Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 “Triiiiiiing” the bell resounded throughout the small town, as the sounds on doors and widows shutting echoed continuously. I pulled our window shut as I heard the other rooms of the Mary Bell orphanage follow. Another day in the dull and boring town of Entrepé, situated near a steep hill-like looking forest. Or the Dark forest as the townspeople call it. Sighing I watched as the sun slowly set, as the oranges and reds painted the sky. It was funny how this town feared what they could not see or prove to be real. A simple tradition that had been carried for a few centuries continues today, and when you ask why all they say is, “We need to be careful of the beast.” “the beast does not rest unless it receives a sacrifice…” “the beast, a human turned by an unfortunate incident.” Such common and typical phrases are uttered in fear. Almost cliché if you ask me. The beast no one has seen but have heard apparently. A beast that never makes an appearance but exists. A Beast. “Amanda,” I heard a small voice call out to me bringing me out of my trance. Turning around I came face to face with Lola, the new addition to our orphanage she was about a year younger than me but her physique was quite small. “What is it?” I questioned. “Are you not eating?” she questioned as I slapped on a small smile. “Let’s go together,” I said as we walked down to the rowdy dining hall.  They all took their seats one after the other as some chattered away and others waited patiently to be served by the caregivers. Mary Bell orphanage, known as the home for the unwanted by many, yet those who could not conceive, and were many, adopted here. I’ve watched kids come and go and funnily enough that’s how long I’ve been here. Me being the 17-year-old that has lost all her will to be adopted and was nearing an age where soon even the caregivers could not keep me. Just thinking about myself made me groan. How pitiful, right? As we all stood in line getting our food and returning to our seats, I poked at my food as Lola’s eyes looked up at me quite worried. I knew what she was thinking but there was no need for her to do so. As curfew hit, we all retired as the caretakers made their rounds, the last round came and went as soon the building grew quiet. Time passed as I slowly shuffled out of my bed, grabbing the violin under my pillow and the hat and mask id stashed away between the base of the bunk bed and mattress, I prepared as I made my way out of the room slowly. Shutting the door, id turned around only for my heart to nearly jump out of my chest. “Lola?” I questioned as she looked at me in a troubled manner. “You’re not going out again, are you?” she questioned. “You’re going to get caught,” she said. Trying to not allow our voices to echo I pulled her towards one of the bathrooms in the hallway. “I'll be fine, you don’t have to worry,” I reassured her. For someone having done this for almost 5 years of her life and nothing happening, you’d believe by now that this so-called “beast” does not exist. “Caretaker Adeline has made the rules explicitly clear though, she’s warned us continuously and are you still going to go?” I couldn’t understand why she was up in my case all the time. “I need to breathe Lola, I just need to … breathe,” I said, “it's suffocating having to be trapped in this orphanage and it's not as though they’d never let me play in here since the caretakers don’t like me much,” I said. “Trust me, I’ll be fine, get going I’ll see you in the morning.“ I smiled as I pulled over my hat and made my way to the window with a staircase with my violin and mask. Unlocking it, I stepped out and shut the window, leaving it open for when I return. Reaching the ground, I walked to the fountain near the forest and began to play. If there was one other thing the town feared was the lady who played the viola. It was funny how the slightest thing after curfew became something they lived to fear. The night stars lit the street and sparked on the trees as I slowly felt alive. The suffocating town was forgotten. My pains and worries, forgotten. There was nothing more precious and important to me than this moment and I continued to hope that I would live a long time to have it, even if nothing was going my way. My very own grand escape. I heard some rustling as I froze, my heart thumping slightly. Did someone follow me or come outside? There was certainly no way. No one Had the courage to do something so reckless unless they were me. But the rustling told me another story. I turned around only to see a small body quivering near one of the trees. I couldn’t help but let a slight panic surge through me. If word gets out that I was here… things just weren’t going to look pretty. Especially since I was already an orphan as it was.   Gulping as I fit my mask right trying to make my appearance as unknown as possible, I made my way towards the tree. Each step had an agonizing thump to my heart. The person's legs quivered as they trembled slightly like a rabbit being hunted by wolves. Slightly quickening my steps, I closed my eyes briefly as I neared the tree, and in a rush, I held the shoulder of the person as a scream erupted, in a panic, I held their mouth trying to lessen the scream only for my heart to stop. Frustration and then anger taking over one after the other. I couldn’t help but laugh out. How stupid did one have to be not to understand what I had said? “What are you doing here, Lola?”   * Chapter 1 Complete of my new work. Gosh, I've been thinking of this book since I publicized the cover and description on Dreame, but I needed to sort out my ideas so I could write a good story. Amanda's story has begun. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I will writing it. If you enjoy my work, Add it to your library and follow it as well as me. Let me know your thoughts, definitely love scrolling through the comments!  Follow my i********: page: @RamataWrites Check out my other works both on Dreame and other platforms:  Until The Next Update!  -Rama  
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