
228 Words
They say when the sun begins to set and not a sound is heard, in the town of Entrepé, when windows are meant to be closed, doors meant to be shut, and no one is allowed on the streets, the woman of the Viola comes out to play. Amanda. A street orphan with just a violin tends to be troublesome. When the clock strikes 10h00 everyone is in a hurry, but not Amanda. instead, she goes out and plays her violin in the city streets. But deep in the woods of the town of Entrepé, where creatures only mythology describes, there lives the beast of the f*******n palace. When the clock strikes 12h00 all the creatures gather up to hear Amanda or as they call her the lady of the viola. But... When her melody reaches the ear of the beast of the f*******n palace, things begin to take an unexpected turn. An Orphan and a Cursed beast. What does fate have in store for them? ©RamataMaguiraga 2021 Copyright All Rights Reserved. * Hello everyone and welcome to Viola. this is a book I have been meaning to start since last year in November, but I couldn't bring myself to write, so I decided to put all my ideas together and finally ush through with it!  I hope you will enjoy the book!  Well then, let us begin....!
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