6: Nightmarish

1487 Words
XENIA Hot flashes caused beads of sweat to stream down my face. The lighter’s flames assaulted my forehead, making me scream insanely while laughter scattered around me like my suffering was a joke. With all my might, I tried to pull away, struggling and writhing in pain, but all my efforts were futile. Just as my assailant grabbed my a fistful of my hair roughly, I screamed in horror. Next thing I knew, my eyes flew open and I jumped out of bed while my heart thumped uncontrollably from the nightmare I’d just been lost in. I kept breathing heavily, trying to level with reality and convince myself that it wasn't happening afresh, that it was nothing but a bad dream. When my nerves finally got grounded with reality and the scare faded, I realized just how messed up being bullied was. I’d never been the type to have nightmares that scared me awake, and even the rare times that I had nightmares they weren't replays of encounters I’d had in real life. That was a horrible and inhumane way to have been treated, especially if it was now haunting my dreams. My despair suddenly switched to anger when I reminded myself that it was all Matteo’s doing, that bastard wanted an apology so much that he sent lackeys to burn me for one? How f*****g low of him for someone that thought so highly of himself. I refused to take his rubbish like a powerless fool, he was going to feel the burn of my revenge as harshly as I felt those flames searing my flesh. Nothing could stop me from exerting revenge on Matteo Moore, absolutely nothing. *** Claudia scooted closer to me for the millionth time since we’d gathered in the assembly hall, almost like she was gunning for getting into my skin. “You good?” I whispered and she nodded, grinning from ear to ear before throwing an arm around my shoulder to sweeten the deal. I wanted to repeat the same question when the principal mounted the stage and cleared her throat in the microphone, stealing my attention easily. “It’s that time of the year for Hailsmith, when we prove that we’re really the best in academic conquests by contesting amongst ourselves to reveal the most brilliant student in our midst,” she announced, students cheering at her words. It made sense that such an activity excited them, this school’s foundation was competition, so were its walls and pillars. Be it on the grounds of academics or genetic superiority. “For the sake of new students, let me translate that parable,” she offered, much to my relief, “The League of Scholars is an annual intra school competition, one that has very high stakes attached because it’ll be aired internationally,” she explained, before scanning the hall for something. …or someone? She smiled when her eyes landed on a spot in the front row, but I couldn't make out the persons seated there because their backs were turned to me. “For three consecutive years, a particular student has taken the trophy and made our school proud to raise its shoulders all over the globe, and if he also bags this year's trophy, he’ll have the highest winning streak in the history of Hailsmith,” she beamed with pride. “Let’s welcome to the stage, the esteemed and brilliant Matteo Moore!” she clapped as the students erupted with cheers, practically screaming their heads off as he walked majestically to the stage. For the first time ever, I saw him genuinely smiling, his entire devilishly handsome face lighting up as he waved at the students that were still cheering like mad cows. No wonder he felt like a god, they treated the undeserving psycho like one. I tuned out whatever the principal was saying as I watched him beam proudly. It was obvious that he cherished the honor that came with academic prowess and winning the competition, so I was suddenly eager to wipe that smile off his face. And with the idea bulb glowing in my head and urging me to make sure he didn't win this year’s trophy, I felt like I’d landed the perfect revenge ploy. Claudia was clinging to my side while humming along to the Miley Cyrus songs that were blowing in her headphones as we walked to class when someone roughly bumped into me, nearly yanking my blazer off and then speeding off before I could see his or her face. When I looked down angrily at the spot on my blazer that was hit, I was irritated to find that a paper had been stashed into my breast pocket. I yanked it out and frowned at the words; “You have until the end of the school day to apologize if you don’t want a repeat of our beautiful session again.” Rage boiled through me like a volcano on the verge of eruption as I shredded the notes to pieces, vowing not to honor the demands of a bunch of foolish high school girls that were too cowardly to even show their faces while torturing me. “What’s all that about?” Claudia asked, noticing my anger as I pulled my hand out of hers to trash the paper in a bin outside our classroom. As much as I wanted to tell her, I didn't care for anyone’s pity so I decided to keep it to myself and change the topic. “I’m going to sign up for the League of Scholars competition,” I announced to her as we walked into the class. Her jaw dropped and she blinked repeatedly before grabbing me and forcing me into the nearest empty seat. “That’s a horrible idea, Xenia, and I’m saying that because you've suffered enough and humans aren't treated lightly whenever they enter elite competitions in Hailsmith,” she whispered in a tone dripping with dread. I wasn't scared one bit, instead I was eager to face the challenge and emerge victorious. I’d never lost in academic warfare and I sure as hell wasn’t going to start now. “Sounds like a brilliant idea too, especially since it means robbing Matteo of his precious trophy,” I shrugged, not taking her warning seriously. “Girl, no,” Claudia gasped dramatically, “You shouldn't be doing anything to piss of Matteo, he's capable of much worse than you're used to, I promise.” “I don’t care, Claudia, he needs to know that I’m not to be messed with,” I got out of my seat, glancing at the clock with a mischievous smile. “Xenia, you ca—” “Would you look at the time? The academic block opens exactly at 8 am and I’d love to go and fill a sign up sheet for the competition before they're exhausted,” I cut her off before she could fill my head with anymore negativity, the flashed her a cheery smile before marching off. Raven black hair with skull patterned manicured nails running through it greeted me as I walked into the academic block and I hissed inwardly at how early he was to sign up. “You’re our first signee this year, just like you've been for the last three years,” the academic officer praised Matteo as she penned down what I assumed were his details. He was smiling at her remark when he turned and his eyes locked on mine. His smile immediately vanished and hatred visibly filled his eyes. “Good morning miss Sarah, I’ve come to sign up for the League of Scholars,” I addressed the academic officer as I reached her desk. “There’s no spot for you,” Matteo said in a condescending tone but I completely ignored him, refusing to let him think his words mattered a thing to me. “He’s obviously joking,” Miss Sarah chuckled heartily, “there's always a spot for geniuses like you, Xenia, I personally processed your documents for your scholarship application and I was wowed at how you’ve had straight As since kindergarten!” she clapped in awe. Matteo looked at me with disgust, seeming both jealous and enraged by my brilliance. “Thank you miss, you flatter me too much,” I smiled, soaking in the praise. ”Nonsense! You’re so brilliant that I think you’re the first worthy opponent Matteo will be facing since the last three years, I’m almost certain that you might be his achilles heel and go as far as breaking his winning streak,” she praised even more while handing me a sign up sheet. I took it, grinning from ear to ear and relishing in how Matteo’s entire face turned red with rage and he huffed before storming out. I honestly couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I swiped the trophy from him.
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