f**k me, daddy

887 Words
Angel POV "It is impossible.You can't-you can't be pregnant!" He gasped.His face hardened with disappointment and shock. He took a step back from me as his arms loosened from my waist. "Angel,you can't be pregnant! Please,tell me this is a lie!" He whispered as he shook my body. "I am pregnant! This is not a lie! I was feeling sick and I went to the doctor!" I said. "But, weren't you on birth control?" He asked. "Sometimes yes and sometimes no.I don't know how it happened." I whispered. "Fuck." He grunted and turned around. "Daddy?" I whispered. "I should've worn protection." He whispered to himself. "What did you say?" I asked as I stood in front of him. "Angel,look.This baby is a mistake." He said and put my hands on my shoulder. "What do you mean it's a mistake?" I asked as I slapped his hands away from my shoulder. "Look, this may be harsh for you but we can't have this baby!" He said as he cupped my face. "You are suggesting abortion? You want me to murder?!" I asked as I backed away. "This is so messed up.Angel,I am your father,we cannot have a child!" He said. "At least, not now but in the future!" He whispered and walked in front of me. "Don't come near me! You are a monster!" I yelled.For the first time,I felt scared of him. I could never imagine that a person like him can even think like this. I was scared of him. "This child is a mistake!" He whispered. "No,it isn't! We had s*x and now I am pregnant.This was no mistake! if you say that it is a mistake, then I was also a mistake, wasn't I ? You had unprotected s*x with a w***e and impregnated her! That's how I was born!" I said. "Look,it doesn't matter.She was my girlfriend and you are my daughter." He said calmly. "f**k you and f**k your 'you are my daughter' thing." I used his tone against him. "Angel, angel!" He cried. "Please don't do this to us.This child doesn't matter to me.You matter to me!" He said. "Well, guess what? This child is what matters to me.You don't!" I said and walked out of the house. I walked towards the beach.It felt so good to he all alone.The water touched my bare feet. "Angel!" He came running towards me. "You're going to give up on us this easily, baby girl?" He asked as he touched my face. "If you don't hesitate to give up our child,then know that,I don't hesitate to give up on us." I whispered. "Fine." He said. "Let's... let's have this baby." He said and faked a smile. "Really?" I asked. "Yes." He whispered and narrowed down his eyes. "You're not happy." I said. "What?" He looked at me with his angelic eyes. "You're not happy." I whispered as I put my hand on his cheek. "What?No,I am.I really am.I am just sorry for behaving like a d**k, actually I wasn't ready that's why." He said. "Stop lying to me." I said. "I am not lying." He said. "What's the matter?" I asked. "You're happy.That's what matters to me." He smiled and ran his fingers inside my hair. "But you aren't." I said. "Does it matter, Angel?" He asked as he took a step back and looked at the horizon. "Of course,it does." I said as I stood in front of him. "I just want you to stay me.I don't care about anything else." He said. "So you are accepting this baby because you want to stay with me?" I asked.He was silent. "I just want you to be happy." He whispered. I immediately realized what I told him. "Please don't do this to us.This child doesn't matter to me.You matter to me!" He said. ~ "Well, guess what? This child is what matters to me.You don't!" ~ I gasped.I told him that he didn't matter to me when he is the one taking care of me since I was born. If he told me the same thing,I would've started a drama and cursed at him a zillion times. He was the one who applied medicine on my cuts. He was the one who picked me up when I fell. He sacrificed himself for me. And now he was still sacrificing himself for me. I threw a fist on his chest and kissed him. "Old man, you make me go crazy!" I whispered as I jumped on him and my legs circled around his waist. ''I am sorry, Angel.I don't know what to do." He said and grabbed my bottom. "Tell me why you don't want to have this baby." I asked. "What will the world say? This goes against the law and everything." He said. "Then let's go somewhere else." I said. "Isn't 9 months enough for you to arrange everything.Sell everything we have here.You will get infinite million money.We can go to another country and then get married." I smiled. "So...you want to marry me?" I asked. "Of course, it's my dream to!" He said and knelt down.He lifted my top and kissed my belly. "I am gonna buy you both the entire universe." He smiled. "Daddy...?" I whispered and I flickered my lashes. "Yes, baby girl?" He asked. "f**k me, please." I begged.
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