First day at Beacon high school

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Hazel Dakota * * After putting the first aid box back to its place , I returned to Hardin room to clean up the mess The room was empty and from the sound of the tap running , I knew he was in the bathroom Using a long broom, I gathered the broken pieces together ;then use a dustpan to pack the pieces into a waste bin I looked around to be sure everything was in order before leaving the room with the dustpan and waste bin .. * Climbing down the stairs, I was on my way outside to dump the dirt when I heard my name I quickly turned back to see Mrs Castillo coming out of the kitchen And where are you going with that? She asked , staring at the waste bin I want to dump it outside ma . I answered politely Don't worry Hazel , Rebecca will do that . She said and then signalled at Rebecca who was assisting the cook to set the dinning table Go take that from her! Yes ma. Rebecca answered , leaving what she was doing and rushed towards me I handed the stuffs to her and then leaned on the wall not knowing what else to do Should I go assist in setting the table? Should I go check on Hardin? Should I go to my room? Damn! I don't even have a room here , my old worn out bag was still here in the sitting room And why are you just standing there, come and have dinner and after which I will show you to your room . Mrs Castillo said , bringing me out of my thoughts and I sighed in relief At last! I went over to the dinning and sat down quietly My mind drifted off to Hardin , the pains I saw in his eyes , what was it all about? Did something bad happen to him! Did someone hurt him!.... wait a minute! he hasn't eaten anything Ma! I called his mom and she shifted her attention to me What is it dear? She asked , placing a plate of bagel and grilled chicken into a tray I am worried about Hardin , he hasn't eaten anything. I stated and she smiled Don't worry dear, I will handle that today ! Having said that , she picked the tray along with a bottled water and headed up the stairs Thanks goodness! I guess I am relieved for today! I watched the cook dished out my food and after washing my hands, I began eating * After eating, I assisted the cook in clearing the table and when I was done, i went over to the sitting room I sat down on the sofa and watched the television as I waited patiently for Mrs Castillo And In what seems like forever, She returned to the sitting room holding an empty tray I am sorry Hazel , I had to stay with my son till he was done eating. She explained and I smiled lightly It is alright ma! She handed the tray to Rebecca and then gestured at me to come with her Standing up , I picked my bag and followed behind her as she led me up the stairs to a room right beside Hardin's This is where you will be sleeping. She said calmly and I nodded , looking around the room It was a small room with less expensive furnitures but It was still beautiful Thank you very much ma . I said in appreciation and she nodded Sleep tight Hazel! and remember to wake up early . She reminded and then left the room .... I dropped the big bag at a corner of the room and then collapsed on the huge bed I was so tired! Bringing out my phone from my pocket , I was surprised to see 20 missed calls I4 from Mike , 4 from my from mum and the remaining two from Alexia I quickly dialled my mom number and she picked it up on the first ring Hazel! her loud voice rang through hello mom! I am sorry for not picking the calls , I never knew when the calls came in . I said in a rush and she sighed It is alright! I was just worried about you , how is that place? She asked Fine mum! I answered truthfully And I hope the boy is not stressing you up? She asked , chuckling Erm uhm let me say he is just being a teenager! Yes your baby. I heard Alexia say and I laughed Don't mind her!she is just ..... being Childish. I completed and we both laughed Alright baby! Good night! My mom bade Good night mum . I said and ended the call Smiling, I was about dialling Mike number when his call came in I received it hello Mike! I greeted first Hazel! Where did you keep you phone? he asked, sounding so worried It was in my gown pocket but I never knew it was ringing. I answered truthfully Oh! You really scared the hell out of me Did I? I asked confusedly Yes! Let's leave that aside , how is the place? Do you like it? he asked Sure. I answered and he sighed in relief There was an awkward silence between us and then he asked Have you thought about the dinner ? Erm not really . I answered and he exhaled deeply But why Hazel! I really got something important to tell you Something important! And what is that! I retorted It is not something we can talk through the phone. ... Fine! Let's meet up on Saturday. I said after giving it a little thought Thank you so much Hazel! Thank you so much! I will call you later so we can talk more about it Alright! Good night Mike!i said , yawning and ended the call..... Today was so damn stressful! * * Hardin Castillo * * The sound of voices woke me up and I opened my eyes to see my mom staring down at me Wake up baby! It is already morning Stretching, I rolled on the bed and rubbed my eyes still full of sleep Damn! Of all time , why must she wake me now? Those terrible nightmares took a toll on me and I couldn't sleep till it was 6:00am I sat on the bed and blinked twice, staring blankly at her Good morning baby! She greeted with a wide smile Why are you here? I asked rudely and she sighed It is already past 9 and you need to get ready for school! I slowly shifted my gaze to the wall clock and yes she was right , it was 9:27 I also brought this . She said , touching a black back pack and I nodded slowly Everything you need is in there. She quickly added And without saying anything, I dragged myself up from the bed and then walked slowly to the bathroom to freshen up I felt so weak! On returning to the room, my mum was no longer in the room I went over to the wardrobe , opened it and stared in awe at the stack of different clothings Jeez! how many years will I wear all this? Pulling out a black polo and a black jean , I hurriedly dressed up in it and then put on a black boot ..... I sat on the bed to unzip the black back pack and just like my mum said, everything I needed was inside it Text books , note books , pen , pencils and a brand new iPhone I smiled lightly I brought out the phone and stared at it , it was the latest product ...... And on scrolling through it , I notice hers and my Dad number was already saved on it ..... I kept the phone back in it and then zip up the bag Standing up , I sling the backpack across my shoulders and was about leaving the room when the door creaked opened and a short girl walked in It was the same girl from yesterday, the one who treated my wound Good morning Hardin! She greeted with a smile and before I could respond, she moved closer to me and held my hands to look at my bandaged palm. Are you alright? Does it still hurt? Should I change the bandage? she asked in a rush and I stared at her with my eyes wide opened What kind of girl is this? She left my hand and then stood on her toes to touch my forehead Thank goodness you ain't burning up . She said , sighing in relief and I huffed Who are you? I asked and she smiled lightly I am Hazel Da........ she tried to say but I cut her off. I didn't ask for your name , I was trying to ask if you are human ! I retorted and I saw her go stiff just because I let you treat my wound doesn't mean you have the right to touch me. I barked and she flinched , bending her head I am sorry. She apologised and I could tell from her voice that she was about to cry Whatever! I muttered and walked past her to to the door Opening the door , I turned to face her and heaved a sigh before leaving the room * Getting downstairs, I met my mum seated in the dinning eating And on seeing me , she gulped down a glass of water and quickly stood up Are you ready? She asked but I ignored her since she asked an obvious question What of your breakfast! I sent your personal maid to you , did you see her ? She asked and I gave her a confused look Personal maid! What is that? I thought within And as if reading my mind, she looked towards the stairs and called a name loudly Hazel! And in a rush, the short girl came running down I stared at her in surprise Personal maid! Is she a maid! Yes ma. the girl answered trying hard not to meet my gaze What were you doing up there! Why didn't you serve my son breakfast? my mom queried her Erm ma I am sorry erm I went to Hardin room to erm. She stuttered and then bit at her lower lips It was obvious she had nothing to say since she came into my room to touch me !!!! Why didn't you serve him his breakfast? My mum repeated and I scoffed The whole thing was beginning to bore me! It is alright ma! She actually did came to ask me about breakfast but I ignored her . I lied and the girl looked at me in surprise My mum looked at me and then back at the girl Fine! Make sure you clean up his room before he gets back from school . She told her and then faced me What will you like you eat? Nothing, I will pass! I answered dryly Are you sure about that? She asked to be sure and I nodded slowly I will get something at the school cafe!!! And without saying anything, she pick up her car keys from the table and then walked out of the house I shifted my gaze back to the girl and met hers She gave me a small smile but being me, I ignored her and walked out of the house to the garage My mum was already seated in the car so I opened the car door to join her and without wasting time , she started the car and drove off ..... * * The drive to the school was damn boring as the woman seated beside me kept on telling me what to do and not to do as if i was a little kid Avoid fights! make good friends! be good and kind to everyone! Don't let anyone see your tattoos! I scoffed And what does my tattoo got to do with all this? I asked , fixing my gaze on her That is because they will all ............. See me as a bad kid . I completed and she swallows hard I did not say so, I just wanted..... she tried to say but I cut her off Can you please just shut up and drive! I retorted, trying so hard to hold my anger She should be happy I am letting her advice me ! * * On Getting to the school, my mom drove into the compound and parked out in front "Beacon hills high school ". I read the huge inscription on the wall I alighted from the car and my mum did the same at her own end What kind of school is this? I thought aloud , staring at the green building It is a school attended by only the rich . My mum answered and I rolled my eyes It looks like a crèche to me! * We walked through a long passage and I notice the stares from every female student we came across .... I wasn't surprised, I was already used to it From my school back in London to the prison house , I was always praised for my good looks ... We stopped in front of a office with the tag "principal" and to my surprise, my mom walked in without knocking Does she know the man? Or is she screwing him also? I stared in surprise at the man seated behind the desk , he was so fat that I fear he would burst any time soon And on seeing us, he flashed my mom a smile and then nodded at me Hardin Castillo right! he asked and before I could answer, my mum butted in Yes! And without saying anything else , he handed me a form to fill and I did I handed it back to him and he went through the details his eyes widened as he read it and he looked at me It says here that you went to a correctional school , can i please know your offence?he asked and my mum shifted uneasily on the chair Actually you see , he committed no crime his dad sent him there because of his stubbornness . My mum answered meeting my surprise gaze and I looked away What a brilliant liar! Oh! If that is the case , welcome to Beacon high. The principal said , picking a paper from the table and then handed it to me It is a map. he quickly added and I nodded absentmindedly I studied the map and then looked at the principal Can I go to the class now? I asked and he nodded You are in Grade 12A. he stated and I huffed silently I know! Taking few steps to the entrance, my mom called me I turned back to face her What? I mouthed at her and she threw the car keys to me which I easily caught What should I do with it? I asked , looking at the keys and then back at her You will be needing a car to come back home and that is it Really! Then what about you , how will you get home? I will make use of a taxi ! Oh! I exclaimed softly and walked out of the office * Following the direction on the map , I passed through a very long passage to a class with glass door I stood at the entrance of the class and all eyes turned to look at me including the teacher standing in front And you are? The teacher asked Hardin Castillo. I answered and whole class was rippled with murmurs Quiet! The teacher barked and the class became silent Are you by chance related to the famous writer Brian Castillo? She continued Damn! This is all messed up . I cursed silently Are you? She repeated Yes, he is my grandfather. I answered dryly and she rushed to hold me as if I was some celebrity Welcome Hardin! Welcome to Beacon high!she said and then faced the class Richard! Is there an empty seat? She asked and a boy with blond hair answered Yes, there is one beside mine and another beside Kimberly. he answered Good! So where will you like to seat? Is it with Richard or ..........Kimberly? She asked, pointing a girl with black hair........ wait a minute! the girl , I have seen her before... uhm .. uhm ... yes , the half - Korean girl I met on the plane The girl winked at me and I looked away I will seat beside Richard. I answered and the blonde haired boy smiled Why are they all behaving like teenagers! ..what am I even saying? We are still teenagers And With my hands in my pocket, I went over to the seat and sat down hi Hardin! the boy Richard greeted with a smile Hi! I responded dryly So back to our class , in the novel "Befriending a ghost" how would you describe the relationship between Sasha Alfredo and Declan Davies? the teacher started and a girl in front raised up her hands Go ahead . The teacher urged her to and she cleared her throat before talking Declan and Sasha relationship can be described as perfect as you all know , Declan made a promise to marry Sasha even after taking her virginity.....: That is bullshit! I retorted loudly and all eyes turned to me Do you have anything to say Mr Castillo? The teacher asked and I nodded Good! then shoot it! Declan probably made the promise so she won't feel guilty after screwing her . I answered and her eyes widened in shock I am sure she wasn't expecting to hear that! What exactly are you trying to say Mr Castillo? She continued Simple! There is no such thing as love , love is just a fantasy that simply don't exist And why would say so? Isn't is obvious! it usually end up in pain , disappointments and when married , divorce ...... There was an awkward silence in the class and then the teacher broke the silence with a nervous chuckle You are so funny Hardin! we will continue in our next class . She said , picking up her books and rushed out of the class That was so Amazing! Richard remarked and I shifted my gaze to him You really killed the teacher! he added Killed! how did I kill her? I asked with an arched eyebrow and he looked around the class before answering She just got divorced by her husband not quite long Oh! Really! he was about to say something when a boy on glasses joined us Hardin! You must be a damn player . he retorted And you are? I asked, seizing him up and he grinned like a fool Pardon my manners! I am Steve , the class president Oh! a crazy nerd! I thought with in So tell me ain't you planning on getting married? he continued but I ignored him He seems like the lousy type and I hate lousy people...... Just then , a lanky man walked into the class and he went back to his seat The mathematics teacher . Richard said In whispers and I nodded slowly The man looked around and when his gaze met mine he smiled lightly Hardin Castillo right? he asked and I nodded Good! Your mum just donated a huge amount of money to the school . he stated and I scoffed What is my business with that! Why must he tell me ? You should thank her when you get home. he added and then picked up a marker to write on the board Oh right! She just succeeded in showing off her wealth like she always do!!!! * * The hours dragged on and it was soon time for lunch break I wanted to remain in class but Richard and Steve forced me to come along with them so I had no other option but to go with them .... We soon got to the cafe and I followed behind them as they walked towards a table where two girl were already seated Can't we just seat alone? I asked and one of the girl raised her head to look at me and to my surprise, it was the half - Korean girl Hi Hardin! She greeted with a smile, we finally meet again? And without answering her , I sat down beside her as the others stared on in surprise Wow! Wow! What are we missing here, do you both know each other? Richard asked and she nodded We met in the airplane Oh! He exclaimed , nodding So what do you want to eat? She asked, moving closer to me Any thing edible I answered, bringing out my wallet from my pocket but she stopped me Out tuition covers everything! Having said that, she stood up , signalled to the second girl and they both went over to counter I watched her go and bit at my lower lips , staring at her long legs She was damn sexy in the short blue gown she was wearing . She is the hottest girl in the whole school . Richard said , staring at her also Obviously! I stated and he smiled Do you like her? he asked and I shifted my gaze to him Do you? I threw the question back at him and he chuckled softly I do like her but not anymore , so do you like her? he repeated and I smirked I don't date , I just screw Just then , Kimberly and friend returned to the table and for a reason best known to her , Kimberly ordered my food and hers in the same plate and When I asked why she did it, she just smiled do you really mean what you said back in the class? She suddenly asked Yep! I answered, popping the p Really! So what will you do if I tell you I love you ? She continued with a seductive smile and huffed Then get prepared for heartbreak! * * Hazel Dakota * Standing in the compound , I glanced at the wristwatch for the umpteenth time It was 16:45pm and Hardin was yet to be back from school Why! I thought all school closes by 16:00 I was being very careful not to allow what happened this morning to repeat itself Leaning my back on one of the cars parked out in front, I wondered what could have happened if Hardin didn't cover up for me , I probably would have been jobless by now But why did he help me ? I thought he didn't like me .... Jeez! That boy is really weird! Just then , I heard a car honked and the security man rushed to open the gate He is here! Hardin is here! Standing upright , i waited for him to drive in and when he did I ran to meet him he opened the car door and on alighting, his eyes met mine Welcome! I greeted and as expected , he ignored me and walked into the house What a snub! I dashed into the sitting room to the kitchen and met the cook preparing Lunch I need Hardin's Lunch . I said to the cook who just nodded * I stayed with her watching her cook and when she was done, she dished out Hardin's food on a plate and then placed it gently in a tray Opening the refrigerator, she brought out a bottled water along with a glass cup and put it in the tray You can take it . She said without looking at me and I picked up the tray from the cabinet and carried it upstairs to Hardin room I kicked his door opened and walked in he was laying on the bed with a head phone on his ear and on seeing me , he removed the headphone and sit up on the bed Erm I am sorry for not knocking , my hands are filled up . I apologised Like you always knock before . he drawled Ignoring him, I placed the tray on the stool in front of him and then sat down on the bed And why are you still here? he asked with a frown and I smiled lightly He looks so cute even when he frowns! Are you even listening to me ?why are you still here? he snapped me out of my silly thoughts I am your maid remember? I reminded , expecting him to send me out of the room but he didn't ; instead , he placed the tray in front of him and started eating .... I watched him eat and noticed he was picking on the food Don't you like the food? I asked and he looked at me And why did you ask? Because You are picking on your food.i answer his obvious question He stared at me for a while and then smiled I like you Hazel. he said and I felt my heart raced faster Did he just say he like me ! as my maid . he completed and my heart sank * * TBC * This Hardin is a Case *
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