Happy Days

2092 Words
"And if you ask for my life,I will give it to you smilingly." Angel POV Well,last night he stormed out of my room and it was a massive fail.Well,I am not giving up. He cannot ignore me forever.A smirk appeared on my face as I thought of all the things I could do to him. Daddy. He left for office this morning without having breakfast or saying goodbye to me. Once he get home,I will make him feel good. I waited the whole day.I just hoped that he would come back soon.I jumped out of the bed when I heard his voice. It was 9 pm. If he only knew that I touched myself twice today while thinking about him. Hehe. After an hour of waiting I decided to approach him once again.I silently walked inside daddy's room.He was in the balcony,smoking. I slowly went to the balcony and placed my hands on his shoulder. He gasped. Nervous.I like that. "Didn't you promise to quit smoking?" I asked as I slowly took the cigarette from between his fingers and placed it on the ashtray. "What are you doing here? Didn't I mention that you are grounded?" He asked. "No,you didn't." I whispered and sat on his lap. "I am sorry." I added. I was never sorry,daddy. "It's okay but that doesn't mean that you aren't grounded.Go back to your room, it's way past your bedtime." He said. "Oh,you are telling me to leave?" I asked. "Yes." He said.He didn't even look at me once this whole time. "Okay.I will leave then." I got off his lap and was about to walk away.He grabbed my wrists and pulled me in front of him. "If you keep on doing such activities,I will send you to a boarding school." He said. "I know you don't love me anymore.It wouldn't make a difference because...'' I leaned closer to his ear,"You've already learnt to live without me." I faked a smile and stood straight. "And of course with me out of the equation,it is easier for you to f**k and love anyone of your choice without making anyone jealous." I whispered. "Angel, you've crossed your limits and I don't know how longer can I tolerate your incorrigible behaviour." He said. "I am sorry,daddy.If I knew loving someone was a crime,then I probably wouldn't." I said. "Loving someone isn't a crime but seducing your own father definitely is." He said. "Is it my fault? Can you control your feelings? Do you get to choose with whom you fall in love?" I asked as I sat on my knees in front of him. He was silent.Of course,he didn't have an answer. "I am just trying to prevent you from doing what's wrong and it's my duty to do so." He said. "It isn't wrong to fall in love." I said. "I am your father,Angel! YOUR FATHER.I created you.You are my blood.We share the same DNA." He said. "I don't care.I don't want to care.I just want you." I whispered. "This is forbidden between us.It is incest, Angel!" He said. "Daddy... don't you want this too? I know you want this..." I whispered. "No, Angel.I don't want this." He said. ''Then why did you kiss me back?" I asked. "It was an impulse." He narrowed down his eyes. "Then let this be an impulse as well.I need one taste of you.Just one taste.'' I said. "Angel...no." He said. I took his hand and guided it to my chest.I was wearing a crop top and with no bra underneath. "You feel it?" I asked as my n*****s hardened. "Angel,this is wrong." He said. "But who will know about it?" I asked. "Let's forget about the world." I added as my hands moved to his boxers. "Angel." He whispered. ''Oh,I am no angel daddy." I licked my lips and opened his boxers.I removed his c**k and took it in my hands.I gasped at it's size. "f**k,daddy." I whispered as I bent down my head. I slowly licked the tip and I moaned,"Mhm...daddy." I opened my mouth and pushed his shaft inside my mouth.As long as I could take it. "f**k,baby,f**k,f**k fuck." He grabbed my hair and arched his head back. He breathed heavily as I gagged and choked.I moved my head up and down until I could feel him deep in my throat.I removed him from my throat and sucked his balls.He was certainly delicious. I sucked his c**k again while my hands moved. "Oh god, fuck." He groaned. The sound of liquids splattering in my mouth was certainly the best as I swallowed his c*m. "You're so delicious,daddy." I whispered as I sat on his lap.I could feel his hard cock.I was still dressed. "You know,if you want,you can do a lot of things to me." I said as I guided his hand under my t-shirt. "Stop,Angel.'' He whispered. I didn't stop.I took his fingers to where my n*****s were.I placed my n*****s between his fingers. "Do you want to see... what's underneath?" I whispered in his ears. "Angel,baby.Let's go to sleep okay?'' He whispered. Without letting me say anything,he lifted me in his arms and took me to his bed.He placed me on the bed and laid down beside me,facing his back at me. "Daddy?" I asked. "Hmm?" "Do I bother you a lot?" I whispered. Edward POV "Do I bother you a lot?" She whispered and wrapped her thin hands around my body. I wasn't ready to face her.My daughter,my very own daughter just gave me a blowjob. I didn't even stop her. How could I? I was paralyzed and numb.I could barely breathe at that moment. Nothing will ever be the same. Why am I facing this situation? Why doesn't she understand? "No,you don't.Now sleep.'' I said.I didn't want to engage in any sort of conversation with her. She was such an angel.I don't understand, how is she such a devil and how did I never see her becoming one? "I am sorry,daddy." She whispered again as she hugged me tightly from behind. "It's fine.Sleep." I said. She sat up and moved her face over my body to face me. "I am sorry,daddy.I didn't mean to push you into something you don't want.I promise to never do it." She said. "Okay." I replied "Just okay? Talk to me daddy please.Tell me that I am forgiven.'' She said. "Just sleep and let me sleep goddamn it!" I increased my tone a bit.Not too much but pretty intimidating. Her eyes became a bit moisty and she gave me a smile before getting off the bed. That's what weakened me,her eyes.Those angelic yet so not angelic eyes. I didn't stop her because I needed sleep and soon I dozed off. - Angel's results were supposed to be given today and I was waiting for her to come home soon. I didn't expect much from her this year because I understood that she was going through a phase and it happens sometimes. I saw her walking inside the house with a backpack around her back and her eyes on the ground. She was sad. As expected. She came near me and handed me the reports.I opened the paper. "First position achieving certificate." A smile curved up my lips. "That's so good.Congratulations,Angel." I smiled at her. She faked a smile and went to her room. I was happy after a very long time. - I went to the backyard to find her because that's the place she goes when she is sad. "Yeah,I know I am selfish." She said on the phone while swinging on the swing chair.I gave her phone back because of her good results. "I know.I cannot control my feelings.Is it my fault that I am in love with my own father? He doesn't understand.He doesn't even know what I am going through and what kind of dangerous game fate is playing on me." She said. "Mhm...I just want him back.I swear he is disgusted of me right now." "I literally gave him a bj last night." She whispered. "He will never understand what I feel for him.He only thinks that I am a child.Yada,yada,yada." She said. "I guess I will have to try to not love him as a person but just as a daughter or else,I will end up hurting myself." She said.I walked towards her and snatched her phone. "What?" She furrowed her brows. "There's something in the mail for you." I said. She took her phone from my hand and started walking,"Yeah,you could've just called me and say that--Angel,there is something in the mail for you.-- instead of snatching my phone." Her voice faded away soon as she walked towards the house. She opened the package and glanced at what's inside.There was a small note. "Who sent this?" I asked. "Just a guy from my school.'' She replied. "Oh,you know the guy?" I asked. "No." She replied. I shook my head and walked closer to her.She looked at me and placed her head on my chest. "Daddy,I want us back." She whispered. "Let's forget what happened last night and I promise I will try my best to control my emotions." She hugged me tighter.I held her and we went to my room. "I know that I--" I placed a thumb on her lips. "Shh.I know.It's okay." I said. "You know,I can't keep my hands to myself when I see you." She whispered.She is started again with her seducing me. "Who took your virginity?" I asked. "No one." She narrowed her eyes. "I won't repeat myself.Answer me." I said. She looked at me and said,"You did." "What happened that night?" "Forgive me, daddy.'' She sat on the ground and touched my legs. "Just tell me what happened." I held her up and made her sit on my lap. "Will you forgive me after I...I tell you the truth?" She asked. "Tell me." I said. "Well, don't blame me because a-a friend of mine gave me this idea and...I-I drugged you.You weren't in your senses so you thought I was your girlfriend and you... actually it's my fault.I keep f*****g up but what was supposed to do.I loved you so much and I couldn't bear seeing someone else with you.You know,I am fine with whatever you do.Stay angry with me,or hit me.You should send me to jail for it or you can disown me.I deserve it.'' She breathed out. Angel POV He didn't speak, suddenly,he crashed his lips on mine.He kissed me. He kissed me. My father kissed me. Fuck,yes! He kissed me. I gripped his hair and kissed him harder.He pulled away to breathe. "Daddy?" I whispered as I put my hands on his cheek. "Hmm?" He asked. "Aren't you going to disown me?" I asked. "You are all I have,my angel,you are the only reason that I am alive.What am I without you?" He asked. "But you love Victoria..." My voice tone decreased with every word. "Angel...'' He whispered. "I know I am not the daughter you dreamt of,I am a sinner,a-a- an undeserving and filthy human being,I don't deserve you,I don't deserve this luxury and this happiness." I narrowed down my eyes. He lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes. "No,you are not the daughter I imagined but you are way better than what I dreamt of and to me nothing is more precious than you,my angel.I'd trade all these riches and luxury in exchange of you..." He said. "I don't care about anything else when you are in my arms." He whispered. "And I don't care about anything else when I am in your arms." I smiled. Then I melted into his arms. "You've always been the best daughter to me except for the part where you've started using foul languages but you have to promise me that you will rectify your behaviour." He said.I laughed slowly. "Okay." I said while giggling. "I am not joking,baby girl." He said. "Okay,daddy.I will try my best to not--" That's all I managed to get out of my system before bursting out in laughter. "I will try." I said. "Pfft." He rolled his eyes. "And for doing such a pretty result in studies, I've got a little something for you." He said. "What?" I asked out of curiousity. "Wait here." He said and got off the bed as he headed towards his closet. He came back with something in his hands. "Congratulations, baby girl." He said and handed me the boxes. "Thank you, daddy.'' I said and opened the largest box first. "What's this?" I whispered to myself. It was a brand new laptop. "Oh my god.Thank you so much daddy." I hugged him tightly.He remembered to get me a new laptop as I've been complaining about the previous one's performance. "I love you so much.You are the best daddy ever!" I exclaimed. "Calm down sweetheart and I am happy that you liked it." He gave me a warm smile. I opened the second box.It had a letter inside of it.I looked at the signature and my breathing literally stopping. It was a f*****g HAND WRITTEN LETTER from my favourite athlete. "Daddy,I love you." I cried as I hugged him. "I don't have enough to say to you, daddy.I am so sorry for being a headache always.I love you, daddy." I said. "Look,he even personally invited you to his next match.We can go to the stadium together." He said. "Fu-- I- I mean,yessssss!" I shouted. "I love you daddy." I hugged him tightly. "Anything for my little baby girl." He smiled.
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