7: I hate humans

1258 Words
MATTEO Humans? I prefer to call them the worst mistake of creation. The gods must’ve been drunk on dog piss when they formed them. In a perfect world, they wouldn’t exist, only supernatural beings that were a worthwhile creation would. Knowing and believing this with every fiber of my being made me hate them with a burning passion. The type that scared me whenever I realized how deep my hatred for those disgusting creatures ran. If I didn’t have much better things that required my precious time, I’d dedicate my life to making every human’s experience on earth a living hell. In fact, if it were up to me they’d have no say in society and they’d be cursed to a life of eternal slavery with the most miserable conditions. But since I hadn’t acquired enough influence and power to do that on a worldwide scale, I was focused on uprooting them in a place where I was reverenced enough to have the final say… Hailsmith Academy. It was still a mind boggling mystery to me that humans were permitted into a school like ours that was formed by werewolves and had only just started admitting other supernatural beings a few years back. Humans were never meant to set foot on this school ground, they reeked of inferiority and actual s**t. However, since the school board refused to implement my countless petitions to ban humans from Hailsmith, I decided—rightfully so—to spread the propaganda to the entire school on how worthless, undeserving and disgusting they were. But of course, why would I stop at that? It barely got the job of weeding them out done. So, I went the extra mile by encouraging them to violently mistreat every repulsive human that stepped foot into Hailsmith until they got worn out and terminated their enrollment. I hated the sight of them with an unquenchable rage and I made sure they were driven out of the school before they could corrupt it further with their disgusting genes. Much to my pleasure, no human had lasted for more than a month in Hailsmith. I was aiming for the stars these days, so I intended to get them thrown out in two weeks or less by toning up the tyranny until they were miserable and considering death. Annoyingly, toning things up hasn't been working well on the b***h that just bagged a scholarship her kind is underserving of. What’s her f*****g name again? Xander? Xerox? I rolled my eyes, nearly losing them in the back of my head when I recalled her name from when I’d seen it being scribbled down by the academic officer on a sign up form for the League of Scholars. Xe—f*****g—nia. I’ve never hated a human like I hate her, never. And that's because none of them have had the balls to get on my nerves as much as she has. The first time we met at an international competition, I was about to take the win home for Hailsmith when she swiped it away by answering the only question I failed. After making a fool out of me at that competition, she had the effrontery to enroll in my school and disrupt the perfect order of things with her stupid fat brain that everyone keeps praising. As though being an irritating know-it-all in class isn't enraging enough, she went the extra mile by signing up for a competition that I’ve always won. And it’s more insulting because the shameless b***h is doing so just when I’m about to break a record that no one has in the hundreds of years that Hailsmith has existed. If she ruins it for me, I’ll have her head on a chopping block, right where it belongs. Really? You're such a sore loser that you're going to make your first kill a human girl? Not even a man? Talk less of another supernatural being? My annoying wolf mocked, pissing off the more. I didn't care about being taunted, she’d get what she deserved if she crossed me any further. In fact, I didn't deserve to swallow all of this hatred and anger when I could channel all of it into making her miserable life much worse. Determined to see her in pain, I went in search of her. After about thirty minutes of sweeping the hallways and classrooms with my eyes, I finally found her in an empty and deserted hallway with her head buried into a book. One of these days, her brain would explode from forcing information into it and I’d be glad to watch it happen. “Come to watch me study to kick your ass in the competition?” she said without raising her head to look at me as I approached her. Even the sound of her voice made my skin crawl, I loathed every single thing about her. “Mind your disgusting trap,” I hissed angrily, “I’ll do much more worse things to you if you don’t learn your place soon enough,” I warned, meaning every word in a way she was yet to comprehend. Good thing I didn't mind making things clearer for her daft ass. “How about this? Instead of being so threatened by me, try studying harder to keep your precious spot as number one student,” she said cheekily, her audacity nearly sending me to the farthest ends of insanity. She was maddening as hell, this one. Without bothering with a reply, I dipped my hands in my pocket and reached into my array of abilities to show her how truly superior I was in comparison to her. Soon, she was being lifted off the floor, her eyes widening in shock as she rose to her full height against her will. That was the least of it, and she was about to find out far worse. With all the rage boiling through me, I started to choke her without moving a muscle, pleased by how the shock in her eyes morphed into pure fear and dread as I slowly tightened the invisible yet effective grip around her neck. “W—wh—” she coughed, her eyes glossing over with tears as she struggled to breathe, “What are y—you doing?!” she coughed again, eyes growing red from the strength she exerted on asking that foolish question. I stepped closer to her, keeping a safe distance so I wouldn’t be assaulted by how she reeked of weakness and everything beneath me. “I told you I’d do much worse things than bully you if you didn't learn your place, didn't I?” I regarded her pain with pleasure slowly buzzing through my veins. “This is just a tip of the iceberg, star student,” I mocked before turning around on my heels and starting to walk away, I couldn't handle being around aggravating humans for too long, it didn't matter if they were being subjected to pain or not. As I walked off, I continued to tighten my grip, making sure her choking sounds got louder and louder from the impact. Every step I took was fueled with a blinding satisfaction that she was in pain, levitating and struggling for air after daring to talk back at me. Though I would revel in ending her worthless life, I let go of my hold on her once I stepped out of the building. Some day, she’d kneel before me and thank me for sparing her life.
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