
3821 Words
Hazel Dakota * * It has been five days since I started working in the Castillo mansion and guess what! It is already weekend ! Returning to the room , I towelled off and dressed hurriedly in a pink gown I stared at my reflection in the mirror and shook my head in self pity The gown was already faded making it look like a rag I sighed softly It will soon be okay Hazel. I assured myself Just then , my phone rang and on checking the caller, it was my mum I received it Hello mum! I greeted first hello Hazel! how are you? She asked , sounding so excited as I smiled lightly .. I mean why won't she be excited when she will be visiting the hospital for the first time today I am fine mum . I answered Good! So when will you be coming over , Alexia and I will soon be leaving for the hospital or should we wait for you? No Mum! I will join you both there . Alright! She agreed and ended the call ...... Phew! What a relief! Keeping my phone inside the pocket of my gown, I combed my long hair , put on my sandals , picked up my hand bag and then walked out of the room to Hardin's room ..... I entered his room to find him still sleeping. I smiled softly, he sure do like to sleep! Closing the door gently, I walked towards him , trying hard not to make a sound I squatted beside him as I watch him sleep Bye Hardin! I said in whispers as he stirred slightly in his sleep he has been a little bit nicer ever since he told me he liked me as a maid but as for me, I was seriously hurting to know he sees me as a maid Well! At least he doesn't ignore me any longer , that is a great improvement ! Standing up , I turned to go when I heard him mumbled a word Mum! I looked at him in surprise Mum! Did he just say mum! I have never heard him call his mother "mum" so why saying her name in his sleep? obviously, he loves her but why is he being so cold to her? Did she wrong him in anyway? Is that why he is hurting? Poor Hardin! I just hope and pray that he will be fine ! I wished; then gave him a long look before leaving his room I was already missing him without even knowing the reason why !!!! * I climbed down the stairs to the sitting room and got there just in time to hear Mrs Castillo tell the cook about a birthday party I am going to find a way to invite his classmates over to his birthday party . I heard her say What birthday party? I wondered Good morning ma! I greeted as she shifted her attention to me Morning Hazel! I can see you are ready to leave . She said , seizing me up Yes ma. I answered politely And what of Hardin, have you checked on him this morning ? She asked Yes ma, he is still sleeping. I stated and she nodded Good! Opening her purse , she brought out a wad of cash and handed it to me I stared at the money in surprise, I thought my pay was supposed to be $500 but this is clearly more than my pay !!!! And as if reading my thoughts, she said That is a $800 , Hardin pleaded with me to give you some money to get new clothes so I added an extra $300 . Hardin! I repeated to be sure I heard right Yes, Hardin! I was surprised myself but I guess he probably noticed the rags you do put on . She said trying not to make it sound like an insult but yet I felt insulted Erm Thanks very much ma. I said in appreciation Oh! And lest I forget, Hardin will be 18 next Saturday so I will be needing you to stay over I8! I muttered that is if it okay by you . She quickly added Of course it is , I would love to spend the day with Hardin . I paused when I noticed her puzzled look and I chuckled nervously I mean I would love to assist In the preparation so will he be celebrating it? I asked and she tilted her head sideways before answering Well! I can't really say , you know Hardin does not have friends but I will try do something about it Okay ma! Alright Hazel , see you on Monday. She said as she waved me off I gave her a slight bow and walked out of the house to the taxi station * Getting to the taxi station, I Flagged down a taxi and got in Harmony hospital! I told the driver who nodded before driving off I leaned in the seat as my mind drifted off to what Mrs Castillo said Hardin pleaded with her to give me some money ! But why did he do that! Are my clothes that bad! I sighed, he really does sees me as a maid and yes , I am his maid The sound of my phone ringing disrupted my thoughts and I quickly brought out the phone from my pocket And on checking the caller , it was Mike I received it Hello Hazel! he greeted fast Hi Mike, how are you? I asked I am very fine , I could not sleep thinking about the dinner . he said and I laughed Oh Mike! You are so funny! I remarked No Hazel, I am damn serious. he retorted Fine! Fine! Fine! So where should we meet? Rolex hotel , only if it is okay by you Of course it is , Time? I asked No, pick the time yourself . he said calmly hmmh hmmmh ... let meet up 7. I said after giving it some thought Okay Hazel ! I will meet you in the hotel by 7. he said and ended the call Just then the car skidded to a halt and l looked out of the window to see the Large wordings of " Harmony Hospital" on the upper wall of the huge building Oh yeah! Alighting from the car , I paid the driver and then walked slowly to the gate as I looked around for my mum and Alexia Hazel! I heard a familiar voice call and I looked in the direction to see Alexia running towards me And on getting to me, she hugged me tightly I miss you Hazel. She said as I chuckled I miss you too baby! She pulled out of the hug and gave me a playful glare I have told you several times I am not your baby , that Castillo boy is . She said and my face flushed Castillo boy! Hardin! I smiled at the the thought of him sleeping peacefully and quickly waved it off Oh Hazel ! You are really crazy! Alexia! Please Remind me of my age again. I pleaded and she stared at me in surprise What is that for? Just remind me please . I repeated as she rolled her eyes Fine! You are twenty one , any problem with it? No! What of Mother? I asked , changing the subject She is over at the waiting room. And without saying anything else , I walked slowly through the huge gate to the waiting room You are twenty one! you are twenty one! You are twenty one! I kept on repeating * * The waiting room was almost empty when I got in so I easily sighted my mother She was seated at an extreme corner with her eyes closed Is she sleeping? I wondered I walked up to her with Alexia following behind me Mum! I called , tapping her gently and her eyes fluttered opened Hazel! When did we get here? she asked softly Not quite long! So have you seen a doctor? I inquired but she shook her head I was waiting for you, and now that you are here , we can go in having said that , she stood up from the chair and walked towards the doctor office Wait here ! I instructed Alexia before running to catch up with my mum .....: * Stopping in front of the office, my mom knocked on the wooden door Come in . A female voice answered and on pushing the door , we both walked in to see a slim woman seated behind the desk Good afternoon ma'am! my mom greeted. You can have you seat . She offered without looking at us and we did She wrote something into a note and then looked up at us So how can I help you? She asked , looking at me and then at my mom I have a complain to make concerning my health. My mum answered and the woman nodded Okay! So I have being having this migraine which usually leads to dizzy spells and somethings shock . My mum explained to the doctor Dizzy spell! Shock! And what have you done about it? the doctor continued and my mom glanced at me Erm you see I do buy drugs in the chemist shop. My mum replied and the doctor stared at her in awe Isn't that self medication? She asked and without waiting for response, she continued Don't you know the risk in it ! It can even lead to a bigger problem I know and that is why we are here . I butted in Yes Doctor, so what can we do? My mum supported me and the doctor sighed Good! First of all , you will need to carry out a test and that is when you are ready ! I exchange look with my mum, What does she mean by that ? Is she judging us because we look poor! We are ready. I said aloud and she knitted her eyebrow Fine! But you have to make a deposit first , do you have enough money ? She asked and I bit at my upper lips to stop myself from yelling at her Yes ! I answered in a surprisingly calm voice Good! Standing up , she signalled at my mom to go with her in which my mom rushingly did Annoying fool! I cursed at her immediately she was out of sight , did she just try to mock us? * * In what seems like forever, the doctor soon returned to the office with my mom following behind her So Mrs Dakota, you really need to reduce your sugar intake . She said, sitting on her leather chair I looked at her and then at my mom What is wrong with you mom ? I asked and before could say anything, the doctor answered HBP, she is suffering from a chronic high blood pressure but luckily , it is still in stage 1.She stated and I sighed in relief I will commence the treatment once you make a deposit. She quickly added Oh! And how much will that be ? $600. She answered, writing something into a note So expensive! I thought within And without arguing, I unzipped my hand bag and brought out the wad of cash I counted out $600 and handed it to doctor as my mum eyes widened in surprise.... Hazel! She called softly as I patted her hands It is fine! I assured her * * Hardin Castillo * * Laying on my bed , i was watching the television when I heard a knock on the door Who could that be ! My mum doesn't knock , neither do short Hazel ! Come in . I answered and the door creaked opened to reveal a chubby girl on white holding a tray I frowned as I sat up on the bed Good morning sir Hardin! the girl greeted and I scoffed Who the hell are you? I asked, shooting daggers at her Erm I am Rebecca. She answered nervously as she placed the tray on a low stool beside me I looked at the food and then looked back at her And why are you here? What of Hazel? I asked , staring intently at her Hazel has gone home , she only works on week days . She answered and I stared at her trying the digest what I just heard Hazel my personal maid went home without telling me , why? I thought we were now getting along ... well! not really getting along but at least I am a little bit free with her .... Sir you have to eat else the food will get cold . The girl said snapping me out of my thoughts and I slowly shifted my gaze to her I had completely forgotten someone like her was in my room! And what are you still doing here? I asked but she did not answer instead, she sat on the bed and winked at me seductively and that was when I noticed her cleavages were all out I scoffed , Is she trying to seduce me ? Actually Sir Hardin I have been trying so hard to get your attention but you hardly even spare me a glance. She stated and I stared blankly at her She was clearly not my type but I was too damn too awe struck to think straight All you need to do is to spread her ass wide on the bed and drill her hard with all the anger in you . My subconsciousness screamed and I quickly waved it off No Hardin don't fall into temptation. another voice screamed in my head , it was as if both voices were mocking me I bit at my lower lips as I watched the girl open another button and that was it , I have had enough of the show Get out . I barked at her and she flinched in surprise But why, ain't I beautiful? She asked and I smiled lightly Of course you are but I don't do desperate girls like you What! Get out . I repeated but this time with a growl and she quickly rushed out of the room .... I exhaled deeply, This is all f****d up! I really need my maid , I really need Hazel here .......... * * Hazel Dakota * * searching through the old worn out wardrobe, I sighed in frustration seeing I had no good clothes to wear for the dinner Ooooooh! What will I do now? I said aloud, tapping my feet on the cemented floor Just put on your black gown. Alexia who had been watching me suggested as I scratched my hair in confusion But I wear that all the time . I said sadly and she shrugged It does not mean sis! what matters is the fittings the gown give to your body , you know you might be short but you have it all in the right places . She said with a wink and i exhaled deeply My wages was all spent so I had no other option but to put it on ...... I brought out the gown from my hand bag and spread it out on the bed It was the only cloth I brought along with me from the Castillo mansion!!! Having done that , I rushed into the bathroom to shower and on returning to the room , I hurriedly dressed up in the gown how do I look? I asked Alexia , staring at the mirror and she huffed Why are you getting all worked up , it is just a dinner right or is there something you ain't telling me ? She asked , giving me a puzzled look Some thing like what! She was quiet for a while and then asked Do you like Mike? hell no! I blurted out and without saying anything, she picked up a book and started reading I smirked She is crazy just like Hardin!no, Hardin is crazier * Putting on my sandals , I grabbed my handbag and blew Alexia a kiss before walking out of the room Have fun at the dinner . She called after me * My mum was leaning in the sofa watching the television and I tiptoed to her and covered her eyes with my plan She laughed Stop it Hazel! She said weakly as I chuckled, giving myself away With that tiny hands of yours, I can tell you are the one . She boasted and I smiled lightly How are you feeling now? I asked Very weak , the drip and injection really took a toll on me!!!! Sorry mum , you will be alright. I assured and she nodded I know! .. and lest I forget, how did you get the money you used In paying up the hospital bill? She asked and I smiled knowing she would ask Mrs Castillo gave me an extra pay ! Your boss! And why would she do that? She asked as her eyes widened in surprise I don't know . I lied , I couldn't tell her the reason behind it because I know she will feel bad ! Oh! She exclaimed softly Alright mum , I need to be on my way now . I stated Alright baby! Have fun! I leaned over to peck her before walking out of the house to the taxi station...... * * * Throughout the drive to the hotel , my mind was filled with the thought of Hardin What will he be doing! Will he have eaten ! Did he feel my absence! Of course he will feel it , I am his personal maid after all...... We are here ma'am. The driver announced distracting me from my thoughts and I looked out of the window to confirm; yes , he was right , we were right in front of Rolex hotel Opening the car door , I alighted from the car and paid him ; then climbed up the front stairs to the main building I walked slowly into the building as I looked around for Mike and smiled when I saw him seated beside the exit door I walked up to him and on seeing me , he flashed me a smile but I was lost staring at him to return the smile Is this really Mike? I thought within he looked so hot in the transparent white polo he was putting on and Jeez! I never knew he had inks on his chest ... Are you alright Hazel? he asked snapping me out of my thoughts and I quickly composed myself Erm yes I am. I answered, sitting down opposite him and he chuckled Is this about my tattoos? he asked and I nodded truthfully I drew it when I was in London.he said and I gasped in surprise You lived in London? I asked with keen interest Yes, I spent most of my teenage life there . he answered as he made signal to a waiter. Wow! Interesting! then why did you come over to America? I continued To start a new life. he answered bluntly and I looked out of the window not wanting to go deeper in his personal life ..... The waiter soon came over to our table and we both placed our order We both ordered the same thing, grilled chicken and fruit juice So what exactly do you want to tell me ? I suddenly asked and his face flushed Yes erm actually you see erm Hazel I really like you . he stuttered and I went stiff Like! Did he just like! No, it must be pulling my legs just like Hardin! Damn! Why am I thinking of Hardin again! Focus Hazel ..... And I want you to be my girlfriend. he added and I shifted uneasily on the chair I didn't expect this so I was confused about how to handle it Please say something Hazel. he begged and I sighed Mike! I wasn't expecting this and to tell you the truth, I am passing through a lot and need nobody to like me .......... Except Hardin .my subconsciousness screamed but I waved it off I understand how you feel Hazel , but I am ready to give you all the time you need to think about it . Mike stated Just then, my phone rang and on checking the caller, it was Mrs Castillo I became alarmed , did anything happen to my Hardin ? .... wait! Did I just use "my" Pathetic! I mumbled as I received the call hello ma! I greeted first , expecting to hear a female voice but instead a male voice rang through hello Hazel! My heart skipped faster That voice , I could recognise it anywhere! Hardin! I called softly and he scoffed Why the hell did you leave without telling me? Erm that was because you were sleeping. I answered , picking my words Oh !Too bad! I was planning on spending the weekend with you and also , I stole my mom phone to call you so you don't need to f*****g tell her about the call.... Okay! But what do you mean ...... i stopped when I noticed the line was no longer connected.... He hung up the call on me! Who is that? Mike asked , staring intently at me A friend. I lied not knowing why I did so Oh! he exclaimed softly and then continued talking but I was half listening as I was lost thinking about Hardin ...... No Hazel! this is not right , you are twenty one (21) and he is barely eighteen (18) * * TBC
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