8: Threats and Apologies

1574 Words
XENIA I landed on the floor with a thud that made my ass and thighs sore. Despite the new aches introduced to my body, I couldn't pay them any attention because I was too busy rubbing my neck frantically and gasping for air after being violently choked by Matteo. Tears were pouring from my face at will and I was trembling from the loss of breath. He was a heartless monster, even the powers he had pointed at that. Powers that were far beyond my understanding, by the way. How on earth could anyone cause another so much pain without even lifting a finger? There were absolutely no signs of struggle on his face while perpetrating such a life-threatening act either, and yet it was hard to believe that there were no real hands wrapped around my neck. How were werewolves able to wield such power? I never knew they were capable of that. It reminded me of how flexed that ability on me on my first day at school and I dreadfully wonder what other horrible things his abilities permitted him to do. My tears felt dried on my cheek at that point and I started to feel irritated with how weakly I was sprawled on the floor so I quickly picked myself up. Using some wipes from my backpack, I cleaned my face and my uniform until there were no signs of the sickening encounter I’d had with that flippant asshole. It was hard not to cry again about the harsh treatment I was being subjected to, but I tried my hardest to remain strong as I headed back towards the lockers in the main hallway. I was tiredly striding through the connecting hallway when I bumped into someone and realized that I hadn't been watching where I was going. “My bad. Sorry,” I rushed out absentmindedly still, unable to fully focus because of the sore aching spots on my neck. I’d just raised my hand to brush away a stray strand of hair when I noticed that there was a note on between middle and ring fingers. I let out a frustrated sigh before plucking it out, knowing fully well that it must've been slipped in there by whoever just bumped into me. “Apologize to him or we’ll have a repeat of the our last episode,” the note read. Fucking cowards, I wondered why they wouldn't get off my case. Was Matteo paying them to torment me and frustrate my every move? It was tiring and annoying as hell, I was fed up! I rolled my eyes and started to squeeze the note with an intention of throwing it in the nearest bin, but before I could crumple it properly, someone snatched it out of my hands and unfolded it to read the contents. When I looked up and saw that it was Claudia, I felt my tummy tie into knots. I was hoping I wouldn't have to share that wretched experience with anyone, but knowing her, she’d drill me for answers and I took absolutely no pleasure in that exercise nor the strain that lying was bound to put on a freshly booming friendship. “Xenia, what’s this about?” she frowned, glancing between me and the note questionably. “A couple of days back, some masked girls ambushed me and burnt my face repeatedly with a lighter while coercing me into agreeing to offer Matteo a public apology or whatever,” I recounted it lightly, but the crushing weight on my chest was proof that I was still actively traumatized by that experience. Immediately, she pulled me into a hug, nearly squeezing my bones to dust in the process. “I’m so sorry you experienced that. I really am, these werewolves are heartless pieces of s**t,” she said, compassion and sadness evident in her tone. I pulled away and slapped on a grateful smile, truly thankful for her support and comfort in this hellhole. “You couldn’t be more right about that, and I’d hate to let them get away with it,” I sighed, “Do you think I should report it to the disciplinary board?” “I doubt that’ll do anything but provoke them to strike again, especially since you don't know any of their faces,” she blinked sadly, “This is what I was scared of when I told you not to provoke Matteo, I’d hate to watch you get hurt any more than this.” I ignored that last bit, still determined to kick Matteo’s ass in the competition. “Do you think there's any way we can uncover the identity of the girls?” I asked instead. For a while she just stared blankly at the ceiling like she was racking every possible corner of her brain. “None that I can think of, sorry honey,” she said in a apologetic tone. I let out a tired sigh and just took her hand and started to guide us toward our lockers. Deep down, I knew that I had to find a way to crack their identities, there was no bloody way they’d get away with terrorizing me. *** The next day, Claudia was talking my head off about safety equipment to carry on me in case u got ambushed again when an annoyingly noisy crowd started forming in the hallway. Soon, several girls started to gush in awfully fake sweet tones. “Omg girl! Love the new hairdo!” “Lovely contacts! You're a looker!” “Wow! Your return was worth the wait, goddess!” “Go Queen!” “Killer shoes! Are those the limited edition Jimmy Choos!?” Out of curiosity—but mostly irritation from all the squealing, I took a peek at the center of attraction only to spot a gorgeous brunette, but after one glance, I returned my attention to my eagerly yapping friend again. When I could barely make out a word of what Claudia was saying because of the unbearable gushing and gradually growing crowd, I decided to ask about the person causing so much ruckus despite my lack of interest in her identity. “Who’s the girl causing this fuss? It’s giving me a splitting headache,” I hissed, rubbing my temple as I awaited Claudia’s remark. Without turning in the direction of the chaos, she answered. “That’s definitely Thelka, this happens every single time she returns to school,” she informed me, bright eyed as always when she was sharing any sort of information, “All that fuss is because she's Matteo’s girlfriend and the most popular girl in the school.” I nearly threw up in my mouth on hearing that, why would anyone want to put up with that rotten egg? Talk less of getting into a romantic relationship with him. Eww. Just, eww. I was about to share those disturbing thoughts with Claudia when I noticed that the crowd was parting and the girl who I now learnt was Thelka was headed right in my direction. I nudged Claudia lightly in the side and I saw her shoulders tense when she turned around and realized Thelka was right in front of us. As if her presence wasn’t disturbing enough, Matteo suddenly appeared out of the blue and stood behind her like a loyal subject. The voices in my head were urging me to run as fast as I could before he could unleash another of his evil abilities on me, but something about the warm smile that was now spreads across Thelka’s softly glammed face. “Hi!” she chirped sweetly, “You’re Xenia, right?” I nodded slowly, confused as to how this complete stranger knew my name. “I’m Thelka, Matty’s girlfriend,” she held out her slender hand for a handshake, skin glimmering under the hallway’s lighting. Matty? Yuck. I took her hand cautiously, mindful enough to pull back after a second in case she had something silly under her sleeve. “I know this seems sudden and a little weird,” she smiled again, her perfect dentition nearly blinding me, “but I’ve recently just learned of how horribly Matty has been treating you and I’m terribly sorry on his behalf, he knows better than to reign terror on harmless sweethearts like yourself.” If not that she looked truly apologetic and saddened by his behavior, I would’ve immediately called it out as a prank. “Uh…. Thank you,” I said lowly, overly aware of all the eyes that were on us, like it was a freaking spotlight play. “Now, Matty is going to apologize too because it's the right thing to do,” she said that last bit tightly, like there was a hidden threat directed at him. I cringed at the pet name, deciding that she was a clown for thinking that it suited him or that he was capable of tendering an apology. Surprisingly he stepped forward, running a hand through his hair like he was nervous or some s**t. Frankly, the sight of him was starting to irritate me the more this dragged on. “She’s right, I owe you an apology for all the rubbish I’ve put you through and I’m really sorry,” he said, making my jaw instantly sweep the floor with shock. Turns out I wasn't the only shocked party because the entire hallway was echoing with gasps
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