Encountering Victoria

637 Words
Edward POV "Victoria..." I called out. "Oh Eddy, what brings you here?" She asked. "Your activities." I replied. "Oh." She replied. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "You,Edward.Isn't that obvious?" She replied. "We broke up, Victoria.Deal with it.Why did you kidnap Rita?" I asked. "Because I need evidence,genius." She smirked. "About what?" I asked. "About you being naughty with your own daughter.Tell me,Ed,did you guys have s*x?" She asked.How does she know about us? "What? Are you out of your bloody mind? That's disgusting." I said. "No need to act up.I know that you guys have something between you both." She said. "She is my daughter! I am not like you Victoria!" I said. "Then tell me,why does she affect you so much? Why does she hate seeing us together? Why did you break up with me just because she wanted it? She isn't the Queen that you will have to listen to every thing she commands." She said. "Victoria,she is my daughter.One day,when you will have children,you will understand it." I said. "Give me children,Eddy." She said and pushed me.I fell on the ground and she was fast enough to cuff my hands and then my legs. "Victoria,let me go!" I yelled. She captured my lips and took a picture. "No,no,no! What did you do?" I yelled. "I will send this to Angel and tell her that I am pregnant and she's going to have a sibling!" She said. "No,come here.Open me!" I groaned. "Mr.Brown!" Rita yelled and kicked Victoria as she fell to the ground.Her phone broke and turned off but she already sent the message to Angel. "Take the keys!'' I said.Rita grabbed the keys and opened my hand. "Eddy,I just love you and I want you.No matter what I have to do." She said. "Tory,you and I are best friends and I am sorry that I didn't give you what you deserved but we are over.Get over it!'' I said. "Not so easily." She said. "You are crazy, Victoria.Stop acting like this.You are a smart woman.This behaviour does not suit you!" I said. "Love me,Eddy.I will be fine we will be fine." She whispered sadly.Tears crawled down her eyes. "I can't." I whispered back. "You love me too,Eddy.I know.Just because of your daughter,you and I can't be together.One day,she will grow up and understand." She cried.She was so wrong.The love she saw in my eyes was for no one other than my Angel. "It's not easy, alright,Tory? My daughter's happiness is what matters to me." I said. "And what about your happiness? Are you happy without me?" She whispered and touched my face. "He goddamn is!" Rita yelled. "Rita,calm down.'' I whispered. "Please,find someone else.I can't be yours." I said. "Fine.Fine." She wiped her tears. "But remember,you will regret leaving me." She said. I walked out of the place with Rita. "Did you pack your stuff?" I asked. "Alright.I will send you there in my jet but remember.Angel will definitely tell you about the picture and the message.Act like you don't know anything.I will tell her my way." I said. "Ok,Mr.Brown.Thanks a lot." She said. Angel POV I gulped as I saw the picture sent by Victoria.Did he send me here only so he could f**k her?And Victoria was pregnant? The day passed by but the picture reflected in my eyes. "Angel!" Rita hugged me from behind. "Hey,Ri.When did you come?" I asked as I immediately wiped my eyes. "What happened,An? Why are you crying?" She asked. "Did you meet daddy?" I asked. "Yes,he came to meet me at the hospital." She replied. "He f****d Victoria last night and she was also a few months pregnant with his child." I said. "What? " Rita gasped. "Yes." I whispered.I acted strong in front of her but it crumbled me up from inside.
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