Chapter 3-Honey

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(Gabriella) "Ready Bunny?" My dad asked, his eyes gazing down at me as we stepped in front of the double doors that led to the grand foyer. I could already hear the chatter as servers carried trays in and out of the large room. I guess Regina, Katrina, and Cecelia had already come down earlier to start welcoming the guests. I could hear soft instrumental music playing and I couldn't contain the smile that widened on my face. I nodded to my dad, seeing his own smile now broaden as he stepped into the room with me on his arm. "You will be the most beautiful woman here." He complimented, making me blush as I leaned my head forward, letting one of my long curls fall over my shoulder. Betty didn't get back in time to help, so I managed on my own..I think I did pretty good. I even put some light lipgloss, mascara, and eyeshadow on...I did feel very beautiful. I took a step forward, almost slipping on my heel as my dad held me even tighter. "I don't know why Regina chose those shoes for you.." My dad grumbled..I knew why..because I never wore high heels. In fact, I mostly went around barefoot considering I didn't leave the house much. The shoes I had on were white and had a long heel, making my toes throb in pain as I felt like a baby deer walking for the first time. We stepped into the luxurious room and my eyes widened. Huge red flower arrangements were placed around the room. Waiters in black and white suits weaved through the crowds handing out champagne and different types of fancy finger foods. I glanced towards the left where a four-string orchestra band was playing modern versions of music next to the open bar. "John, it's nice to see you." An older man suddenly appeared before us that I hadn't met before. He had a woman next to him who looked me up and down before sneering. "Chuck, thanks for coming, you remember my youngest daughter Gabriella." My dad suddenly said, making the man flick his gaze to me. "Oh, we hadn't met before. I hadn't realized you had three daughters. It's lovely to meet you Gabriella." The man said, his words making my dad stiffen but truthfully, they didn't really bother me because I was used to it by now honestly. I extended my hand before shaking his own and went to offer it to the woman who pretended to ignore me. She must've been one of Regina's friends. "Darling, why don't we go get a drink and let these two continue through the party. Congratulations John." The woman stated, pulling her husband away and began whispering in the man's ear, most likely about me. "Bunny, I thought you met Chuck before, he has been to a few parties." He said, sounding confused as I shook my head no. I didn't want my dad to feel bad..but for all the parties he probably attended, I wasn't invited to go. It went like that for the rest of the night. My dad would introduce me, and people wouldn't even know who I was. Since these were a lot of Regina and Cecilia's friends, I could feel the disgusted stares as my dad paraded me around..and it made me feel bad..I didn't care what they thought of me..I didn't want to hear a single mean thing about Daddy.. I pulled on my father's arm, making him pause mid-sentence as he was speaking with a man he worked with. "Drink." I signed, making his brow furrow as he nodded slightly. "Just one okay? and come right back." He added nervously, making me smile warmly before lifting and kissing my dad on the cheek. "One, Promise." I signed to him and turned, wanting to leave my dad so he could socialize and I could explore on my own. I walked through the party, my blue orbs absorbing the scene before me as I weaved my way through the well-dressed people. Their outfits were all designer brands and probably cost a fortune. Suddenly my gaze landed on the most extraordinary pair of brown eyes I had ever seen in my life. The colors were like honey and the purest rays of sunshine, making me freeze in my tracks, that's when the man stopped too. Looking him up and down, he wore a black suit and tie with a black undershirt. His dark brown hair was pushed back and his olive skin shimmered beneath the high chandeliers. His jaw was squared and his face long, he had a straight nose and he was tall and lean. He looked to be in his twenties from what I could tell. I blinked my eyes, trying not to seem like a weirdo as I felt my heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird. I slowly began to walk again, realizing he was doing the same as a sea of people were between us. I kept catching glimpses of those beautiful eyes as a smile twitched in the corner of his mouth. Who was this beautiful man? Finally, I reached the end of the crowd, now standing face-to-face with him as he towered above me. Wow, he was even more stunning closeup. "Good evening, I don't believe we have met." He said smoothly, his voice just as rich as his eyes, making me swallow hard. I smiled awkwardly..wishing for the first time in a long time that I could truly speak. "Can I get you a drink?" He asked, making me nod my head up and down as I saw him avert his gaze for a moment before catching sight of a waiter. "Here, come with me." He stated before reaching out and grabbing my hand. My body burst into flames, the touch of his hand reached into the deepest depths of my soul as he began pulling. I looked down at where our hands were joined, my cheeks growing warmer by the second as he looked back at me and smiled, prompting me to do the same. I began to relax, the feel of his skin against mine becoming so natural I felt like we had done this so many times before. He reached for the glass a waiter presented for us, the man was named Logan and I couldn't help but smile as he nodded towards me. "Miss Kensington, I do hope you are enjoying the party." Logan said warmly, making me nod in return as the man next to us turned his head before looking at me with wide eyes. "Kensington?" He asked, prompting me to nod my head as he stared into my eyes curiously. "Are you a cousin of theirs?" He suddenly asked, making Logan clear his throat, trying to help me out. "No sir, this is John Kensington's youngest daughter, Gabriella." He informed, making the man ponder Logan's words. "Gabriella." He said my name, the sound almost like a sweet melody as it trickled through my ears..I wouldn't mind hearing him say that many many times more if it were possible. We stared at one another, the room around us disappearing entirely as I fell into those warm pools of honey. "Gabriella! There you are, young lady..I know you claim to not speak, but your ears must work just fine..or are you deaf now too?" Grandma Georgia hissed, her wrinkly hand reaching out as she gripped my arm tightly..for such an old lady, she sure is strong. "Oh, Jamie, I hadn't realized you were here..I hope Gabriella was not bothering you." Grandma Georgia laughed as I looked away in embarrassment. "Dear, why don't you be a sweetie and go get your sister Trina's purse, she left it upstairs." Grandma Georgia said before smiling tightly, her eyes showing the distaste she truly felt. Before I could embarrass myself any further, I nodded my head and took off. that man probably thinks I'm an i***t. I thought I heard raised voices but it was quickly drowned out by the crowd as I made my way out the doors and towards the stairs. I don't know who that man is..but I have never felt anything like that before in my life..I guess if the night ended here, I would be okay with that..the image of those beautiful brown eyes will be enough to last me a lifetime of memories..that much I know.
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