Chapter 2-Excitement

1624 Words
(Gabriella) I peeked around the corner, feeling excitement buzzing through my veins as the smell of food and champagne tickled my nose. We hadn't had a party like this in so long, not since Katrina's twenty-first birthday party two years ago. I wasn't exactly invited, but I sat outside the grand foyer doors, listening to the laughter and cheerful noises that slipped beneath the cracks. Betty even brought me a small plate of food and a glass of champagne. Even though I wasn't old enough to drink, she said one wouldn't hurt. I felt the bubbles floating straight to my head as the giggles and chatter all blended together. My dad wasn't able to make it, so Regina asked Katrina if she wanted me there, and without hesitation, she gave a resounding no. That was okay with me..I didn't really like being in large crowds, I just liked to observe them. People watching was one of my favorite things to do. Suddenly one of the caterers named Will, rounded the corner, carrying a tray full of champagne flutes. "Gabby, you should be upstairs getting ready, not sneaking around." He spoke warmly as a smile filled his face. Most of the people who worked here had been in and out of our house many times over the years. So this wasn't the first time Will had caught me sneaking around before an event started. Will was a nice man in his forties who was usually the one who catered most of Regina's parties or dinners. He had a partner named Craig who was actually the florist, he would make deliveries every Sunday to replace the flowers Regina requested that filled all the rooms in the roses to be exact. The whole house was decorated in red, white, and was Regina's theme for everything. The kitchen, study, bathrooms..all of it..well except my room. My room was plain white. Everything Regina bought me was usually dull and lifeless, but it didn't really matter to me, I was happy with whatever. I nodded my head and turned back towards the sweeping staircase before waving at Will and running upstairs. My bare feet bounded across the marbled floors as I flew up the stairs and suddenly came to a halt, hearing my father's booming voice, making me freeze in place. "Regina, I can't believe you blew through that account already! I told you something small and intimate..not two hundred people and a six-figure budget!" My dad raised his voice. I had never heard him get this mad, not with me at least..with my sisters and stepmom occasionally..but usually, money was never an issue. "Honey, it's your firstborn's engagement announcement..don't you want to make this a day Cecelia will remember for the rest of her life?" Regina said in an overly sweet tone..the one she always used around my dad. I don't think he has ever heard the tone she uses with me. "I told you to stop spending so much money..we are relying on the merge with Sinclair Industries..if this falls through.." My dad said in a tired voice..was Daddy having issues with work? "It won't fall through..this engagement is the final piece and will blend the families together. Just relax sweetheart..let me help you." Regina whispered as I heard kissing noises, making me frown as I quickly tiptoed past the office and headed for my room. So my dad was depending on tonight going well and the engagement going through..I wonder why? I haven't heard Regina or my father fight about money before..that was new. I opened my door and slid inside, letting my eyes drag across the room while looking at the blue dress that was now draped across the bed. To be honest, it was very plain and looked matronly, but I didn't really have nice clothes like these. Regina was the one who approved all of my clothes, my dad would bring me and my sisters suitcases full of clothes from different countries and they would always get first pick. I was just fine in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans though, that never bothered me. I slipped off my white t-shirt and jeans before walking to my bed as I lifted up the dress. Holding it against my thin frame, I couldn't help but smile as I saw my reflection. Even if it wasn't eye-catching or was still beautiful. I wondered if Regina thought I would hate it or something. I unzipped the back and pulled it up my body before struggling with the zipper, trying my best to zip it up. That's when I heard a knock on the door, startling me. "Bunny, it's me." My dad's gentle voice called out from behind the door. I walked over, clutching the dress to my body as I bit my lip anxiously. Maybe my dad could help me at least. I could only get the zipper up halfway. I turned the handle and opened the door slowly as my dad's handsome face appeared before me. I studied it intently while furrowing my brow...he looked tired..really really tired. His blue eyes were red around the edges and his light brown hair disheveled like he had been running his fingers through it. I lifted my hand, balling it into a fist before slipping out my pinky and thumb and raised it to my chin. "What's wrong?" I mouthed while moving my hand. "Nothing sweetie, can I come in?" He asked as I nodded my head yes. I stepped back, letting my dad walk into my room as his eyes suddenly drifted up and down my short frame. " look so beautiful." He breathed, his smile returning as I signed thank you and could feel my cheeks warming. I never received many compliments, so I always felt weird hearing them, even from my own dad. I bit my lip anxiously before pointing at my back. "Do you need help sweetie?" He asked and I nodded my head before turning. He quickly zipped up the back as I walked to the mirror and admired the dress. It fit me perfectly. The fabric hugged my body and the length went down to my ankles with a slit that stopped at my knees. The neckline had a collar and my body was pretty much covered but for some reason, I felt more like a woman than I ever have in my life. "You look just like your mother." My dad whispered, his eyes locking onto mine in the reflection as I smiled softly. We didn't talk much about Mom, considering it was a taboo subject with Regina and my half sisters..but I loved to hear anything about her. "Daddy, are you okay?" I signed, making him sigh before walking to my bed and sitting on it, his hand sliding out and patting the empty space next to him. "Come sit bunny." He said while glancing back and reaching across my bed, grabbing Butterscotch. He has seen better days...that's for sure..but he was still going strong. Betty had to sew his ears back on a few times but it just made me cherish him even more. "Tonight, I want you to stay by my side okay? There will be a lot of people there..and you know how I worry about you." My dad began, making me turn my head to look at him. Something seemed very off with him. I reached over, gripping his hand as he looked down at my bunny. "Gabriella, I'm sorry for going away for so long. I know it hasn't been easy for you..and with you unable to speak..I..I wish I would've done more to help you." He whispered, his words causing my heart to ache as I let out a shuddering breath. "Dad, what is this about?" I asked, my hands moving smoothly in the air as I tried to mouth the words. "Honey if this partnership..if it doesn't go through..things, they will change. Our home..the money we have..I have failed you..I have wasted so much time trying to make your lives better..and I somehow missed the whole thing. This engagement with your sister and Jamie Sinclair, this is the only thing that can save us." He confessed, tears filling his eyes as I scooted closer to him before wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt him tremble beneath me as I shut my eyes tight..yes dad wasn't here..and my life at times had been lonely, but it wasn't bad by any means. I never want my dad to feel guilty or sad..he has worked very hard for us. I snuggled against his chest, inhaling his masculine scent as I let him hug me for a few more minutes. "How did I get blessed with such a beautiful kind daughter like you." He whispered as I pulled back and smiled up at him widely before batting my eyes innocently, that always seemed to make him laugh as that smile formed on his face once more. "Regina is a little stressed today, so just stick with me tonight okay? Also..your Grandmother Georgia is coming.." He dropped the bomb, making my eyes widen as I swallowed hard. Grandma Georgia..she was Regina's mother..let's just say she is even crueler than Regina. She believed I was faking my stutter..she would do anything to try and get me to speak..even so much as locking me in a dark room and not letting me out unless I asked her to normally..which I couldn't..I would be locked in there for hours..I still have to sleep with a night light because of that. Embarrassing I know..but dark rooms scare me. Why did I suddenly have the sense of impending doom rush through me? Maybe tonight wouldn't be so great..
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