Bitter Truth : She left me

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"If you are happier without me,then I will leave.With a smile on my face and a sword in my heart." Edward POV Victoria fell asleep quickly but I couldn't.I couldn't fall asleep.That face came in my mind again and again. My daughter was crying because of me.My sweetheart was crying.My baby was crying. My eyes wide open in the darkness. I looked over at Victoria.I cared for her but I felt no emotions. My mind was elsewhere.Was my daughter sleeping peacefully? Was she in peace now?  Or what if she was still crying? What did I do? What did I do? I sat up abruptly."What happened?" Tory asked me as she rubbed her eyes. "Nothing,go back to sleep." I said.She closed her eyes and dozed off.I lit a cigarette and went to the balcony. I didn't understand her jealousy.Why was she so jealous? Why was she hurt? I took small puffs of the cigarette. Just last night,my little baby was sleeping right in my arms,in my chest.I missed her giggles.I missed her nonstop talkings. I missed her and I felt like an asshole. I rushed things and I should've talked with her calmly.I should've asked that why she was so jealous and why she was so saddened? I am sure she had a reasonable explanation because she never does anything without a valid reason. I love her the most and she doesn't believe that.She hates me now.She thinks I love Tory more than I love her. Now how do I explain that she is and will always be the person I love the most. She was my daughter,she was my creation.I loved her beyond anything in this universe. I looked at my phone and looked at the silly texts she used to send me every night. Baby girl : "Daddy,I was thinking about buying a land on mars."  I laughed at the text. Suddenly,a story came back to my mind as I went through the texts. Baby girl : "Daddy,can I come to your room and sleep?" Me : "Yes,baby.Of course." She knocked on my door as I opened it. "What happened, sweetheart?" I asked as she hugged me tightly. "I had a bad dream." She whispered.I carried her and we both laid on the bed. "It's just a dream,honey.It's not real.I am here." I said as I slowly rubbed her chest.Her breathing was rapidly increasing. "Daddy,will you ever love someone else more than me?" She asked and blinked sweetly. "No,never.Why do you think so much about this? You know that I love you more than anything." I replied. I smiled as I thought of that night. I missed her. - "Emma, didn't Angel wake up?" I asked.I sat on the table with Tory for breakfast.I was waiting for Angel to show up.It was 10 am and she wasn't still up.Tory started her breakfast already because she was really hungry and I didn't mind. "No,she didn't." She replied. "Wake her up and call her downstairs for breakfast." I ordered. "Ok sir." She left quickly. After a while,she came back and said,"Sir,Ms.Angel is not in her room." She said.I stood up. "You listen to me,if you love me,if you really, truly and genuinely love me,if you do not regret having me,if I really am your daughter,you will tell her to stay away or if at the moment,she steps her feet in this house,at that very moment,you will lose me and I swear this on you." Her words rushed through my mind. "What?" I whispered in shock.Another maid came towards me. "Sir,Ms.Angel left early this morning,at 5 am with a luggage.She told us that you know she is leaving." She said. "What the f**k?And none of you bothered to ask me?!" I slammed my hands on the table. She narrowed down her eyes. "f*****g find her!" I yelled.Where the f**k has she gone? She was serious when she said I would lose her.It was my fault.I was being selfish.I chose Tory over her.She hated me.She left me. My men immediately started to search for her but they all were f*****g useless. There was a search all over the country. Angel POV It's been five days since I have left that house.I rented an apartment and stayed there.I heard there was a search for me. They were searching for me. I didn't want to go back.I didn't want my forbidden emotions to rise up again.I didn't want pain. I didn't want pain. This was going very hard.I missed him but whenever I reminded myself of what he did,I hated him. This was the longest I've gone without seeing or talking to him.I didn't even have a cell phone at that point because he took my phone as a punishment. Thank god I didn't have my phone or else he would trace it to my address. His men didn't lack anyhow.They searched for me everywhere but they didn't find me.I was staying in such a place. I had my connections. They even came to this apartment to search for me.Thankfully,Rita,a close friend of mine substituted me while I was hiding elsewhere. Hopefully,they won't come here again. I didn't want to see his dreadful face again. - If he loves his girlfriend so much,he should be happy without me.I told him several times that he will lose me and despite knowing that he still brought her in our house. Even if he finds me, whatever he does, nothing will ever be the same. I will never forget that he chose someone else over me. Never. He broke my heart,as a father. No daughter will bear seeing her father choose another woman over her. Even when I was attracted to him,I know it was a sin and it was a taboo. It was incest and it probably happened for the best.Maybe fate separated us to prevent me from doing this huge sin. Maybe it's for the best but I was not ready to accept it.Not so soon. I haven't even started doing anything. - Yawning,I walked towards the kitchen. "Good morning,roomie." I said as I gave Rita a hug from behind. "Good morning,Angel.Is this the time you wake up? We almost got caught." She said as she placed the plates on the table. "What do you mean?" I asked. "They came again to search the place.Thankfully,they just asked a few questions and left." She said. "Thank god." I sighed. "Your daddy is going crazy.I think you should go back to him." She said. "Ah, don't talk rubbish." I elbowed her,"He chose his girlfriend over me and I am pretty sure no father does that.He doesn't love me." "I don't understand one thing.Everyone has fathers but no one reacts the way you do when your father gets a girlfriend.It's normal.He needs to move on with his life.He loves you a lot, you're just too blind to see it." She explained. "Don't you ever think how it will affect him? You are the only person he has,you are his only family." She added. "I know but I am not the only girl he loves." I murmured. "How can a person love only one person? He is your father,Angel.He loves you because you are his daughter and he loves Victoria because she is the love of his life.One day,you will also find a partner and then you will understand the difference between a father and a lover." She said. "I know I am selfish.I don't want to share him with anyone." I whispered. "Why are you talking like--wait,Angel?" She widened her eyes. "Are you in love with your father?" She gasped.I rolled my eyes and looked somewhere else. "Don't judge me.It is not in my control." I replied. "I will never ever judge you but it is a sin,Angel." She said. "I know and I don't care." I rolled my eyes again. "Well,now everything makes sense." She said. "I don't want him to love anyone more than me." I said. "Then make him understand,show him that you love him.Not as a daughter but as a person." She said. "I know and I want to.I just don't know where to start..."
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