The Impossible

908 Words
"What else is on your mind?" Rita asked as she sipped her orange juice. "Nothing." I whispered and shifted my gaze to my lap. "Tell me,is there something you are not telling me?" She asked. "Nothing,Ri.I am just really heartbroken over all this.Victoria getting pregnant and all.I just don't understand why he would play with me if he simply wanted her." I said. "He loves you a lot,Angel.Don't think about it too much." She said. "Anyways, I've been up all night and I am going to sleep." Rita said and yawned. "Alright." I smiled and laid down.It was silent.Completly silent.I looked at the sea from this beach house. I was also extremely sleepy but how could I sleep? Knowing that my man was f*****g another woman in my absence and my man impregnated a w***e. That man is none other than my father. And I was about to have a f*****g sibling. Illegitimate f***s. I was about to fall down but a pair of hands grabbed me. "Sleep on the bed." The rough voice said.Too scared to face the reality,I looked over my shoulder to look at him. His hair was all messed up.His eyes were dull and he looked so damn pale. "I am not sleepy." I whispered as I looked at the sea again.A wave of the cold air touched me. ''No hug?" He asked as he sat beside me. "No." I whispered. "Alrighty, baby girl.Why are you mad?" He asked. I looked at him and studied his body from top to bottom. "You impregnated Victoria?" I asked. "I feel disgusted even thinking about that I f****d you." I whispered. "No,she is lying.Ask Rita,she was there at the time when she sent you the picture." He said. "She was kissing you!" "Yeah,she forced me! My hands were all tied up." He said. "Rita never told me anything like this." I said. "Because I forbade her." I said. "Whatever." I grunted. "Still no hugs?" He asked again. "Why the hell are you asking me for hugs? Can't you hug me?" I said angrily. "I can't read your mind." He laughed and hugged me.I hugged him back. "I missed you." I cried. "I missed you more.Baby,why are you crying?" He asked. "I am not." I said as I turned around. "Baby,we will be fine.I promise." He said. I wiped my eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Ya.I am sleepy.I am going to sleep." I replied. "Won't sleep with me?" He asked with a tired smile. "I need some time alone." I replied and ran off to my room. This was too much too take in.Too much. Edward POV She wasn't acting like herself.She looked very pale and tired.She looked too much stressed.She was definitely hiding something. She ran off to her room before I could say anything.She was running away from me. She never runs away from me. I ran behind her and opened her door. "Angel,tell me what's bothering you." I said. "Nothing, you are worrying for no reason." She said. "I understand when you are hiding something.So cut the drama and spill." I said. She gulped and put her cold hands on mine. "Let's get married." She said. "What?!" I choked on my spit. "Angel,you and I both know that it is not possible." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Angel,you know why." "Let's move to somewhere else." She said. "Our entire life is here!My business, your education.Everything!" I said. "Take it and let's go away." She suggested. "It's not possible,Angel.Please understand." I said. "So,you are saying no?" She asked. "An,baby, you have to understand.We can't move away from here." I whispered. "Fine,why are you wasting my time then?" She asked. "What?" I frowned. "I can't wait for a man who isn't even ready to give his all to me, not even ready to be committed." She said. "What do you mean?Angel,are you in your senses?" I asked. "I am.This is a waste of time for you.So is for me.I am damn young and I can't spend my time waiting for you playing hide and seek." She said. "Calm down,we will see that in the future." I said. "Leave the future.Decide what you want to do,right now!" She said. "This is too much to take in! I cannot decide this!" I whispered. "Then,I will find a good guy and get married to him." She said. "You can't leave me hanging here! What do you mean marry? What has gotten into you?" I asked as I pulled her to my chest. "Tell me,baby." "Will you marry me or not?" She asked.I stared at her until her eyes didn't well up. "I want to,I really really want to but it's not possible." I said and cupped her face firmly. "If you 'really really' wanted it,you would've made it possible." She said. "I love you more than anything.You know that!" I said. "Then marry me." She said.This girl wasn't understanding what position I am in. "I can't." I whispered. "Go f**k yourself." She whispered angrily and gritted her teeth as she pulled away from my embrace. "Angel, listen to me!" I grabbed her arm. "No,you are a f*****g play boy and I was your play thing all along!" She yelled. "Is this what you want? To marry me? I don't think it's the entire truth.Why would you become so insistent on getting married?!" I asked. "Tell me." I whispered and put her hair behind her ear. "I'm pregnant." She whispered.
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