Just a kiss

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Hazel Dakota * * The weekend went by really fast and it was soon Monday I dragged myself up from the bed and walked slowly into the bathroom I felt so weak ,my breast sore and I was also having mild headache Could it be my period? no way , It wasn't due yet and to prove my point, I was not stained! I returned to the room when I was done freshening up and hurriedly dressed up in a white gown I recently bought Wow! I exclaimed, staring at the mirror, I looked so different! The gown brought out all of my curves and I was sure Hardin won't.........gosh! Did I just say Hardin! ... well! I wanted him to look at me differently Just then I heard someone cough and I looked in the direction to see Alexia already awake Good morning baby! I greeted first Why didn't you wake me? She asked with a frown and I smiled lightly That is because it is still early ! I answered, pointing at the wall clock It was still 6:45 am! Oh! Then why are you up so early? She probed, rubbing the sleep crust off her eyes and I huffed Are you really asking me that! you should know I have to get to the Castillo mansion on time so I can attend to Hardin .. Your baby ! She said with an eye roll and I smirked She is just too stubborn! Combing out my long hair , I plaited it into a bun and applied little makeup Omoo! What are you trying to do sis? Alexia asked , staring at me like i was a ghost And what does it looks like to you? You don't apply this s**t so why doing it now? She continued That is because erm That is because erm . I stuttered not knowing what to say and she laughed loudly ha! ha! It is obvious someone is trying to please a guy.........so tell me is it Mike ? She taunted and I scoffed Shut up Alexia ! I barked hearing the name Mike made me nervous ..... well! I guess it is because of his "relationship proposal", I mean i was still confused about what to say to him !!! Though confused, I was sure about one thing, I like Mike as a friend ..... * Putting on my sandals, I picked up my hand bag from the bed and was about leaving the room when a strong pain hit me in the abdomen arrrgh! I groaned closing my eyes as I tried to absorb the pain Are you alright sis? Alexia asked and I quickly composed myself Sure! It is just a slight pain . I assured as she stared at me worriedly Are you sure about that? She asked to be sure and I nodded Bye sis. I bade and scurried out of the room to the sitting room my mum was still sleeping peacefully on the on the sofa and not wanting to disrupt her sleep , i leaned over to peck her before leaving for the taxi station * By the time I got to the taxi station, The day was already bright and without wasting time , I flagged down a taxi and got in I leaned in the seat as the same pain hit me again No,it can't be my period!it really can't be! Where to miss? the driver snapped me out of my thoughts and I smiled lightly The Castillo mansion. I said as he stared curiously at me through the rear mirror and then he drove off .... My phone suddenly beeped signifying a text message bringing the phone out of my bag , I clicked on it , it was a message from Mike "Good morning Haz! how are you doing, can I call you now?" I quickly replied him "No, I am busy for now " I knew I was being unfair to him but I really do not know what to say to him !!!! * * The driver stopped in front of the mansion and I alighted from the car just in time to see Mrs Castillo drive out of the house Winding down the car window, she nodded towards me and then zoomed off Where is she going? I wondered, walking through the already opened gate to the house I met no one in the sitting room so I climbed up the stairs to Hardin room and on entering his room , I found him standing in front of the mirror combing his hair Good morning! I greeted and he looked in my direction Morning! he responded his eyes raked down my body and back up , he didn't even try to subtle it You look so different! he remarked and I blushed How different? I asked expecting him to say the word "beautiful" but instead, he just smirked and continued with what he was doing What! Is he for real? I dressed all up for him and he couldn't even compliment me! he is so rude and crazy Don't just stand there , go get me water . he said , distracting me from my thoughts and I scoffed Did you just scoff at me? he asked turning to face me and I moved back a little as his deep green eyes bored into mine No erm I mean I was just joking. I stuttered he stared at me for a while and then sighed Go get me water! Taking few steps to the door, he caught me by my arms and made me face him What? I mouthed at him and he scoffed Are you really a girl? he asked as I shot him a confused look Don't tell me this is how you have been walking around? he continued with a miff What the hell are you talking about? I asked still not understanding what he meant And without answering me , he picked up a sweatshirt from his reading table and threw it to me I looked at the sweat shirt and then back at him What should I do with it? Cover up your stained gown. he drawled and looked away Stained gown! What is he taking.......wait a minute!My period ! Hardin saw the stains on my gown! How embarrassing! I immediately wished for the ground to swallow me up What are you waiting for , go get me the water. he repeated for the third time quickly , I tied the sweatshirt around my waist and scurried out of his room to the kitchen .... Entering the kitchen, I met Rebecca doing the dishes And on seeing me ,she glared at me and hissed Why? I asked , staring at her in surprise but she didn't respond , instead she dropped the dish sponge inside the sink and stomp out of the kitchen What is wrong with her? I wondered Opening the refrigerator, I brought out a bottled water and then ran up the stairs to Hardin room ! he was about leaving the room when I walked in , and with a nervous smile , I handed him the bottled water Are you alright? he asked with a straight face and I nodded It was hard to tell what he was thinking! Do I disgust him now!! Off to school! he said , gulping down the water as he walked out of the room .... I looked around the messed up room and sighed softly I was to weak to do a thing , I really need to rest! I walked out of his room and headed to my small room entering the room, I tossed my bag on the bed and went over to the bathroom to clean up my self and on returning to the room , I collapsed on the bed I was in pains , it was as if my abdomen was being ripped apart I kept on rolling on the bed till I drifted off to sleep ..... * * Hardin Castillo * As soon as the English teacher left the class , the class went back to its noisy state ..... What a class! I muttered Opening my backpack, I brought out a "Williams Shakespeare novel" and placed it on the desk Othello! Are you really reading that? Richard who was seated beside me asked and I nodded Who in the world still read Shakespeare novels? he asked with an eye roll Me! I answered shortly Of course, everyone knows how crazy you are about books! he retorted and I smiled lightly I guess you want to be a writer like your grand pa. he added and yes , he got it right opening the novel , I was about starting the first chapter when Steve the lousy nerd joined us ......... Oh man, I am sure your birthday party is gonna be a huge blast . he started and I shot him a confused look Whose birthday party? Yours or won't you be 18 this Saturday? he asked staring at me weirdly I will , but how did you know? I asked as he laughed Simple! It is on the class w******p group chat What! Are you kidding me! I asked in disbelief Nope, You can check it yourself! He said , placing his phone in front of me and yes, he wasn't kidding me Right on the group chat was a general invitation to my birthday party but what got me more confused was that it was posted by the class teacher ....... how did she know about it! I mean who the hell told her I am having a birthday party! And as if reading my thoughts, Richard who had been quiet throughout the conversation said I think it is your mother , I saw her talking to the class teacher this morning Dang it! Why didn't I think of that ? * The hours dragged on until the school bell rang , its loud shrill signifying the end of school day slinging my backpack across my shoulders, I stood up and walked out of the class . I was really pissed with my mum , why will she invite my class mates to a party that I am not even aware of? Does she still think of me as a kid! I really need to warn her to stop interfering in my life ! * Getting to the car lot, I was surprised to see Kimberly leaning on my car What is she doing there! Did I even see her in class today! .... oh yeah ! I did She was so quiet today that I almost didn't notice her...... She straightened up when she saw me and then flashed me a smile Hi Hardin! She greeted hi! what are you doing here? I asked , fixing my gaze on her beautiful face as she chuckled nervously I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday in advance. She said in a seductive voice and I smiled knowing she was lying Why exactly are you here miss? I repeated , pulling her close to me and she swallowed hard You know what I want already , I want you Hardin . She said and before I knew it , I felt her soft lips on mine as kissed me I chuckled softly , is she really ready to enter a game with me! Roaming my hands all over her body , I kissed her back hard and deep as she moaned softly in my mouth Haardin! Damn! I really wanted to screw this girl , I really want to hear her moan under me! I squeezed her ass cheeks and in return, she touched my d**k through my pant trousers Fuck! I breathe into her mouth I want you to f**k me! she said in a muffled voice and I chuckled, breaking the kiss Of course I will , I have got lot of condoms for that ! I stated as she licked her lips seductively Then let's go over to my house! She said but I shook my head I have to go home now , my friend will be waiting out for me and I don't want her to stay out long her! She repeated and I nodded Oh! If that is the case , can I have a sleepover at your place on Friday? She asked and I nodded in agreement I will be leaving on Saturday evening after your birthday. She added having said that , she kissed me briefly and made for the school gate I watched her go and smiled The birthday party is not a bad idea after all...... Opening my car door , I got into the car and drove off heading to the mansion!! * * On getting to the mansion, I honk the car horn and the gate was opened up by the security man I drove into the compound and to my surprise, Hazel wasn't there to carry my backpack Why! Is she angry I am home late? I thought within I alighted from the car and headed straight to the sitting room * I met that Rebecca of a lady alone in the sitting room and on seeing me , she stood up and bent her head in shame Welcome sir! She greeted but I ignored her and climbed up the stairs to my room Entering my room, I was surprised to see it the same way I left it What! Why didn't hazel clean it up? Is she alright! Is the sick! And in a rush , I tossed my back pack on the and scurried out of my room to the next room and on entering the room , I saw Hazel laying on the bed with her eyes closed I walked slowly to her and sat down beside her on the bed her face looked so pale and even in her sleep , I could tell she was in pains But what is wrong with her! Is this about her period! I touched her forehead and gosh ,she was burning up Hazel! I called and her eyes fluttered opened oh Hardin! She called and tried to sit up but I held her back Don't stress yourself , what exactly is wrong with you? I asked , brushing off the hair from her face and her cheeks turned red What! Is she blushing because I touched her! Is it the period ? I continued She stared at me for a while and then nodded Fuck! so have you taken drugs! have you eaten! I asked in a rush No. She answered weakly And without asking any more questions, I stood up from the bed and ran all the way to the kitchen to get her food!!! * * Hazel Dakota * * After Hardin left the room , I sat up on the bed in surprise What just happened! is that really Hardin! I mean i was expecting him to scold at me for not cleaning up his room but he did the exact opposite. Did he just talk to me softly! Did he just care for me! Despite the pains I was having , I wriggled my body in excitement.....: * With the little strength in me , I dragged myself out of the bed and went over to the bathroom to change and clean up ; on returning to the room, I found a tray of food and water along with a pain relief drug on a stool beside the bed I smiled lightly Hardin probably dropped this here when I was still in the bathroom...... And without wasting time , I sat on the bed and began eating..... * After eating, I made use of the drugs and then rested my head on on the pillow My phone suddenly rang and as expected , it was Mike he called earlier when I was sleeping and I responded by telling him to call me back ! I received it on the second ring Hello Hazel! his baritone voice rang through hi Mike! I greeted and I heard him exhaled deeply What is wrong? Your voice sounded so bad when I called this afternoon.... It is nothing Mike, I was just stressed up! I assured him Fine! I hope you are better now?he asked Sure! Okay dear, talk to you later . he said and ended the call Dear! Did he just call me dear again? I sighed , This Is so frustrating! How will I tell him I am not interested without hurting his feelings!! how will I.... The door to my room creaked opened snapping me out of my thoughts and Hardin walked in holding a hot water bottle along with a towel Erm I goggled about erm your stuff and it was mentioned that this helps. he said , handing me the stuffs Thanks. I muttered Wrapping the bottle up on the towel , I placed it on my abdomen and I felt so relaxed instantly Do you need anything else? he asked , staring into my face and I had to pinch my self to be sure I was not dreaming I shook my head negatively Alright! He stated and turned around to leave the room when I blurted out Stay with me! he turned back to face me with a surprise look which he immediately replaced with a light smile Is that really what you want? he asked and I nodded And without saying anything else, he moved closer and sat down on the bed There was an awkward silence between us and i shifted uneasily on the bed So are you still hurting? he asked , breaking the silence Just a little. I answered as he stared at me with concern How many day will you go through this pain? he asked , biting at his lower lips and I smiled lightly The pains only linger for a day , you know my little sister is always there to cuddle me . I said trying to make it sound like a joke but it came out dryly Oh! Should I replace your sister then? he asked maintaining a straight face and i swallowed hard making a sound I mean I can stay here with you throughout the night and cuddle you the way your sister does ;that is only if you want it . he added Of course I want it . My subconsciousness screamed I stared at him blankly as lot of things ran through my mind What of his mother! What will she say if she find us in the same room! will I be save! And as if hearing my thoughts, he said Don't worry about my mom , she won't be coming home today Oh! I exclaimed softly So should I stay with you? he repeated and I nodded Laying on the bed beside me , he drew me closer to him So tell me what do you want us to talk about? he started but his voice sounded so distant as I was lost staring at him his green eyes! his slim nose ! his sexy pink lips! he was so close and I swear , I could hear him breathe Hazel! I called softly and that was it , I could not control myself any longer I brought his head closer to me and kissed him deeply he went stiff for a moment ; then he wrapped his hands around me and kissed me back His tongue was exploring my throat and the feeling I was having was something I could not explain... I completely forgot about my worry!! I completely forgot about the age difference! I completely forgot I was a maid ! Oh Hardin! I moaned deeply into his mouth as he pulled out of the kiss..... he stared into my face and that was when I realised I was in love with him ..... What have you done to me Hardin? I blurted out foolishly and he chuckled I didn't do anything to you , you were the one who kissed me . he stated and I shot him a confused look What!!! Yes Hazel, I didn't force you or did I? he asked calmly No but I was erm thinking you know the kiss. I stuttered and he scoffed What the hell are you saying? I mean the kiss we shared , doesn't it mean anything to you? I asked , picking my words He stared at me for a while and then laughed It is just a kiss Hazel and nothing more! His answers made my muscle tensed , I tried to say something but could not find my voice Just a kiss! Did I just hear right! I blinked my eyes to stop myself from crying , I was so pained, it was as if my heart was torn into many pieces and to make it all worst , he didn't even seem to care he just switched off the light bulb and said only a word Good night! * * TBC * Hmmh Hazel!
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