Love and Pain: I regret

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"No one can love you like I do." Angel POV I woke up by the sun rays hitting my eyes.Suddenly,I remembered what I did last night. Daddy's hand was still wrapped around my stomach.He is still asleep. Wait,what time is it? I looked at my phone,It was 7 am only.Today is Friday, otherwise daddy wakes up at 5 am everyday. I turned around and embraced him. After all,I loved him so much. "Good morning,I know you're awake." He said in a sleepy voice and it was sexy as hell. "No,you woke me up." I replied. "What time is it?" He asked. "7 am." I replied. "7? Fuck.I have some work to attend." He said. "No,no.It's the weekend and you will stay." I said and held him. "It's important.I have to go." He said. I nodded and got off the bed.I was angry and sad.He needed to go to office everyday.Everything is important to him. "Look,you don't need to be angry if I go to office.You need to understand that it's important." He said. "Mhm,when did I say it isn't important?" I said and walked out of the room. He used to love me a lot but these days,it feels like his love for me is a lot less than before. My phone started to buzz. "Hey babe." Trevor said. "Hi, darling.Why are you awake now? It's literally 7 am.'' I said. "Actually,I am going on a family picnic today so I am packing." He said. "Fuck..." I whispered. "What happened?" He asked. "Well, nothing.When are you leaving?" I asked. "At 1 pm." He replied. "Are you free for an hour?" I said. "Yes,Come over now." He said. "Yeppie!" I exclaimed and hung up. I wore some clothes and grabbed my phone. "Where are you going at this time?" Daddy asked. "I am going around the park for a morning walk." I said. "Dressed like this?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah,not like you care." I rolled my eyes and grabbed a serving from where he was eating breakfast. "Okay, come home soon." He said. "When will you come back?" I asked. "By 12 or so." He said. "Ok!" I nodded and walked out of the gate.I got inside the car and drove towards Trevor's house. - "Baby,I missed you." He said. "I missed you more.So where were we?" I raised an eyebrow and smiled evilly. "Let's go to my room and talk." He said. "Sure." I said as we walked towards his room.I sat on his bed. "Your room smells like you." I said.Trevor laughed. "I got this new guitar from--"  "Shh.'' I placed my thumb on his lips.I sat on the bed and opened my legs for him. "Just make me cum." I said. "With pleasure.'' He smiled.He opened my skirt and pulled down my panties. "Beautiful as always." He whispered and entered a finger inside me. "f**k,Trevor,fuck." I moaned. "You like it?" He asked. "f**k,yes.I love it." I screamed as he entered another finger inside me.He pumped his fingers in and out of my p***y. "Oh god,oh my god..." I moaned as I clutched the sheets. He knew what I loved the most.He removed his fingers and rubbed my p***y very fast. "Yes,baby.Yes." I said. "Harder baby." I moaned. He began to rub me faster as I kept on moaning. "I am gonna cum." I whispered as he rubbed me faster. My legs began to shake and I finally released. He licked the c*m off my p***y and I sat up. "Oh god.That was good." I said and wore my skirt. "Yep." He said. "Where is your parents?" I asked. "They went to the shop to buy some things." He said. "Oh,I see." I said. "Did you have breakfast?" He asked. "Nope,I am starving." I said. "I have some blueberry muffins.You wanna eat that?" He asked. "Yeah,sure." I replied. He left the room and returned after a while with some blueberry muffins. "Thanks,baby." I said. "Anything for you,my baby boo." He said. - "Where were you?" Daddy asked. "At a friend's house." I replied. "You told me you were going to the park." He said.His voice was deep and intimidating. He was interrogating me as if he was a cop and I was a criminal. "Yes,then I went to my friend's house." I said. "Was it a guy?" He asked. "Yes,it was.And stop asking me those questions." I said and walked away from the table. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in a corner. "How dare you go to another guy's house? And that too alone!" He gritted his teeth. "Daddy,chill.I trust him." I said. "Do you know what could've happened to you ? You were alone in a house with a boy.He could've raped you,beat you or worse." He said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You know sometimes I feel like it's better if you stay at the office.You are so f*****g irritating.Your presence in this house causes my eyes to bleed!" I said and slammed the door in front of him. He was acting possessive and jealous.I hated this side of him.I mean he is allowed to be dominating in bed but not in other places. Later,that night,I went to his room. "Daddy?" I knocked on the door. No answer. "I am coming in." I said and opened the door.A wave of cold air hit me as I realized the balcony glass was open but he wasn't there.I walked inside and checked the bathroom.He wasn't there either. I walked downstairs and called a maid. "Where's daddy?" I asked. "He left for office a few hours ago." She said. "Office?" I raised my brows.It was half past midnight.What the hell is the doing at the office. Wait,did he take my words too seriously? Fuck. "Get the car ready." I ordered a maid as I ran to my room to change.I wore some fresh clothes immediately. I walked towards the car. "Take me to daddy's office please!" I said. "Ok!" The driver said and started to drive the car.It was a bit far away from here. - I ran out of the car and walked inside. His assistant stopped me,"Ms.Angel.What brings you here?" He asked. "Daddy is here right?" I asked. "Yes,but he asked to not be disturbed." He said. "I am his daughter!'' I said. "I know,miss but that will cost me my job." He said. "I will take care of it." I said and walked towards his office room.His floor was cold and silent. I knocked on his door slowly. "Not now!" He said from the inside but I opened the door and walked inside.The smell of alcohol and nicotine reached my nostrils.He was looking outside the glass with his hands behind his back. "Daddy?" I whispered.He heard me but didn't turn around.I walked towards him and stood in front of him. I placed my hands on his cheek. His distressed side scares me the most. "Daddy? Won't you talk to me?" I whispered as I leaned closer to him. "I am sorry,daddy.I didn't mean what I said.'' I whispered but he didn't even look at me.It felt like I was talking to a statue. "Daddy,talk to me.I am sorry,please.I am sorry." I was at the verge of crying. "Daddy, please.Talk to me." I whispered.As I realized that he wasn't gonna talk,I embraced him slowly. I closed my eyes.I could stay like that forever. "You left your baby girl all alone?" I asked.He still didn't reply.I sobbed slowly. "You know I was angry and I said everything without thinking but that doesn't mean that I meant it." I whispered and wiped my eyes. "You know I love you and I can't live without you.If you ever leave me again,I will-I will kill myself." I sobbed. He didn't reply.He didn't even move.He didn't even flinch. "I love you,daddy.I am at your mercy." I whispered. It's been over a minute or so.I was hugging him and he still didn't say a single word to me. Suddenly,he wrapped his hands around my waist.I was too broken to speak and too afraid to open my eyes. ''Did you come here all by yourself?" He asked.I looked at him with eyes brimming with tears. "No,I had the driver drop me." I replied.He wiped my tears and asked,"Did my assistant let you in?"  "No, actually I had to go through an argument with him before coming here." I said. "Okay.How about you go back home? I have some wo--" "No,I let you go this morning and right now you will come home with me." I said. "You don't understand." He said. "What don't I understand?" I asked. "Shush,Angel.Go home." I said. "Daddy,I have asked for forgiveness.I don't know what more can I do." I said. "It's not about that." He said. "It is about that!" I exclaimed! "Forgive me, please!" I said. "Go home,Angel.I have to attend to some work." He said.It felt like he was kicking me out. "What work,huh? What wo--" I was cut off by a disturbingly familiar yet irritating voice. "Babe--!'' Victoria.She was stunned upon seeing me too. "I am sorry I should've knocked." She said. "This is work?" I whispered silently. "Fine." I shook my head. "Fine." I whispered and walked out of the door. So,this was his so called important work.I get it now.I need to learn to be strong. Men were trash or at least most of them were. I went back to the house and crashed into the bed. Too much.It was too much. Edward POV Honestly,I didn't regret anything until Angel stormed out of my office crying. I f****d Victoria after that.However,the wound in my heart was still raw. After returning back home,the first thing I checked was whether Angel was home or not. She has a tendency to run away after everything. I opened her door and she was sleeping. Like a little Angel she was. Her blanket fell off her bed.I walked closer and covered her with the blanket. My heart froze when I realized her pillow was wet. I walked out of the room immediately.Tears in my eyes. Fucking tears in my eyes! Why can't I control myself when I see her? Why do I become so much vulnerable in front of her? Why was she so special? Lying in bed,my eyes were wide open with her thoughts.She was an angel which haunted me. I loved her but I hurt her too. She makes me hurt her.
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