Sinful Thoughts

1323 Words
"If you love me,I will be like the sun on a bright morning.If you kiss me,I will be like the roses in a beautiful garden and if you leave me,I will be like the worthless dust in the desert." Edward POV After talking with Victoria for a couple of hours,I arranged a driver to drop her home. I went back to Angel's room to apologize and also to talk with her.She was not a virgin and it made me beyond angry. I was angry but I was acting like an asshole.I shouldn't have hurt her like this. Whatever the circumstance is,she was and will always be my baby girl. I walked inside her room to see the most unexpected thing. She wasn't there. "Angel? Baby girl?" I called out to her.I checked her bathroom. She wasn't there. "Sweetheart?" I called out to her again.I opened her closet. She wasn't there. Anxiety rose in me.My heart froze as I felt cold beads of sweat form on my forehead. I ran downstairs. "Angel!" I screamed. "Boss,a guard noticed Ms.Angel run away." Henry said. "What? Send a search team! What the f**k is wrong with you guys?! You couldn't even notice her leaving the mansion?!" I yelled. "I want her back before the sun rises,get to work!" I said.I sat on the couch and buried my face in my hands. My baby girl.My precious baby girl. My fingers were trembling.What if something's happened to her?What if --No,she will be fine.She will be just fine.She is my baby girl. I dialed her number. No response. "Baby girl.Where are you? Did you leave daddy? Don't you love him like he loves you? Daddy loves you a lot baby. He just becomes angry sometimes but daddy loves you. Why did you leave me? Do you hate daddy so much? Please come home.I don't want anything else than you.I want you too baby." Send. I sent her the message.I hope she comes back. • • • • • • • • • • "Sir,she is nowhere to be found." Henry said.The sun rose and then went to sleep again but my baby girl was still missing. "f*****g useless!Leave!" I yelled. Last night I felt tears in my eyes.I don't remember when was the last time I cried. What if she's left me forever? What if I wasn't a good father to her? Where did I go missing? Will she ever come back home to me? Angel POV I stood in front of the villa again.I was ready to go back again.My face had a bruise from the slap and the memories of last night kept on rushing back to my mind continuously. I opened the huge door slowly. "Where have you been, miss? Boss has gone crazy about you disappearing." A guard said. I didn't reply to him. I walked inside just to see him sitting on the sofa and smoking. He turned to me. "Angel!" He yelled and ran towards me.He held me in his chest and cried. ''My angel,where have you been? Why did you leave me?" He asked. ''Daddy..." I whispered. I couldn't believe he was crying.He never cries. He never cried. Was he crying for me? "I am sorry,baby girl.Forgive me." He said. "It's fine, daddy.It was valid to be angry except for the part where you pulled my hair and slapped me." I said. "I am sorry, sweetheart,I will never do it again." He said. "Buttercup,I don't understand.Why are you so weak in front of me?I know you are you like that." He said. "Because I love you the most,daddy and I don't want to share you with anyone.If you have a girlfriend,you will love her more than me and I am jealous." I whispered. "Baby girl,you are my little girl and you will always be my first priority.I won't ever love anyone more than how much I love you." He said and hugged me. "You don't understand." I whispered. "I know you don't want someone else between us but I assure you no one will ever come between us." He said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.He won't understand. Suddenly,he lifted me in his embrace. "Daddy,I am a big girl now." I said. "But you will always be my little baby girl." He laughed. He took me to his room and put me on the bed. "Your punishment is that you will stay with me for the next week." He said.A smile curved up my lips. Opportunities. Thanks daddy. "What are you all smiley about?" He asked as he laid beside me. "Nothing." I replied. "Yes,no need to be too happy.You will have no phone,gadgets or any internet for the next week." He said. "No." I said. "Yes." "No,daddy, that's unfair." I said. "Yes,baby.It's my house and my rules." He said. "Yeah whatever." I whispered. "Hey daddy...?" "Hmm..." He responded. "Did you miss me while I was gone?" I asked. "No.'' He grunted and laughed. "You're lucky that I love you or else I'd tie up in your bedroom and beat you up." He said. "I can't believe these words are coming out of your mouth." I murmured. "Don't say things like these,you scare me." I added. "I would never do anything like that to you baby.Chill." He said. "How much do you love me, daddy?'' I asked. "More than anything on this earth.Beyond everything in this universe.I'd trade heaven just to see my baby girl smile.I love you more than you will ever know." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Did you ever regret having me?'' I asked. "Never.You were the best decision I've made in my entire life.'' He said. I smiled at him. "I love you daddy." "Oh,my little hummingbird,if you ever try to leave me again,I will make sure to tie you up." He smirked. "Not funny." I rolled my eyes. He embraced me and I wrapped my hands around his bare body. "Daddy?" I whispered. "Why do you talk so much, baby girl?" He asked. "Can I ask you one last question?" I asked. "Okay,one question before going to sleep." He said. "In the text message,you said that you want me.What did you mean?" I asked.I felt his heartbeat increase. "I meant that I want you to come home because I was worried as hell." He replied. "But--" "No buts Angel.One question and that has been answered.Go to sleep now." He said. "Hmph!" I said.I faced my back at him and moved quite a distance away from him. "Angel, come here." He said in a drowsy voice. "I am asleep." I replied. "I don't want to force you." He said.I didn't reply but I pretended to be asleep. "Please Angel.Don't tire me,baby.Please come here." He said in an extremely tiring tone. I felt a bit pity for him.Daddy was tired and sleepy. I turned around and moved to his chest. "Daddy,are you tired?" I asked. "Yes, baby girl.A lot." He replied. "Do I bother you?" I asked.He opened his eyes abruptly. "No, baby.Of course not." He said.I smiled. "Good night,daddy.Tomorrow is the weekend and you have to stay with me." I said. "Yes, darling.Good night." He replied. I moved closer to his face and looked at him.He was extremely handsome and I have never observed him this carefully. I realized why all those ladies were crazy for him and why I,his very own daughter,was crazy for him. He was extremely sexy and tempting. His thick eyelashes were stable as his eyes were closed.In the silent room,I could hear his heavy breathing which sounded extremely beautiful. His rhythmic breathing was like my favourite song.His perfect, kissable lips were pinned together.I wanted to kiss him. I couldn't control myself.His sharp beard and perfect chiseled jaw made me feel wobbly in between my legs. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I moved closer to his face.Should I wait a few more minutes and then kiss him while he's asleep? What if he knows about it and what if he stops talking with me then? No,no.I cannot bear that. I placed a kiss just beside his lips because that's the closest place I could ever reach. What was I thinking? He is my father.I cannot kiss him. He is my father. He is my own blood. We share the same DNA. I am his daughter. He will kill me if he learns about my desires. "How can I sleep if you keep on staring at me like this?" He asked in a muffled voice and with his eyes closed. "Sorry.Good night." I replied and hid my face in his chest.Soon,he wrapped his arms around my body. Don't make me more horny,daddy.I am already turned on by just looking at your handsome face and hot body.
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