Chapter 6-How Could You?!

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(Gabriella) I took a shuddering breath, the whispers growing louder around me as I felt everyone's eyes on me. "How could she mother!!" The sound of Cecelia yelling pierced through the chatter as I slowly began to back up. I didn't do this..I..I just met him tonight, there's no way one small meeting like that could come of this..could it? Suddenly the microphone screeched, making me slap my hands over my ears as someone started to speak. "Please, if you could all make your way to the dining room, they are ready to serve the first course." Betty quickly announced over the microphone as I lowered my hands and wrapped them around my body, trying to look down at the ground, knowing everyone was still staring. Suddenly a hand reached out, gripping my arm roughly as sharp nails dug through the fabric of my dress, pinching my skin. "You little slut, what did you do!?" Regina suddenly hissed next to my ear as I saw my Dad rushing over with Jamie close behind. As soon as Regina saw my dad approaching, she let go of my arm and composed herself. "This obviously must be some type of misunderstanding, right dear?" She asked my father as Jamie pushed past everyone and came to my side. "Are you okay? W..Why are you crying?" He rushed out, concern filling his voice as I looked up at him in surprise. Did he really care? All I could do was stare up into those beautiful brown eyes as I felt like this had to be a dream..could someone like him really want to marry someone like me? Does he not know I can't speak? "Sweetheart, let's go into the study and figure this out." My dad said wearily before stepping between Jamie and me. His hand holding my arm gently as he shot Jamie a not so happy look. The sound of Cecelia's sobs began to echo down the hall the closer we got to the study, making me swallow hard as Jamie kept looking back at me worriedly. I just put my head down, trying not to freak out as everything turned to chaos so quickly.. "Bunny, have you met Jamie before? Did you two have a relationship of some sort?" My dad whispered and I looked up at him with wide eyes before I shook my head no adamantly. "No Daddy." I signed, making him sigh before nodding his head. "I didn't think so.." He muttered as his eyes glanced towards Jamie once again before his mouth set into a straight line..was he mad at me? We stepped into the study as I kept my head lowered, knowing Cecelia would be furious with me..not to mention Grandma Georgia and Katrina as well.. All of a sudden I heard feet stomping towards me as I looked up just in time for Cecelia to slap me across my face, making my dad let out a gasp. Before he could even react, Cecelia was about to slap me again when someone's hand gripped around her wrist, holding it in place. "How dare you?! Apologize!" A deep voice rumbled, making my heart flutter as I looked up to see Jamie now glaring down at Cecelia. "B..But she..she stole you from me..that dumb bitch.." Cecelia began, making my dad step in front of me. "Cecelia dare you put your hands on your sister like that and say those things..haven't we raised you better than that!? Get ahold of yourself before you continue this embarrassing display, let's hear what Jamie has to say first..your sister knew nothing about this." My dad stuck up for me, making those tears finally spill over as I lifted my hand to my cheek. Suddenly, Jamie stepped infront of me, his large frame shielded me from everyone else as he reached his hand down and lifted my chin. "Let me see." He breathed, causing my eyelashes to flutter as he turned my face from side to side, examining me carefully. "Can someone please go get her some ice." He announced, making my dad look at Katrina and nod, signaling for her to do it. Katrina let out a scoff before glaring at me and walking out of the room. I would be paying for that one later. "Son, will you tell us what is going on were supposed to be proposing to Cecelia tonight..not this..girl." Mr. Sinclair boomed, his hand pointing towards me as I swallowed hard. "Father, you said I could marry any of the Kensington sisters per our agreement. Well, I made my choice. I choose Gabriella Kensington.." Jamie declared once more, his hand dropping from my chin and going to reach for my hand, but before he could, my dad stepped between us again. "I don't think this is a good idea..Gabriella, she is different..she doesn't speak and hasn't gone out in the public very much." My dad explained, making me bite my lip anxiously. "Is she able to have children?" Robert Sinclair asked loudly, making my eyes snap up as I looked between all the shocked faces. "W..What?" My dad sputtered, staring at Mr. Sinclair with confusion. "Is she infertile? Or can she carry a child full term?" Mr. Sinclair asked more crudely this time making me blink my eyes rapidly. "Well..I mean..I'm sure she could..she is no different than my other daughters, she just doesn't speak." My dad mumbled, his cheeks growing red as he glanced towards me. I mean..I have a regular menstruation cycle and the doctor never said anything was wrong in that area..but why was that important? "We will have a doctor confirm it..if he finds no issues, then I approve of the union. Since she is a Kensington and my son obviously seems so eager to marry the girl..then there should be no problems." Mr. Sinclair declared before taking a step forward. "B..But..Mr. Sinclair..we agreed that I would be the one! This isn't fair!" Cecelia shrieked, her hands gripping his arm as Mr. Sinclair looked down at her in disgust. "My's nothing personal..but my son clearly has made his decision and as long as he upholds his side of the agreement, then he is free to choose." Mr. Sinclair said before prying Cecelia off of him and walking out of the room. "I will make the announcement official and tomorrow I will send over my personal physician. John, We will go ahead with the merge, I will speak with you on monday if all things are cleared." Mr. Sinclair added one last thing before heading towards the door to walk out. "Wait..Gabriella..she hasn't agreed to this..if she doesn't want to, then I will not force her to." My dad stated hastily, his eyes glancing to me almost pleadingly as Cecelia stopped her crying for a moment and looked up at me. In fact..everyone was looking at me. But the one I looked at was the man who hadn't stopped staring at me this entire time..the man who has showed me kindness since the moment I met him mere hours ago..I guess that wasn't enough time to decide on marriage..but the way my heart raced and my stomach flooded with butterflies, it was enough for me. "So young lady..what will it be?" Robert Sinclair asked, and without even realizing what I was doing, I felt my head nodding up and down..I said yes. The smile on Jamie's face was enough to make me smile too..drowning out Cecelia's over dramatic cries as I don't even know what came over me. I don't know when I became so selfish but the way Jamie looked at me and spoke to made me feel like it was always meant to be.. "Gabriella, you should go to your room..we will speak about this later." My dad said lowly, the anger not going unnoticed as it seemed to snap me out of the trance Jamie's eyes put me in. I swallowed hard, my gaze traveling to a rage filled Cecelia as Regina and Georgia all shared the same expression..I was in trouble..big big trouble. "Wait." Jamie suddenly blurted before walking up to me and taking my hand. "I will reach out to you soon okay? Then we can start planning the wedding." He whispered, making my cheeks warm as he gripped my hand gently, his eyes peering into me as I nodded my head once more and gave him a shy smile. "Gabriella, go." My dad interrupted, causing me to glance at him as his eyes weren't even looking at me, he was glaring at Jamie.. As I left the room, I heard him asking Jamie to speak to him privately, and for a moment I felt like my dad didn't approve of this union one bit..but why? Did he think I wasn't good enough for Jamie either? Maybe I wasn't..but he chose me..he really chose me..
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