Bitter Truth : We will never be the same

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"I will be your shadow in the darkness." He took her phone because it was still with him.Her wallpaper had a picture of him holding her in his arms and her giving a huge smile. He opened her phone and went to the galleries.He saw many pictures of her.She was so beautiful. "I promise,she will show up.She is just a kid you know.Kids do these all the time but Ed,this isn't supposed to affect you this way." Victoria massaged his head. He didn't eat neither sleep since the past 5 days.All he did was smoke cigarettes one after one,in his balcony with a hope that one of his men will bring a little bit of information on his baby.He didn't care about himself and if anything happened to her,he will kill himself. His heart was dry and he didn't even feel like he had a heart anymore. To the outside world,he was a heartless man but with her he felt like he had a heart,even if it was cold. The thunder roared loudly.It reminded him of his Angel.She used to be scared of thunders. Edward POV "She is scared of thunders." I whispered.Who will hug her and make her understand that it's just a thunder.Whose chest will she sleep on now? "I promise,she is fine." Tory said. A flashback rushed back to my mind. I ran outside as I heard Angel screaming.She wasn't in her room.I followed her sobs and it directed me to the kitchen. "What are you doing in the kitchen at 2 in the morning? And why are you crying, sweetheart?" I asked as I pulled her to my chest. ''Daddy,the-the thunder is so loud.I came here to eat because I was famished.'' She sobbed. "Prepare something for her." I motioned to one of the maids. "This is the reason why I tell you to eat something before you sleep." I said and wiped her tears. "You scared the hell out of me." I whispered. "Sorry to wake you up,daddy.'' She narrowed her eyes. "You don't need to be sorry,you will come to me when you feel scared okay?'' I cupped her face and smiled. She hugged me tightly and breathed out. - I can't believe she actually is living without me.I couldn't survive a day longer without her and I certainly didn't want to die knowing that my daughter,my baby girl hates me so much. I prayed every second to God that I will find some information about her. I've never prayed to God for anything.Not even for the biggest project.Not even when my business was falling apart. But my daughter,why did she leave me? A knock was placed on my door as me and Tory both looked at the door. "Come in." Tory said.It was Henry. "I've found her,boss." He whispered. Upon hearing those words,I came back to life,I felt like my heart was finally beating. Without wasting another second,I ran outside and I hopped into my car.Henry drove me there as fast as possible. "Where is she living?" I asked. ''Her apartment is located in the Green way street,road 31." He replied. Apartment? "How did you find her?" I asked. "We got her information from the reception.She was still hiding when we searched the place." He said. I opened her phone again and looked at the text messages.She ignored so many boys. Why? She was beautiful, she was tempting. "Boss,we are here." He said.It was 2:48 am and silent all around.I walked to her apartment and rang the doorbell hoping she would open. No answer. I rang it again. A girl opened the door and gasped.Henry covered her mouth,"If you scream,if you die." He said to the girl. "Where is she?" I whispered.She gestured to a room. "Get out of the house." I whispered as Henry took the girl out of the house.I locked the main door and walked towards the bedroom. I slowly opened the door. Angel. Angel POV I woke up as I heard footsteps approaching me.I was way too sleepy and I would kill Rita if it was her. But it wasn't her. The footsteps were slow and intimidating.I heard heavy breathing and it weren't of any female's. I opened my eyes just to face the biggest nightmare.I immediately stood on my knees. ''Daddy?" I whispered and gulped.He didn't look sweet but his head was bent down and he looked like a phycho serial killer on the run. "Daddy,what happened to you? You look like hell." I whispered as I touched his messed up hair.I lifted his jaw and backed up a bit when his eyes met mine.He looked demeanor. Like the devil. "Why did you leave me?" He asked in a different tone. ''Because you chose her over me." I whispered as I touched his sharp beard on his cheek. "I am tired of hearing the same answer and I am tired of explaining you the difference between you and her." He said. ''Why can't you consider my happiness?" He asked. "At least,for once?" He added. "Daddy,I want you to be happy and that's why I left." I said. "I can never be happy without you.You are my daughter,my creation.How could you leave me?" He asked in a hurtful tone. "Because I cannot bear this pain!" My eyes welled up. ''Why?" He asked. "Because I love you,daddy!" I cried. "What does it have to do with you loving me?" He asked.Of course he was confused because nothing makes sense to him right now. "You don't understand." I whispered as I cupped his face.I stood on bed and looked into his eyes. "What do I not understand? Explain it to me and I will fix it." He said. Without thinking,or giving it a second thought,I pressed my lips over his.He widened his eyes in shock.He tried to push me but I kissed him until his mouth was drenched with my saliva. "What the f**k is wrong with you? I am your father.Are you in your f*****g mind?" He narrowed his eyes in embarrassment. "I am sorry but I want you,daddy." I whispered.He grabbed my arm and pulled me. "We are going home and that's final." He said. Continuation of Edward POV I thought I could finally sleep peacefully after finding Angel but I couldn't believe what she did. She kissed me. My own daughter kissed me on the lips. Truth be told, I've never tasted a lip so divine.I could still feel her kiss on my lips.I touched my throbbing lips. I coughed when I saw her walking down the stairs. On the other hand,Tory left early in the morning because she thought Angel hated her and she was better off where she used to live. She sat a bit away from me and started to eat her breakfast. She wasn't ashamed neither was she embarrassed.She was normal and silent. "Angel,I didn't choose her over you." I said.She didn't respond.She didn't even move.She was acting like I didn't even exist. "Angel, please.Talk to me." I said. "She's gone, Angel.I did what you wanted." I said again. "Talk to me, goddamn it!" I shouted as I slammed my hands on the table.She flinched a bit and stood up. I ran to her and grabbed her arm. "What do you want me do to? Just tell me!" I whispered. "I told you,daddy.You've already lost me.I don't care about anything anymore.'' She whispered as she tried to hold back her tears. "Get back in your senses.You are going crazy." I said. "You don't love me." She cried. "Who told you that I don't love you? I love you the most and I let Victoria go only because I love you the most and I have regarded your happiness.I didn't care about myself because I don't matter to me,you do baby.You do." I said. She wiped her tears and said,"I need sleep." "Come with me." I said. "No,I need to be alone." She said. "You do not need to be alone, you've been alone for more than you need and now you will come with me." I said as pulled her towards my room. She laid down silently as I sat beside her. Suddenly,she took my hands and brought it closer to her lips. "I really love you,daddy." She whispered. "I know, sweetheart.I love you too." He said. "I don't mean that way." She whispered.My heart skipped a beat.She took my hand and guided it to her chest. I immediately pulled away my hand."What do you think you are doing,Angel?" I asked. "I know what I am doing,you just have to let me in." She whispered as she sat on my lap,right above my crotch. "Angel, sweetheart,this isn't right.I am your father!" I said. "I don't care.I want you,I've wanted you since a very long time but I didn't approach you thinking what you will think,what the society will think." She whispered as her lips moved towards my neck. "I don't want to push you off my lap so please get up,Angel.You are not in your mind.I understand that you and I have lived together for so many years without any other person coming between us and our love is only for each other but baby this isn't right.It is a sin." I said. "I am not crazy.I know what is right and what is wrong.So,I don't care.I've waited so long to be eighteen.I want you,I want you so bad.I was unsure of everything until I kissed you last night and when you kissed me back,I knew I was right.'' She whispered and moved her hands towards my chest.She was about to kiss me but I pushed her,"I am your father!" I exclaimed! She was going crazy.She fell off my lap and hit her head on the night stand table. She slowly groaned in pain and before I could even react she rushed out of my room crying. I ran after her and grabbed the door before she could close it. "f*****g leave!" She yelled. I pushed the door and it opened.I went inside the room and grabbed her. "What is wrong with you? What has gotten into you?" I asked. "Leave.I don't want to see you!" She said. "Look, whatever you are doing, it's wrong and you need to understand." I cupped her face. "The thing you need to understand is that you will love me like I love you!" She said as she locked the door. "Angel, baby girl.This will ruin you." I said. "No, daddy.It will save me from falling apart." She whispered.
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