do it intentionally,I did. "Daddy, come on.Let's go to sleep okay?" I asked.I held his hand and made our way to his bedroom. Suddenly,he ran to the bathroom and puked. "Fuck." I muttered. I helped him lay on the bed as I laid beside him.He looked beautiful while sleeping.I never knew that his past was this much terrible.If I knew so much,I wouldn't have hurt him. Edward POV I woke up and several realizations of last night hit me but the most beautiful thing was,I was sleeping in Angel's arms.She was sleeping like a princess. I remembered everything from last night. Angel opened her eyes and frowned at the sunlight.Oh,how she hated the morning sunshine. Before she could say anything,I cupped her face and said,"Angel,baby,I am so sorry.I was so drunk last night.I didn't mean to hurt you in any way.I am s--" Before I could finish,she put her index finger on my lips. "You talk too much,daddy." She smiled. She smiled. I felt alive.It has been so long since I've seen her smile. "I never meant to hurt you." I said. "Let's just forget the past and focus on the future okay?" I asked. She nodded and smiled.She didn't stop staring at me with a huge grin on her face. "Stop staring at me,baby girl." I said. "Thank you, daddy,for everything,for bringing me into this world." She said. "Oh,I had to." I smiled. She pushed me and laid on top of me as she snuggled under my neck. "Why didn't you tell me all this earlier?" She asked. "I couldn't,baby.You've always been a happy person and I didn't want to ruin it by bringing my past in front of you." I said. She looked into my eyes and said,"Your pain means my pain.Please don't hide things from me like this.You think too much and stop thinking so much.You make me feel like I am not being a good daughter that I can't even take care of you." She said. "No,you are my everything,baby.You are the best daughter to me." I said. "You know daddy,if you have told me all this earlier,I would have never ever hurt you like this." She said and narrowed down her eyes.I put her hair behind ear and said,"It's okay,baby.It was my fault but you also need to know that I felt guilty for doing you wrong.I didn't know what to do." "I am sorry for being so rude to you and cursing at you so much.I am not a good daughter.A good daughter never hurts her father like I hurt you,daddy." She said. "It's okay,baby but you know,Angel,when you turn away from me,my whole world falls apart because you are everything I have.Please don't ever leave me." I said. "I won't ever leave you,I love you the most daddy." She smiled and kissed my cheeks. "You really need to teach me some manners." She said as I laughed. "Well,we can talk about the punishments later but let's have breakfast together now.It has been so long since you've had breakfast with me." I said. "Yes, let's go!" She exclaimed.
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