Chapter 7-My Little Girl

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(Jamie) I watched as Gabriella's small figure walked out of the room, her head turning back once more as she practically knocked me on my ass with those gorgeous blue eyes. She agreed..she said yes and agreed to marry me. Now the real problem is dealing with her shitty family. What the hell is wrong with these people? Cecelia put her hands on the poor girl and Gabriella just stood there and took it..making me believe that was not the first time that s**t has happened. The mere thought enrages me..I saw the looks they all gave her and I didn't like it, not one f*****g bit. Listen..I would get it if Cecelia and I were in love or something and I broke the engagement..but we literally met up four times and it never progressed further than a dinner..not even a single kiss! Well, I'm sure if it were up to Cecelia we would've been having s*x by now but I just couldn't do it. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way and truthfully..I don't know if I would've been able to go through with the proposal tonight if I hadn't met Gabriella. I was having doubts until the moment I learned Gabriella was a Kensington and then I had hope that everything might just work out. "Jamie, may we have a word please?" John asked as I stared after his daughter's retreating figure. I dragged my gaze towards him, seeing his brow furrowed as anger was clearly pulsing off of him. That's another thing that baffles me..he obviously doesn't want Gabriella to get married, but why? "Sure, where would you like to go?" I stated smoothly, glancing towards a sniffling Cecelia who was staring daggers into me. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and her hair was a mess. "Let's go to my private study this way." John said firmly as he motioned for me to head through the hallway. "John, talk some sense into that man. He is making a huge mistake..." Regina hissed loud enough for me to hear as she shut her trap real quick..I'm guessing John shot her one of those looks he was throwing my way earlier. But I didn't was all worth it..just to see that smile on Gabriella's face and the way her eyes sparkled excitedly. I followed behind John as he led me to a room down the hall away from everything else. Inside were a few bookshelves, a desk, and a couple of family pictures on the walls. I walked forward, seeing a small girl with long back hair and bright blue eyes as she looked into the camera with the biggest smile, her dad had his arm wrapped around her and she was holding a small stuffed rabbit. I knew it was Gabriella the moment I saw the young girl...damn..she was a cute kid. Will our kids look like that? My eyes quickly widened from the thought as I looked away from the picture and watched John pour himself a glass of bourbon. Yeah..he was struggling with this. "I know this wasn't what we discussed, and I do apologize for catching everyone off guard. I just felt Cecelia and I weren't a good match overall. But I'm sure she will find someone a lot more suitable and more into her tastes than I was." I said, trying to show remorse about this as John snapped his eyes up to me. "What will it take for you to change your mind? Do you want all the shares in my company? I will hand the whole damn business over if that's what it will take for you to leave my daughter alone." He blurted, the desperation very clear in his voice as I stood there in shock..did he really just say that? He would give up his whole business just for me not to marry Gabriella? Why?! "I..I don't were okay with this union with your other two daughters..why not Gabriella?" I asked, feeling bewildered as he took a drink before setting the glass down. "Because my Gabriella is different..she is too kind and soft to marry someone like you. She hasn't experienced the outside world..she was homeschooled all of her life because of her speech issues and you two obviously wouldn't be able to communicate." He began to ramble, prompting me to slip my hands into my pockets. "I will learn sign language." I stated quickly, making him stiffen as he suddenly slammed his hand down, causing my brow lift in surprise. "You are not taking her from me. You can marry any of my other two daughters upon their agreement..but not my Gabriella. She was never part of the deal." He began to raise his voice, making me feel weird about this situation..why was he reacting this way? He was sounding like a child and I was trying to take his favorite toy from him. "Mr. Sinclair, what is the real issue here? I wouldn't be taking your daughter from you..she would just be gaining some independence and starting her own life." I spoke softly, realizing that if I matched his energy this could end badly. John walked to his chair before sitting down as he placed his hands over his face, his breathing deep and slow as he suddenly reached down to look in a drawer. "This..this is Gabriella's mother, Amber..she and I met twenty-two years ago at a bar..she was a waitress there. I can still remember that's the same smile Gabriella fact..she looks just like her." He whispered while looking down at the picture longingly as he showed it to was one of him and a smaller woman who looked just like Gabriella with a baby in her arms. I was guessing that had to be Gabriella. "You see..I didn't mean for it to happen..but before I knew it, I was having an affair and my mistress was pregnant. I tried to keep it a secret for as long as I could.." John explained, making me watch him intently as I wondered why he was telling me all of this. "I kept Amber somewhat happy by visiting a couple of times a year..but she didn't want to be the other woman anymore..I told her I would divorce Regina for her..but I couldn't..I felt guilty and knew either way I would be abandoning my family." He took another long drink before continuing. "When Gabriella was born, she had a medical condition that made her struggle with speaking. Amber put off the surgery for so long that Gabriella barely talked by the time we got her..her stutter was so bad that in the end, she became mute." He told me, making my eyes could there be a possibility that she could still speak one day? "When Gabriella turned five..that's when..well..I went to visit and found her beside her mother's lifeless body..Amber had overdosed on pain medication and died..she was there for three days..three f*****g days Gabriella took care of her mother..trying to feed her and keep her warm." John choked out, tears springing to his eyes as he tried to hold his sobs in. I felt my heart ache as my stomach twisted from what he told me..that poor girl has been through so f*****g much..and it just makes me want to protect her even more. "That girl has suffered through so much..and I thought bringing her here would be the best decision..but I was wrong. I am beginning to see the truth..and I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I won't make another." He concluded before standing. "That is why I will not agree to this marriage Mr. Sinclair..she is too fragile for this..she has never even been in a relationship before and if you decide at the end of the year that you don't want to continue on..well..I'm afraid that might just break her." He stated as I let out a sigh before walking over towards the door. "Mr. Kensington..I can understand your hesitation, but what if I promise you that I will not divorce Gabriella unless she asks for it herself and I won't hesitate to give her anything she fact, I will sign a contract stating exactly that." I offered, making John's eyes snap to mine. "What? Why would you do that? Your father would never approve." He rushed out, making me shrug before a lopsided grin filled my face. "My father doesn't have to know about all of my affairs, does he Mr. Kensington? And while I'm at it, I will throw in two million dollars as a wedding gift for you." I know..I'm pretty much bribing the fucker at this point..but I feel desperate..I can see Gabriella and her father are if he doesn't approve of the union..she might not go through with it. "What about the child? The future heir you promised your father. Will Gabriella get custody if it doesn't work out?" He suddenly asked, making me frown as the mere idea of Gabriella and I separating made me feel uncomfortable. "We will split custody down the middle..50/50 that way the child has both parents in their lives." I said, feeling annoyed that it was already going this far. John let out another sigh before leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. "Fine..draw up the contract and send it over. But if you hurt my little girl..I will take you for everything your worth Jamie..and that I can promise you." He said before standing and walking around me to the door. "Also..please don't share what I told you about Gabriella's mother with her..she doesn't know it was a suicide. I would like to keep it that way." And with that, John left the study as I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.. He agrees..he won't deny the wedding and we get to go through with this..all we have left is the doctor examination and then Gabriella is mine..fuck..why does that make me feel so happy? Even if I'm risking my future..I just can't help but think it will all be worth it..what the hell is wrong with me?
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