Chapter 8-Mistakes

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(Gabriella) I burst through my bedroom door before shutting it hastily and locking heart was hammering in my chest as I slowly stumbled backward, letting the back of my knees hit the side of the bed as I fell onto it with a bounce. I..I said yes.. He wants to marry me..he really does. I felt the biggest smile fill my face as I reached up for my stuffed bunny and squeezed it tight to my chest. I began kicking my feet happily as I rolled back and forth on the bed..this was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. My whole body felt like it could explode as the excitement built more and more making me slap my hand over my mouth and let out a hushed squeal. I laid back, sighing as my eyes settled on the white ceiling above me, letting everything that happened tonight rush through me. That's when a loud pounding sounded on the door, causing me to sit up abruptly and let out a gasp. "Open the f*****g door Gabriella!" Cecilia's voice shouted through the door, causing the white wood to shake as she pulled the handle back and forth erratically. "You can't hide in here forever freak. I can't believe you did this! You ruined my life! You are nothing but a mistake..a stain on this family!" She shrieked, making me crawl to the corner of my bed before placing my palms over my ears. The things she said caused my heart to wasn't the first time and I know it wouldn't be the last.. "Open up! You aren't acting so tough now, are you?" Cecelia yelled once more before the door stopped moving..causing silence to fill the room. I sat there for a moment, trying to catch my breath as I felt warm tears trickle down my cheeks. Then she spoke again..this time much more quietly but the tone of her sent a chill down my spine. "You are going to regret this Gabriella..and when I finally break will wish you never agreed to marry Jamie than will wish you died that day with your w***e of a mother." She threatened, causing me to bite my lip anxiously as I hugged Butterscotch to my chest..the things she said about my mom made my heart break as I shut my eyes tightly. How could she say those things? I can see why she is upset..but to hate me this wish I was hurt. I inhaled deeply, feeling pathetic as I tried so hard to keep this positive attitude..but maybe I did make a mistake. My dad hasn't even come to check on me yet.. Slowly sitting up, I threw my legs off the side of the bed before standing and walking to the window. Outside I could see people walking to their cars, the night already ending as I realized everyone must've thought I ruined it. I wondered what those people were whispering as they looked back toward the house, their eyes glimmering with excitement as they disappeared into the night. I must've been in here for about two hours as I lost track of time, just staring out the window and wondering if HE had already left. Was Jamie having second thoughts..or was he truly as happy as he looked? That's when another knock sounded on the door.. "Gabriella, it's dad." My father's muffled voice came through, causing my heart to leap into my throat as I walked across the room. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it before looking up at my dad's hard face..yep..he was mad.. "I brought you something to eat." He stated sternly before stepping into my room and closing the door once again. Glancing down, I saw a plate filled with white pasta and chicken in his hand as he went to set it on my vanity. Wringing my hands together, I just stood there awkwardly, feeling a weird tension that I never felt before with him. That's when Dad let out a sigh and turned to look at me, causing my lip to quiver..I was trying so hard not to cry, but yeah..that wasn't going so well. "Bunny, come here.." My dad whispered, making me run into his arms as I buried my face against his chest. "I wish you would've spoken to me about this before making your don't even know this man sweetheart..there are so many things in the world you haven't even been exposed to..and I know that is my fault." He expressed, making me pull back and shake my head no. I hated that my dad felt like this... I balled my hand into a fist and rubbed my chest, saying sorry over and over again as he reached up and cupped my face. "You don't need to be sorry Bunny..I'm just worried about you..I know things haven't been so great here..I..I turned a blind eye for far too long..those letters you sent me, all those things you said..they were lies weren't they?" He asked, making me freeze as my eyes widened. The letters I sent my dad..yes, everything I said was a lie because I knew Regina secretly checked them..the one time I did try to tell him something, Regina confronted me about it and threatened to take Butterscotch from me. I was only ten so I decided to be good and not go against anything. I would write Daddy about all the things Regina and my sisters did..pretending I was with them and trying to convince my dad I was accepted by them. Movies, parties, vacations, shopping trips..I lied about them all.. My dad looked down at me with sadness in his eyes as I lifted my trembling hands to speak. "I didn't want to hurt you." I signed, knowing my dad felt guilty enough for being away. "It wasn't that bad." I added, making Dad scoff as he lifted his hands and began rubbing his face up and down tiredly. "We need to get you out of this house as soon as possible..after seeing how Cecelia reacted today..I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay least until the wedding." My dad sighed, making my eyes widen as I looked up at him. "Wedding?" I asked him, making him nod his head before raising his hand and placing it against my cheek. "If this is what you really want, then Bunny..I will support you." My dad stated as tears of relief flooded down my cheeks, making me crash into his chest once more. "But if at any point you change your mind..that's okay. You just tell me and we will pull out of this okay?" He stated and pulled back to look at me, making me nod as he reached up, brushing his palms across my cheeks. "I guess we have a wedding to plan.." He smiled, making me smile wider than ever as I jumped up and down excitedly. "Why don't you pack a bag sweetheart, I have booked us a hotel for a few days until we can figure out a better place for you to stay for now." Dad added before glancing around my room. "Hotel?!" I signed, feeling even more excited now. I haven't been to a hotel in years. "Yes, nothing too fancy, but something to keep you safe for now..can I tell you a secret?" He whispered playfully, making me nod my head again as he leaned down. "I don't want to stay here tonight either..not with the tantrum Cecelia is throwing.." He muttered, making me stifle a laugh as he smiled warmly. "Okay, you better eat and pack up. I just have to handle a few things and then I will come to get you okay Bunny?" My dad stated before pulling me in for one more hug and kissing the top of my head as I felt that warmth filling me once again. My dad's support was all that long as I have him on my side, then all the other stuff doesn't matter. I watched my dad leave as I let out a long sigh, finally being able to breathe as I turned to go eat. Suddenly the door opened once again, making me think my dad was back as I turned to look at him..then a cold chill ran through me, causing my heart to drop as I saw my stepmother Regina turn and lock the door. "You think you can ruin this family just like your homewrecker of a mother did? Well, my are sorely mistaken.."
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