Heart Break

1895 Words
"Even if you break my heart a million times,my heart will only beat for you." Angel POV Unknowingly,I fell asleep again. After waking up,I yawned and tilted my head too the right just to see nothing.When did daddy leave? I walked downstairs slowly. "Where's daddy?" I asked a maid. "He left for office,he wants you to have breakfast." She said.So now he is running away from me,huh? No wonder why. Edward POV I couldn't believe what I did this morning.Why did I lose control upon myself? How the hell did I fall into her mischievousness?  I was a terrible father.Of course,I was. I ruined everything between us.I had s*x with my own daughter.I mean who does that? I will never be able to face her again. I took another puff of the cigar. The telephone rang.It was my assistant. "Yes,Donna?'' "Boss,there is someone who wants to meet you." Donna said. "Send him in." I replied and hung up. After a couple of minutes,the door opened and I turned around to see who it was.Well,it was definitely not a 'he'. "Hi,daddy." Angel swayed her hips and made her way inside the room as she continued biting her lips. I rolled my eyes and turned around again. "No reply to my 'hi'? Noted." She pouted and stood in front of me.I narrowed down my eyes.I couldn't face her. "Look at me." She whispered.She was about to touch my face but I grabbed her wrists aggressively. "Angel." I whispered.I tried to keep my cool. "Daddy,you are smoking again." She raised her eyebrows.I turned around from her and sat on my chair as I covered my face with my hands and my elbows rested on the table. "After this morning..." "Angel,please don't talk about this morning.I was,I was not in my bloody senses.Please, don't remember it.Just forget that any of it ever happened." I said. "I am a terrible, terrible father!" I whispered.I didn't know what to do.I f****d my own daughter.I have sinned.I don't know what was wrong with me. I am feeling like hell.I don't know how to live with myself anymore. "I understand." She whispered as she placed her hands on my shoulder. "But staying alone will not hel-" She spoke. "Angel! Please leave me alone.Go home.Enjoy your day.LEAVE.ME.ALONE...please, princess." I said. "Ok." She muttered and walked towards the door.She walked out of the door soon and I sighed.That was a relief. Angel POV I walked out of Daddy's office.If he wanted to be alone.I will let him be alone.If he needs time,I will give it to him.I was silly.I was rushing things.He is in pain now because of me. As I walked past a coffee shop,an idea came into my mind. I waited for a couple of hours.I needed him to heal so I gotta have patience.I got two coffees and a few cupcakes for us. I hope this enlightens his mood.I smiled as I walked back to his office. His floor was silent and his assistant wasn't even here.However,I walked towards his office and opened the door. "Daddy,I brought cof--" I froze. I froze at the scene. My eyes widened as I gasped.My heart exploded right at that moment.Tears formed in my eyes.He was standing beside his table.Naked and erected as he hastily pounded his shaft inside a random woman who was bent over his table.The woman was moaning uncontrollably and he realized his mistake as he saw me.He looked at me with his eyes widened in shock. I gulped and swallowed whatever happened. I closed the door and walked out of the office.I threw away everything. Everything. Edward POV I was so frustrated.I pounded my c**k harder into the whore.I got her a few hours ago to f**k. But I definitely wasn't expecting this. "Daddy,I brought cof--" Angel froze.Her eyes moistened with tears.She had two coffees and a box of cupcakes in her hand.She immediately closed the door. Well,seeing her,I got more frustrated and the rest of the day was me f*****g whores. At around 6,I headed back home.I was extremely tired and had a terrible headache. I still needed to check on Angel because despite everything,she was still my daughter and I still needed to protect her against any storm she would face. It was silent inside the house.Dead silent. It was usually a chaos because Angel was always running around the house or playing songs on loud speaker;or watching tv with full sound; sometimes she used to pull pranks on the maids and the guards too. Tonight was nothing but complete silence.I walked towards her room and stopped at her doorstep, thinking about everything. I slowly opened the door but she didn't notice me come in because she had her headphones on and she was watching movies on her computer. I removed her headphones and whispered,"Angel?"  She turned around and acted like nothing was wrong.Well,thank god,she wasn't crying.She even had no signs that she was crying. Here,I thought she was crying like a crazy little girl. Only if I knew. "Yes?" She replied. "Whatever happened... whatever you saw this morning in the office,it wasn't what you thought.I was frustrated and I-I..." I didn't know how to explain it to her. "It's okay,dad.I understand." She smiled. "I am sorry." I whispered. "Come on,you didn't do anything wrong.Don't be sad.Cheer up." She laughed sarcastically. I nodded and walked out of the room.I felt scared of her behaviour.This was also the first time she called me 'dad' and not 'daddy'. Everything was terrible and I didn't know how to fix it. Angel POV I didn't want his explanation.I didn't want his apology.The only thing I wanted was to shove my fist on his face. I was heartbroken.I was miserable. As soon as he walked out of the room,I locked the room and started to drink the alcohol that I sneaked into my room. I took a sip of the bitter alcohol.It tasted like tears. It wasn't long until I was drunk as hell because I finished a whole bottle of alcohol. Edward POV  "Angel?'' I knocked on her door loudly.She didn't come down for breakfast.The maids said that she wasn't answering the door so I came up here to check. After a couple more minutes of knocking,she finally opened. She furrowed her brows.Her eyes were red and puffy.I got furious when I saw a bottle of alcohol laying on the ground beside her bed.I pushed her and walked inside the room. "What the hell is this,Angel?" I asked.  She didn't reply.She just stared at the ground.  "I am asking you something!" I clenched my jaw. "You can't tell me what to do.I am an adult and you have no right to scold at me now." She said in a low tone. "I am still your father and I have every f*****g right on you!" I yelled. "What the hell do you want? So what I drank alcohol? What are you gonna do about it?" She asked. "Angel,I swear if you talk back to me again,I will not be nice." I said. "Well,then be f*****g rude.I don't care." She yelled again. "Angel,watch your mouth!"  "I don't f*****g care!"  "That's it! I am calling your mother!" I said. She gasped.I knew how much she detested her mother.That's why I said it. Of course I wasn't gonna call her because she was a complete slut who wanted to abort my baby. If I call her,she will come here asking for Angel. She is my daughter and I will never give her to anyone. Never. "You won't do that." She lowered her tone. "Yes,I would.Now,come down to have breakfast." I said. "I am not hungry." She whispered and turned around. "Hungry or not,you will eat and that's my order!" I said and left the room. As I walked downstairs,a realization hit me.Was Angel so badly hurt after yesterday's incident that she had to drown herself in alcohol? She acted all calm yesterday. Things were so terrible between us and that's the last thing I wanted.I wanted my baby close to me but now she just hates me. Angel POV A few days passed by without us talking.He was a bad father and I wanted to leave this house once and for all but in the end,he was all I had left in this huge world but I wasn't his everything. I wasn't going to apologize because he was wrong and I wanted him to apologize. He betrayed me.He broke my heart.He shattered me into a million pieces. It was 9 and I returned back home after hanging out with Rita. He was sitting on the couch and going through his laptop.When he saw me,he stood up and walked towards me. "Is this the time you come home? Why the hell do you use a phone if you won't answer any calls?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest. "My battery died." I whispered. "Fresh up,have dinner and go to sleep." He said.I nodded and walked to my room. It was all too frustrating. I laid on the bed with no intention to sleep.My mind and heart,both were dry. I was in a lot of pain. Before going to sleep,I received a text from him. "Dinner will get cold." He wrote. "Won't have dinner.I had with Rita.Good night." I replied. "Night,baby girl." He replied. It's been so long since he called me baby girl.It felt different. Edward POV It was 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep.I caused Angel too much pain. I jolted up and walked to her room.I slowly entered her room and sat down on her bed.She was covered with the duvet. I placed my hand on her body. "Baby girl...I am sorry.I want to apologize for everything.I am a terrible father and everything I do,I always hurt you.I don't want you to hate me...I want you in my arms again." I sighed. "I am sorry that I was so rude with you.I am sorry that I f****d someone else.I am sorry for everything.You can do whatever you want with me but I just want you to forgive me and let's have a new fresh start.We will forget everything and start a new life." I whispered, knowing she was asleep. "You know that I love you the most and I don't know what to do without you.I love you more than anything else.You are my universe.You are my baby girl.How can I live knowing that my baby girl hates me? It's been so long since I've hugged you, since I've last kissed your soft and mellow cheeks.Please don't hate me, princess." I whispered. Suddenly,she grabbed my hand.Was she awake the whole time? Did she hear everything I said? "Go to sleep.It's late and you have office tomorrow morning." She whispered. "Angel, love?" I called her. "Hmm?" "I love you a lot.I am sorry." I whispered. "You can't just f**k someone and apologize to me for that.I loved you and you broke my heart.That's all you need to know." She whispered. She loved me. "I am sorry." I whispered and laid down beside her as I hugged her from the back.She didn't say anything but I felt a lot relieved.It finally felt like I was in peace.It felt like I was in heaven. "I love you so much,baby." I whispered and kissed her neck.I mean,I can't hold myself back whenever I see her body.
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