Happy Days but with a Twist

1441 Words
''If I love you,I will love you for a whole eternity." Edward POV "Hey,did you have fun?" I asked to Angel who was eating ice cream and watching the television. "I did." She said without making any eye contact.Her eyes were fixed on the tv screen. "I love you, Angel." I said abruptly.She looked at me and smiled.She placed the box on the table and moved to my lap, wrapping her thin hands around my body. "I love you more daddy." She said. "But not the way you love me." She added. "Shh." I put a thumb on her lips. "Kiss me." She said. "No." I said. "Please?" She pleaded. "No." I said again.It was fun to tease her. She rolled her eyes and moved back from my lap to the couch.She looked at me TV silently. "Come here." I said.She didn't reply. "Angel, come here,baby.I was just joking." I said.She looked at me, sighed and rolled her eyes.I sat closer to her and cupped her face. She put her hands on mine and narrowed down her eyes. "Are you sad?" I asked. "No." She replied. I pressed my lips over hers as she kissed me back. "I love you daddy." She moaned. "Oh, baby girl.I love you more." I said and hugged her. "Can I sleep with you tonight? It feels like I am having a fever.'' She murmured. "Of course,you don't need to ask and why didn't you tell me?" I asked. I carried her and took her to my room. "Are you okay? Do you want to eat something?" I asked. "Yes,I want soup." She said. "Okay, wait." I said.I went downstairs and ordered one of the maids to prepare some soup for her. I walked back in the room just to see my baby girl curled up inside the duvet. I laid down beside her.I touched her forehead,it was burning. I immediately jumped off the bed and got some meds. "Baby,how did you get sick?" I asked. "I don't know." She whispered. She was looking into my eyes and blinked slowly. "Baby girl?" I asked. "Hmm?" She responded.I moved my head towards her to kiss her but she moved back. "What are you doing?'' She asked. "Kissing you?" I replied. "I have fever,you can't kiss me or else you will have fever too.'' She whispered in a very low tone. "Oh? Since when do you care about my health?" I asked. "Since ever." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever." I said. "No, really.I care about you,daddy." She said. "I know you care about me." I smiled. "And yes,you promised to never smoke again." She said. "I don't smoke, it's just sometimes when I am tensed or sad." I said "Were you tensed while I ran away or were you sad?" She asked. I stared at her for a while. "Both, baby.Why did you run away? How could you even think of living without me?" I asked. "Well,you...I don't want to talk about it.It's painful." She said and turned around.I went under the duvet and hugged her burning body. "You know I love you and you don't need to run away again." I said and kissed her neck. A knock was placed on the door.I opened the door and it was my baby girl's soup. I took it and placed it on the night stand table. "Baby,get up and eat the soup." I said and helped her sit up. I slowly fed her the soup. She looked pale. "Daddy,I needed to tell you something." She said. "Yes, baby girl.What is it?" He asked. "Do you promise to not be mad at me?" Her voice was so low and cracky,that for a moment,I almost broke down. "What is it, baby?" I asked. "First promise that you won't be mad at me." She said as I gave her another spoon of the soup. "I can't promise anything but I will try my best to not react." I said. "Daddy,I have a boyfriend." She said.I froze for a moment and I wanted to slap her,slap her so hard that she will never ever forget. But why did she tell me? "Oh..." I said. ''Why did you tell me this?" I asked. "Because,I don't know what to do.We have been friends since ever and I can't just break up with him out of blue.That guy has real feelings for me.I can't let him down." She said.Every word she said angered me to an unbelievable level. "What about you? Do you have real feelings for him?'' I asked. "What?No,no.Of course not." She replied. "Then what's the problem? Go break up with him because I am your father and I am telling you to do this." I said. "But-" "No,buts.I broke up with Victoria a woman who actually loved me and maybe I loved her as well.I broke up with her for your happiness and you will do the same." I said. "Okay,I am sorry.Don't be mad." She said and placed her head on my chest. "Get up,finish the rest of the soup." I said. "Feed me like this." She said. "No,you shouldn't eat while laying down." I said. "Oh daddy." She rolled her eyes.She sat up and kissed my cheeks. "I love you, daddy." She said. "I know,baby.I love you too but have you realized that how many times you've said that to me already?" I joked. "Okay,I won't say I love you,hmph!" with that she turned around. "I was joking baby girl." I said and tickled her. "Oh my--daddy,stop,stop!" She laughed.She fell on the bed as she laughed. "Don't, daddy.Stop." She continued giggling.My lips brushed against her neck as she stopped laughing and her heartbeat increased. I looked at her. "You're so beautiful,baby girl." I said. "I got that from you,after all you are so sexy." She winked. "Get up and take the meds." I said as I handed her the pills. She swallowed the pills with the water. "Thank you,daddy." She said. "Anything for you,my little baby." I said.She laid down and closed her eyes. "Sleepy?" I whispered. "Mhm." She said. "Have a good night." I said. "Don't whispered so sexily.I am tired of having wet dreams of you." She said.I was shocked by the sudden confession. "Well..." I laughed. "We will see if that dream comes to reality." She said. "Yeah,keep on dreaming." I said.No way on earth was I going to f**k my own daughter.Nope,no. She silently laughed.It kind of scared me. "Let's see." She said. "I won't rush anything,I will wait a couple more days." She whispered seductively.The fever started to wear off. My hand,which was around her stomach was grabbed by her small hand. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked. She didn't answer but she guided my hands to her crotch and that's when I realized that she was naked. Fuck. She placed my fingers on her pussy.I felt her pussy.I f*****g felt her pussy.I f*****g touched my daughter's p***y. Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. "Angel!" I moved my fingers away from her. "What do you think you are doing? And-and wear your pants for god's sake." I said. "You sure you don't want to touch it?Touch me and I will let you see it." She said. "Oh my god,Angel! I am your FATHER.Don't you get it? I am your FATHER! F-A-T-H-E-R!" I said. "Okay, so why did you kiss me then?" She asked as she pulled up her pants. "f**k,I just kissed you.That doesn't mean that I wanted to see your private parts.I mean what the hell,Angel?" I said as I threw her a disgusted look. "I see.I guess I am wrong again." She gave me a hideous smirk and turned around. "Are you even realizing that you are doing a grave sin?Are you even hearing any word you say?" I asked. "I sure am but I guess you are not." She said and smirked again. "Oh f**k,I am horny.I should go to the bathroom and touch myself.Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" She asked. "No,you aren't going to do such a thing." I said. "But I am in heat,daddy.I can't control my hormones." She said. "But maybe you can help me deal with it." She whispered as she came closer to me. "No.'' I said. "Well,I am going to my ro--" "No." I grabbed her arms and pushed her to the bed. "Leave me." She said. "No." "Daddy,I will come back after a few minutes.Just let me go now." She said. "No." "f**k, don't you understand that I am in heat?" She asked. "Watch your mouth before I do something." He said. "Something?" She raised an eyebrow. "Something.Like slapping you and hitting you with my belt." I gritted my teeth. "Well." She whispered. "How about this?" She moved her hand towards my c**k and oh my god she clutched it.Now,I was horny. "Do this for me and I will do something for you too." She said. "No." I whispered as I shivered.I was horny to an unbelievable level.Suddenly,she pushed me and sat over my lap, right above my crotch. "Oh god." I whispered and bit my lips. "Feeling the heat,yet daddy?" She asked.She placed her hands on the headboard and moved up and down. "Stop. Oh god." I groaned.We were still clothed but I could feel her moving up and down on my c**k. "Not so easily." She said and laid down on the bed. "What the f**k?" I whispered to myself.
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