Chapter 4-Caught Red Handed

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(Gabriella) I slipped off the white heels, not even wanting to attempt going up the stairs in those horrible shoes as I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, no more pain. I quickly ran up the stairs, my heart still racing from earlier as I felt a goofy grin pulling at my lips..who was that man? I had never seen him before..was he the son of one of Daddy's coworkers? I know Grandma Georgia said his name, but I couldn't for the life of me recall what she said..I had lost all my focus the moment she gripped my arm. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen though.. I quickly made my way towards Katrina's room when a banging noise stopped me in my tracks, making my brow furrow. What was that? It sounded like the noise was coming from Cecelia's room..could someone have gotten lost? I swear I saw Cecelia by the bar earlier, so it couldn't be her..could it? I bit my lip, hearing a loud thumb again as I crept to her door, noticing it was cracked. I peeked inside the dark room, a sliver of light illuminating a portion of her king-sized bed as I saw something moving in the dark. "Oh yes, right there..fuck!" Cecelia cried out, making my eyes widen as I realized a red-haired man was between her legs..he had her sparkling pink dress hiked up past her hips and his face was between her legs which were slung over his shoulders.. I slapped my hands over my eyes before stumbling back. Was he?..oh my gosh! Was that her soon-to-be fiancee? I turned on my heel, running towards Katrina's room, as fear rushed through me from the thought that I was going to get caught as I began breathing heavily. I hadn't met Jamie Sinclair yet, but they must've been too excited to wait until marriage. My dad always told me to save myself for marriage..he said that I should wait and give all of myself to the right one. He didn't go into too much detail obviously..but I wasn't oblivious..I have read a lot of books..books that Betty's daughter Sydney had given me. She is one year older than me and away at college currently, but when she comes to visit, the house becomes even more alive. Sydney and Katrina don't get along very well, so she doesn't come around too often, but when she does she brings all sorts of goodies for me. Like chocolates and different kinds of snacks, Regina normally won't let me have. Regina has strict rules about what foods are allowed in the house..nothing fried or overly processed..but those are what taste the best I have found out. When I was younger, my Dad took me to an amusement park once, it was right after mom passed and he did it to help cheer me up. I still dream about those foods we ate that day. Feeling cotton candy melt on my tongue for the first time was pure magic. I quickly turned on Katrina's light before seeing her green sparkly clutch lying in the middle of her bed. I picked it up and made my way back to the hallway as I held the clutch close to my chest. Just as I was trying to sneak past Cecelia's room, the door suddenly opened, making me freeze as I saw Cecelia stumbling out of the room while giggling and holding onto the man she was with. He looked a little older and had a well-trimmed beard, his eyes were a deep green and a smirk was on his face..something about him though seemed off, and that's when I saw the wedding ring shimmering beneath the hallway lights...was this man married? Regina raised her gaze, locking right onto mine as her once happy face completely disappeared. "What are you doing here freak? Were you following us?" She spat, making me avert my gaze before glancing down at my feet. I shook my head no, wishing I would've waited in Katrina's room a little longer as the name she called me made my stomach ache. I think Cecelia might've drank too much, the smell of alcohol came wafting towards me. Cecelia was the crueler of my two sisters, Katrina just tended to ignore me, but Cecelia..she never let me walk by her without letting me know how she felt. "What's that in your hands?" She asked before yanking the purse from my grip and looked at it. The guy next to her just glanced down at his watch before peering down the hallway nervously. "This is Katrina's...what the hell are you doing with Katrina's purse?" Cecelia snapped, making me swallow hard as I raised my hands and tried to explain, but she couldn't read sign language. "You f*****g dumb b***h, my mother is going to be know not to come on our side of the floor." Cecelia gritted through her teeth before reaching out and grabbing my arm roughly. My room was on the opposite wing, it was in the same hallway as my dad's office and the guest quarters. "Cecelia..maybe she was just grabbing it for her." The guy spoke up, looking between us nervously now. "You don't want to make a scene. Becky just texted asking where I am." He whispered before glancing toward me nervously as I quickly averted my gaze. "Don't worry, she won't say anything..she doesn't speak." Cecelia reassured him as she squeezed my arm tighter. "I don't know why the f**k you have this, but if I ever catch you up here know what will happen Gabriella. It would be a shame just got long again." She whispered into my ear with a mocking tone before reaching up and grabbing a lock of my hair. I just turned my head and looked away, wishing I could stick up for myself for once..but standing here and taking it is the better option. Cecelia doesn't let things go easily, so if I just nod and agree she moves on quicker that way. Suddenly my dad's voice came from down the hall making Cecelia's head snap to the side. "Gabby, sweetie, where are you?" My dad called out as Cecelia's eyes widened before she turned and ushered the red-haired guy into her room before closing the door. I lifted my hand, rubbing the spot where Cecelia had gripped my arm as I went to walk forward. Suddenly Cecelia sidled up next to me, her arm looping through mine as she straightened out her pink sequin dress and brushed her light brown hair over her shoulder. Cecelia looked just like my stepmother but with darker hair. She had a larger bust and cinched waist, her lips were full and pouty, and her skin was covered in fake tanner. It looked good though considering she spent so much money on it. She was a very beautiful woman, I won't lie. "Oh, there you are sweetheart..when Grandma Georgia said you went to get Trina's purse I got worried." My dad said before noticing Cecelia was here with me. "Oh Cece, what are you doing up here? Your mother has been looking for you everywhere. Jamie is about to make the announcement." My dad explained, his gaze gliding down to where our arms were joined. "I was just helping Gabby with the purse, she couldn't find it." Cecelia lied, her voice overly sweet as she batted her fake eyelashes innocently. So if that man wasn't Jamie Sinclair..then who was he? "Okay, well come on you two, the party isn't the same with my two beautiful daughters missing." Dad added, smiling brightly as I tried my best to return it. He looked at me curiously before I quickly averted my gaze. Dad came between us, taking both of our arms now as he began walking us towards the stairs. "Bunny, you should've told me where you were going. I got worried about you." Dad whispered as I signed sorry before giving him one of my big smiles, making him seem to relax as Cecelia started to speak. "Oh my god Daddy, I can't wait for you to see the ring I told Jamie to get me. I sent him over a few options and the jeweler hinted that one was recently purchased." Cecelia squealed and I just felt could she be talking about getting engaged to one man, when she was just in her room with another.. "That's great sweetheart." My dad muttered before looking over at me worriedly once more. I just ignored it, wanting to move on to something happier as we came to the bottom of the steps. I slipped my shoes back on, watching as Cecelia began dragging our dad by his arm back to the party when someone began speaking over the microphone. "We would like to thank all of you for coming this evening. Tonight marks a special occasion. It's not only the day that Sinclair Industries and Spark Enterprise will join in partnership. But my son would also like to make an announcement." Robert Sinclair boomed, his voice recognizable from the phone calls I have heard over the years in my dad's home office. I peered through the large room, watching just as a handsome man with brown hair stepped up to the handsome man..well..I mean, the handsome man from earlier. I felt my stomach drop..the realization that this was Jamie Sinclair setting in as I felt like I could break down in sobs. Why did it have to be him? I watched as Jamie's eyes scanned the room, landing on Cecelia before clearing his throat. For some reason I felt the urge to run..the words he was about to say made my heart ache. I took a slight step back, accidentally bumping into someone as I realized I had been boxed in by the onlookers. "Tonight I will be announcing my engagement to one of John Kensington's beautiful daughters. A woman who took my breath away from the moment I first laid eyes on her." I heard the cheerful murmurs as they all praised Jamie Sinclair for his romantic gesture. I looked down at my fingers and began to feel sad for some reason..Cecelia truly is a lucky girl. "So please, help me welcome my future bride to the front. Gabriella Sinclair." I froze, the name he said making my head spin as the voices around me amplified. "Who did he just say?" " that the daughter from the woman who almost broke up their family?" "How could she do this to her sister!" "She is just like her mother." The words swirled around me as I felt my world flip upside down.. Did..did he just say!
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