Chapter 17

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"I have to attend this call. I'll be back in a minute, " Colton said after lunch when his phone kept buzzing. I looked up at him desperately, not wanting to be left alone to converse with his grandma, but he gave me a reassuring smile. "It will be fine," He mouthed and left. That little- "I hope you like him too, Charlotte," His grandmother said as I stared at his retreating figure, "He likes you," She added when I shifted my gaze to her. If only she knew. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't like him, Grandma," I said to her politely, "He is a great guy" I added when she didn't seem to believe a single word that I said. Her eyes flickered towards her grandson before landing on me again, "How much do you know about him?" She asked. I cleared my throat, "I admit I don't know much about him. It has been only a few days since we started talking, so to know all about him is impossible. " I let out a nervous chuckle, glancing towards Colton to see if he was done with the call. Seemed like he didn't. I forced myself to look at his grandma again, not wanting to be rude, and found her gazing at her grandson, "My Colton is the most cheerful person to be around. He had gone through a lot. He looks tough on the outside but is a softie here. " She pointed at her chest, implying the heart. What did he go through? "I hope you bring out the best in him." She went on when I remained quiet, "When I started sending him out on blind dates, he would be unwilling. He didn't want to go and if he did, he'd call me to tell me that he wasn't interested in that girl" "He went on blind dates before ?" I asked before I could stop myself. Grandma nodded at me, "So you could say that I was surprised to hear that he was willing to try getting to know you" She said, "I thought he would come up with any excuse not to see you again but he looked more than willing" She laughed, her eyes crinkling in joy. Now, I started to feel bad for lying to her. She looked genuinely happy to see her grandson finally willing to date a woman. I smiled at her, "We had a great conversation that day," "So I have heard," She flashed a smile, "He kept talking about you when he returned home." That's a surprise, "He did?" I asked. "I told you. He liked you. He was actually worried that you would reject him, " She confirmed. It's more like worrying if I reject his offer. I put my hand over my mouth and pretended to laugh, "Ah, I didn't know about that. I felt the exact same way that day, " Colton came back, his eyes darting between me and his grandma, "I hope you two didn't gossip about me in my absence" He said, narrowing his eyes on his grandma, "You didn't tell any funny stories, did you?" He asked, sitting next to me. "Now that you brought that up, I am actually debating on it." She winked at him playfully. "You wouldn't dare." He shook his head, "Did she tell you anything?" I nodded, "So much," I teased and then put my hand against my chest for an added effect, "I can't believe you did that," I said, winking at Grandma. His grandma laughed along with me, making him look between us again, a small yet genuine smile starting at his lips. "It feels nice to see you smiling again, Colton. I haven't seen that smile in many years, " His grandma said, "I believe it is Charlotte's doing. " "I always smile when I am around you," "Yeah, not like the one you're wearing on your face now. This time, it looks more genuine than ever, " She explained, "Please keep smiling like this. My heart is at ease when you smile like that. " He ran his fingers through his silky hair, "Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people," He replied, trying to act macho now. "What you guys are laughing about?" A new voice joined, making all three of us whip up in that direction. I found an older man with a striking resemblance to Colton standing there with a smile on his own. There was a woman next to him, standing there arrogantly with her arm wrapped around the man's waist. The look on her face said it all. She didn't care about what's going on here. Colton stiffened next to me, and the atmosphere changed drastically. The comfortable feeling left and was replaced with an anxious one. "Ah, Bernard" Grandma said, "This is Bernard Lockwood, my only son and Colton's father, and next to him is Cassandra McAdams, his wife" She introduced, "Bernard, this Charlotte Harrington" His wife? So she is not Colton's mother? I flashed a polite smile and stood up, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lockwood" I said, extending my hand towards him. He stepped forward and took my hand in his, "Stephen's daughter?" He asked, giving my hand a shake. "Yes," I nodded at him, "I heard you and my father are good friends" I looked from the corners of my eyes to see Colton look the other way as if he didn't want to see his father. So he really is not on good terms with his father. "Along with your mother as well. We would always play together when we were little" He let go of my hand, "Are they well?" I nodded at him. He looked like he had more to say but his wife intervened before he could. "Honey, we are late for our appointment," She said in a tone that I loathed. "We can go there next time," Mr. Lockwood said. Her eyes went round and wide for a split second and she parted her lips to persuade him again but Colton stood up abruptly, making her roll her eyes. "Actually, we were just leaving" He stated in an emotionless tone. I looked at him, "We are?" I asked. He nodded at me, "I was planning to take you somewhere else today" He said and then looked at his grandma, "I will bring her another time" He said to her and took my hand in his. I didn't know what to do but managed to bow my head at the three of them in respect, "I guess I will meet you again soon" I said, letting Colton to pull me away with him. I stumbled, trying to keep up with Colton's pace as he stormed away from there, "Colton" I called out softly but he didn't seem to have heard me so I called out again, this time louder. He looked at me, his hard eyes softening at the sight of me, "I can't keep up with your pace" I said when he didn't say anything. He looked confused, "What?" "Can we walk a little slower? I can't keep up with your long legs" I explained. He still looked confused but then as if he just comprehended what I meant, he loosed the grip around my wrist and slowed his pace, "Oh, sorry" He apologized, "Did I hurt you? I am sorry. I didn't realize I was gripping it so hard" He asked, bringing up my hand to examine my wrist, his face marring with worry. My heart skipped a beat at that, "No, you didn't" I shook my head. I had so many questions for him with what I have witnessed just now but I couldn't ask him. It is a tough subject for him. I could see that clearly. He looked relieved with my answer, "No questions?" He asked. We were almost at the car now, "A lot but I don't want to cross the boundaries" I answered him. He opened the car door for me, "Good" He said as I got into the car. He shut the door softly behind me and went around the car, getting in the driver's seat. He started the engine and turned on the heater, "I will tell you this so you're more prepared next time. I am not good with my father" The way he said the word father made me flinch. He hates his father. Was it because of that woman? Where was his mother? I made a mental note to ask my mother about it. My parents might know since Bernard Lockwood is their good friend. I nodded my head at him, "Understood" I said, watching his knuckles turn white as he clenched his fingers around the steering wheel. I cleared my throat, "Are you taking me out or it was just an excuse?" I asked, changing the subject. He glanced at me and without another word, pulled the car away from the parking, speeding towards God knows where.
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