Chapter 5-Jamie Sinclair

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(Jamie) I stepped into Kensington's luxurious mansion, the gaudy overpriced furniture making me sigh as I couldn't believe my dad was making me do this. Cecelia Kensington was a leech..a woman who saw me as nothing but a dollar sign who would be the lucky one to snatch up. Being twenty-six, my dad thought it was about time I settled down and started a family of my own.. Okay, he didn't think it, he yelled it and threatened to take the company from me if I didn't. Sinclair Industries is all I've ever known..I was born into this business..quite literally and considering he and my mother divorced not too long after, I was the sole heir to the company. He never remarried and oddly enough, neither did my mother..he might've ruined all men for her. My father, Robert Sinclair, was always seen with a suit on his back and a phone in his hand. His business was his life, but he was outdated and old school. He believed in keeping things traditional so getting him to invest in the future was a hard task to accomplish..but now we own the largest tech company in the world and even have investors spanning across every continent. Honestly, I have nothing against John Kensington..he has worked his way up from the bottom and actually made his own's a shame his company is going bankrupt now, if he managed his money better, he could've made it to the top. My dad saw the cracks, he knew John was on the verge of losing everything..and that's when he suggested the merge. Not just for the company but for our families as well.. Now..where I find John a nice man..his daughters are the exact opposite..they are spoiled, entitled, and rude. Every interaction I have ever had with Cecelia has been nothing but horrendous..she either complains to the management about not getting exactly what she wants or tries to get into my pants.. I have been putting that off..saying I was a man of morals who wanted to wait for marriage.. It's rumored she tends to get around..especially with married men.. Secretly I have been praying for a way out of this..wishing for something to happen or for my dad to come to reason..and now here I am, at my own damn funeral. I debated trying to see if the other sister was any better..but she is just as bad as her things were more awkward with her..the whole time she just looked at her phone and took freaking selfies all least Cecelia did all of the talking so all I had to do was sit there and nod my head.. One year..that was the promise I made..I would give my dad one year of marriage..oh, and an heir..yeah, that's the part I'm not looking forward to. The mere thought of Cecelia being the mother of my child makes my skin crawl..but there is a high possibility she might not want anything to do with the baby..maybe I could offer her enough to walk away. That is unless by some miracle I fall in love with the girl. I slipped my hands in my pockets, weaving my way through the crowd and trying to avoid the stares as I arrived late. "Son, nice of you to finally join us." My dad hissed, his hand landing on my shoulder as he squeezed me hard, trying to use that same intimidation crap he used on me as a kid. "You know I like to sneak in undetected." I smiled at him tightly, knowing Dad loves parties like these. He is always bragging about some deal he made or an exotic trip he went on. Maybe that's why he is so adamant on me marrying Cecelia..they are actually a lot alike. "Well, you have twenty minutes until the announcement. You better go say hi to Cecelia and her family, she has been looking for you." He instructed me before a man with grey hair strode up, distracting my dad with a handshake. I slipped out of his grasp..really needing a drink as I avoided everyone around me. I could feel the lingering stares as women went to approach me and I just brushed it off, walking past them like always. Then a flash of light blue caught my attention..I don't know what it was, but I felt something inside of me perk a feeling of excitement as I peered around a man who just stepped in front of me. Then I saw them..the most breathtaking blue eyes I had ever seen in my life..they reminded me of a beautiful sunny day when you look up at the sky, watching the clouds go by. I took a deep breath, seeing those blue orbs dart away from me as the adorable short girl began walking through the crowd once more. What was this? My heart was breathing growing deeper..she was stunning..her hair was black like ink, her skin as white as snow..cliche..I know..but it's true..her lips were a beautiful pink and her body was thin but curvy in all the right places. Had I met her before? Something about her seemed so familiar.. I smiled softly, seeing those smooth cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink as we finally cleared the crowd and were suddenly face to face..I wasn't prepared to see her full-on..especially with how big those eyes got..she had to be the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. I asked if she wanted to get a drink and her cute head bobbed up and down sweetly..oh god..what was this girl doing to me? Was I feeling f*****g giddy right now? I reached out, taking her hand as my body came alive..everyone in the room simply dissapeared as this woman was now my sole purpose in f*****g life. Yeah..this was bad.. She hadn't even said a word to me..was this what they called love at first sight? That's when I learned she was a Kensington..not just any Kensington..but John Kensington's daughter. A daughter I do remeber hearing came out a few years back about a secret affair and an illegitimate child was born. But I didn't think she would he here..and look like this.. It wasn't even the fact that she was beautiful, just the way she did things so gently and elegantly..even the server knew her and the way she smiled back at him made me feel a little jealous.. I wanted to know her..I wanted to be the one to tell people who she was or what she liked. That's when the wicked witch of the west came striding over. I watched as the old lady put her hands on Gabriella..her eyes growing wide with fear as anger flashed through me. I was gripping the wine glass I just picked up and swore it would shatter to pieces any moment. Then the fact that Gabriella couldn't speak stunned me..was she born like that? Was that why John hid her away and her family never spoke about her? "Why don't you go get Trina's purse for me dear." Georgia Harris said before turning back towards me and leaning closer. "Sorry if she was being rude, she is a little slow being a mute and all..I don't know why Regina even let her come.." She began to whisper harshly, making me lose it. "Excuse me, but the only rude person I see here is you. Is that how you treat your son in law's daughter? I know she might not have any direct relation to you Mrs. Harris..but she shares the same blood as your grandchildren. I would've hoped a woman your age would know better..but clearly not. Does John know you speak about his child like that?" I snapped, making the server from earlier start coughing on the inhale he just took as I needed to get the hell away from this horrible woman as soon as possible. I turned on my heel, leaving Georgia Harris with her mouth opening and closing like a fish as I couldn't even stand being beside her..not after what she said about Gabriella.. Then it hit me..the answer to everything.. I would be getting engaged to a Kensington after all..but not the one they expect..and I just hope Gabriella accepts..because I don't think I can go on with it otherwise, not after tonight...not after meeting her..
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