Bitter Truth : He chose her over me

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"I don't know how to smile without taking your name.I don't know how to laugh without hearing your voice,I don't know how to cry without looking at your eyes and I don't know how to die without being in your arms." Angel POV "Baby, when will you wake up? It's ten already." Daddy shook my body gently. "Let me sleep.'' I said, pulling the covers on my face. "It's 9 already ! Will you wake up or will I go outside?" He asked.I jumped up. "No,you won't." I crossed my arms over my chest. ''Yes,I won't.Now off the bed." He said.I stood up and hugged him. "Good morning,daddy." "Good morning, princess." He said and kissed my forehead. I turned around to the night stand table to grab my phone...but it wasn't there. "Daddy...?" I turned around to him just to see a wide grin on his face. "Where's my phone?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Like I said last night." He tapped my nose. "Daddy,no.You cannot be serious!" I grunted. "Yes, princess.That's how it works,now let's go have breakfast.I am famished." He said. "No,not before you give me back my phone." I said. "That's your punishment for running away." He said. "I didn't run away.I was hiding inside the house!" I said. "What?" He frowned. "Yes." I sighed. "Still,you got me worried sick that day so yes.You will still get your punishment." He said. "But my friends will think that I died or something." I said. "I will handle that." He said and grabbed my arm.He took me to have breakfast. I kept thinking about how I should approach him.My daddy. I need to make him submit. I need to make sure that he wants me the way I want him. "How do I approach?'' I thought to myself. "Approach what?" He asked.Fuck.Did I say that out loud? "Nothing." I said nervously. "What are you thinking?I've realized that you've started to think a lot recently." He said. "Nothing, you know.It's just me." I made a silly face. "If you face any problems,you tell me." He said Oh daddy,you cause a lot of between my legs. Hehe. "Is there any problem you are facing right now?" He asked. "No,daddy.Nothing at all." I replied and licked the spoon. "By the way,I have to go out with Victoria at 4.I hope you don't mind.She requested a lot.I couldn't refuse.'' He said. The smile on my face turned into a frown.I looked down at my food. The butterflies in my stomach disappeared. "You promised." I whispered in a way that he wouldn't hear.I continued eating my food. "What did you say?'' He asked. "Nothing." I replied and got up. "Where are you going? You ate so little." He said. "I am not hungry and I am going to my room." I said as I turned around.He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "Remember about your punishment? You will stay in my room for the next seven days and we were supposed to spend the day together." He said. "The last thing I give a f**k about is your punishment and yes...WE WERE SUPPOSED TO SPEND THE DAY TOGETHER!'' I said. "I don't get it.You never liked any girlfriend of mine.I know you think I will love them more than I love you but that's not true.It is important for me that you accept my partner but you just hate all of them now what am I supposed to do?" He asked. I remained silent. "Look,I really love Victoria and I don't want to lose her but you have to remember that I will always love you the most." He said.I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest. "Look, princess,you don't have to be jealous." He faked a smile and placed his hands over my shoulder. "Whatever..." I whispered. "You love me right?" He asked. "Ask that to your girlfriend.'' I moved his hands from my shoulder and walked to my room. Edward POV Angel was like an angel but since she's become 18, she's started to act like--you know. I loved her so much after all but Victoria was also the one woman I've cared about in a very long time.She meant a lot to me and she cared about me.At least she wasn't into me for my fame and my riches. She genuinely cared about me and maybe I was falling in love with her. I needed to explain this to Angel that I cannot choose between her and Victoria. I cannot choose between my lover and my daughter. I grabbed her arm before she could walk away. "Baby ..." I whispered. "Don't call me baby.I am no child." She whispered as she clenched her jaw. ''Okay,Angel.You need to understand that I cannot choose between you and her.She is my lover and you are my daughter." I said. "You told me that you will never love anyone more than me." She whispered. "Angel,I-" "No,please! If you really loved me, you would choose me.'' She said and pushed me. "Angel, please don't do this.I've already told her to move in with us and if you keep on-" "You what?" She gasped. ''What the f**k is wrong with you? You are bringing a slut to stay with us?" She narrowed her eyes and yelled. "She is not a slut!" I increased my tone. "Oh yeah,she is.'' She said. "If you call her a slut one more time,Angel,I swear I won't be nice." I said. ''I don't care what you do to me.She is not moving in with us!" She yelled. "Yes,she is and I will accept none of you opinions." I said.I tried to be as calm as possible but she was just yelling at me. I didn't understand.Why was she so jealous? One day or the other,I will have to find someone who will love me truly and then I will finally be able to start a family and maybe have a happy ending. I deserved a happy ending. And I wasn't letting her ruin this.I loved her very much and I gave her everything she ever wanted.I never scolded her except for the night she told me she wasn't a virgin. I loved her but I won't let her ruin my future.She is young and right now she doesn't understand but she eventually will understand. She is young and she needs time. "Daddy,I swear you will lose me if you take this step.'' She said. "Why can't you understand a simple thing,Angel? I deserve to be happy and you don't understand love.One day,when you will get married,you will understand the position I am in right now.'' I said with a tiring tone. "You don't understand me." She said. "What is there to understand? I've always given you whatever you wanted but for the first time,I am thinking about myself and you are ruining it too." I said as I shook her arms,trying to get her back in her senses. "I swear on you,you will lose me,daddy." She said. "You need to get a hold of yourself.You are not in your senses!" I said. "You are the one not in your mind!" There she goes again, yelling at me. "Baby gi--" "I told you not to call me,baby.You are not my father!" She screamed. "Angel,listen to me." "You listen to me,if you love me,if you really, truly and genuinely love me,if you do not regret having me,if I really am your daughter,you will tell her to stay away or if at the moment,she steps her feet in this house,at that very moment,you will lose me and I swear this on you." She said.I didn't buy her nonsense because she was crazy right now and I needed to give her time to think about all these. - "Thank you so much,baby.Thank you for loving me so much.I still can't believe that I am moving in with you." Tory kissed Edward passionately. Well Tory is the short for Victoria,or more like what Edward's pet name for her. Meanwhile, Angel broiled with anger.Her fists turned into a flaming inferno ball.She looked at them from upstairs.She kissed and hugged him. She was taking away her daddy. She thought daddy would choose her but he choose that f*****g slutty Victoria over her. He loved Victoria more than he loved her. She was prepared for it.She will teach him-no,teach them a lesson. For hurting her. For making her a second choice. For not knowing her value. For loving someone more than her. Her father looked up as their eyes met.A bit of hope sparkled through her eyes but it was useless. He didn't value her. He didn't prioritize her. He was angry at her.He thought she was selfish but it wasn't the truth.He didn't know the truth. She looked back at him with eyes filled with jealousy and pain.The kind of pain he couldn't understand. She was heartbroken. She smiled at her father as a tear fell down her eyes.She walked away.She disappeared from his sight. He was unsure because of that smile she just gave him. What did that mean?What did her smile mean?That question haunted him.That face of hers haunted him. "Eddy... are you okay?" Tory asked him. "Yes,of course." He faked a smile. She pressed her lips on his and the rest know.
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