Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 “What are you doing here?” I repeated my question in utter frustration, “do you know how dangerous it is for us to both be out here?” I questioned. She looked down quite defeated. “I thought you would be in danger if you went out alone again, I just felt that way,” she said making me groan. “I have been doing it for the past 5 years Lola, and so far, nothing has happened to me, do you know why?” I asked. She shook her head at my question, “that’s because I know what I am doing. There’s no danger for me,” I continued. “Then if it isn’t dangerous, that means ill be safe too,” she said making my anger rise slightly. “No, it is dangerous in the sense that I can’t look out for the both of us. I only had myself to look out for in case any of the townspeople had the audacity to come out, not that they ever did, but now I need to look out for 2 people which I cannot do, go home Lola.” I said firmly. If we got caught, it was over for us. If anything, I feel the townspeople would find a way to get rid of us who broke their set and prestigious rules for the sake of not believing what they did. Especially the town chief. There was just something eerie about the chief, as though, by doing this he would be gaining some sort of control. But then again, this has been going on for the longest time in Entrepé and no one has ever had the galls to question it. “But Amanda-“ I cut her off. “Go. Home,” we couldn’t risk it. I would not risk it. I couldn’t go back to being trapped in there when the night is out there for me to do as I please. Lola looked butt hurt, but I couldn’t care at the moment. This was everything to me. It may feel as though I was being selfish, but it was okay being selfish. Especially when there was nothing I ever had. But the one thing I did. I was going to protect it. “I don’t want to,” she rebelled. What? “What do you mean, you don’t want to?” I said almost ready to yell at her. “If you’re fine out here I think ill be just as fine. You don’t need to watch my back, I can do it for myself, and if you’re worried about the townspeople or the caretakers feeling suspicious about it all, you can stop worrying,” I was ready to start pulling at my hair. Just why did I have to deal with all of this in the first place? what had io done so wrong to deserve this? Feeling the frustration peak, I decided to drag her back. Grabbing her arm, I pulled her towards the direction of the orphanage. She obviously resisted making things difficult for us both. “Let go!” she shrieked. “No,” I replied as I used all my strength to pull her arm towards the orphanage. Moving little by little, she pulled back. Not realizing we were close to the steep hill that led to the dark forest. She pulled against me with all her strength, dragging me along with her, but little did we realize that single pull caused her to lose her footing making us both fall down the steep hill tumbling recklessly. I felt twigs and stones, pierce into my skin, as I winced in pain, and as we continued to tumble down the hill like weeds in a dry desert, it felt like there was no end to this. Finally hitting the forest floor, I winced and groaned in pain. Sitting up, I watched Lola pick herself up slowly groaning in pain as well. This was all her fault! “Look what you’ve done!” I yelled at her making her flinch. “I’m… Sorry,” she said poking at another nerve. “Sorry? Sorry! How are we supposed to get out of here, we can’t climb the hill without slipping back down, we’ve never been here before, so we don’t know the way out. If only you’d listened when I told you not to follow me from the start!” I continued to don my frustration upon her. I sighed calming down. We had to get out of here. There were only a few hours left for the 5 in morning checkup, and if both of us aren’t there I don’t know what the caretakers are going to do when we show up after the time, forget them, what if it reaches the chief’s ears? How were we going to explain ourselves? “Let’s get moving, we need to get out of here before 4, or we’re done for,” I said as I picked myself up in all the pain that washed over me, frantically trying to figure out which way we’d need to start walking so we could get out. We definitely couldn’t go into the forest cause we would certainly get more lost, but it seemed walking left would get up closer to an end where we could climb up the hill without slip[ping back down. “let’s go,” I said as we walked in the left direction. “Do you know where we’re going?” Lola questioned. “Don’t ask stupid questions. Of course not, but it's better than staying where we were waiting for early morning.” I spat at her. my annoyance and frustrations were at their peak, but more than that the worry I was harbouring gave me slight anxiety. What if we didn’t make it out in time? What were the consequences? For two orphan children like ourselves, it would be easy to get rid of us because there was nothing that could take a stance for us. We only had ourselves and no one else. We had continued to walk for minutes on end, and it felt as though the path of getting out was nowhere in sight, instead, it felt as though we’d walked deeper into the woods rather than away from it or o the same path. We were lost and there was no denying it. No one was going to look for us if we were dead, and if anything, it would be better for us to die rather than return before the caretakers wake up. Once we were caught, it was over. Sighing we continued, there was always an end to everything, we would eventually get out. As we continued to walk, I heard a twig snap. I paused as Lola rushed behind me. “D-did you hear that?” she questioned, I did, and I wished I didn’t. “Let’s move faster,” I ushered as I grabbed her hand trying to pick up our face. The trees rustled as growling echoed around us. At this point, we were running as multiple sudden steps began to echo. Something or things were chasing us, and they didn’t seem small. Suddenly a large figure jumped in front of us halting us as we fell backwards. Before us was a giant wolf. Its size is unlike anything I had ever imagined a wolf to be. Its large vicious teeth snaring at us. Standing up with Lola and quickly turning around only to be met with two behind us, and by the time I’d realized, we were surrounded by wolves. Was this it for us? **** Chapter 2 Complete! Back in the game and ready to update! Let’s go! What do outthink is going to happen in the next chapter? Let me know in the comment section!

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