Chapter 18

1514 Words
I watched his face as he drove his car, staring ahead. It has been about an hour since we left the Lockwood Mansion, and he still hasn't stopped his car anywhere. It made me wonder if we were going somewhere or if it was just an excuse to get out of there. I looked out of the window and sighed. We were driving on a long stretch of road, and we were passing the breezy point beach. A few more minutes passed, and I glanced at his knuckles. His grip had loosened around the steering wheel a few minutes ago. Was it because he is in a calmer state now? I lifted my eyes to his face again, starting to feel slightly jealous of his side profile. Jeez, his jawline was so sharp that it could cut someone. "You're staring at me," He said without looking, but I thought I saw a small smile on his lips. I looked away to hide my pink cheeks, "I was wondering if we were anywhere close to the destination," I answered, "It has been an hour," I added. "Do you have anything important to do today?" He asked, making me look at him again. "No," I answered without thinking twice. "Then spend the day with me." It wasn't a question but a command, "We are almost there, " He added. His voice still had an edge to it. As if he was a little upset. I decided to lighten his mood, "Is this the part you reveal to me that you're a psychopath, murder me, and toss me into the ocean?" I asked and nodded towards the beach as we buzzed by. He turned his face ever so slightly to look at me again, his eyes looked light and the smile on his lips was wider than before, "You're not that creative, are you?" He asked. I scoffed at that, "If I wasn't, you wouldn't have booked to have your office renovated by me, would you?" He threw his head back and laughed before focusing on the road again, "That's nice on. We are here, " He said, stopping the car in front of the beach. He cut off the engine and stepped out of the car. I sighed and did the same. I went around the car, "You took me to the beach" I stated as we walked side by side on the sand, "I wouldn't have guessed it" I mumbled, gazing at the beach as the breeze blew on my face, fanning my hair away from it. Gosh, how long has it been since I came to a beach? I took a deep breath, basking in the salty air, which brought back so many memories. "I think this is the nicest spot for this beach. Now that I have revealed that to you, I hope you don't go around telling people about it. They'll swarm this place. " He was walking next to me with his hands deep in his pockets. "Uh-huh. When did you discover this place?" I asked. I have never visited this spot even once. "It wasn't me who found out this spot. It was my mother. " I didn't say anything to that. I just nodded my head in answer. "You knew, right?" He asked after a few seconds of silence. I turned to look at him, "Knew what?" He scanned my face as if to check. I was genuinely clueless, "About my mother." "No. But I think it is safe to assume your father's current wife is not your mother, " I answered, looking away. He didn't say anything else. I slipped off my sandals when the waters were close enough and chuckled to myself when I felt the texture of the sand against my soul. Then, I walked towards the waves and let my ankles become wet. "I haven't been to the beach in a very long time," I said, looking over my shoulder to see him still standing at the edge of the water with his arms folded over his chest. "I haven't too" I sighed and then went to stand next to him again, the sand now sticking to my wet soles, "What do you do when you come to the beach?" I asked him excitedly. "Just stand here and watch the waves" He answered, staring at the water. I frowned at his answer, "That's what older people do" I said, "Chase me" I said. He whipped his head to the side, "What?" I grinned at him, "Chase me" I said before running away from him. I kicked my legs under the soft sand, running for a few seconds, and then glanced over at him just in time to see him start running behind me. I squealed at that and willed myself to go faster than ever. Woah, after all these years, I still like the feeling of being chased on the beach. I could hear him catching up with me and I knew it would in a matter of seconds until he overtook me but for some reason, he continued to run behind me without coming to the front. As if he was letting me have my fun. After a minute or two, I felt his strong arms circle around my waist and pull my back to his chest making me let out a giggle into the air. "Got you," He said into my ear. I laughed, basking in the moment before turning in his arms to step away from him. I tried to catch my breath from all the running we did, "Woah, we ran pretty far" I noted, looking behind him. Colton was panting too but not heavily like me, "Who doesn't love a long walk on the beach?" He asked, after following the line of my sight. I couldn't help but smile at that, "Then let's do that" I said and started to walk. Colton came up next to me and this time, he walked pretty close to me. Our arms were slightly brushing against each other. "When I was little, my father would chase me whenever we came to the beach" I sighed, "We would run and play in the waters until I exhausted myself to the point I started to nod off to sleep the moment I got in the car" I laughed, shaking my head to myself. "Would you believe me if I said I was the same as well?" He asked. I nodded my head, "Judging by the way you chased me, I think I will" "I used to chase my mother when we came here. She would deliberately run slower so I could catch her" "That's so cute," I said, behind down to pick a sea shell. "What were you like when you were little?" He asked me curiously. "Ugly," I said the first word that came to my mind, shuddering at the memory of how I looked before puberty hit me hard, "And messy" I added with a sigh. "I bet you weren't ugly. You would have adorable" I snickered, "You haven't seen me since I was eight. It was a bad time, really. I hated going to school because of how I looked" He stopped in his steps and I did too because of him, "You got bullied in school?" He asked, his eyes widening. I smiled and looked away, "It wasn't a big deal. Though I clearly remember a boy who asked me out to the prom and then stood up to me in front of everyone" I sighed, "I can't believe I felt so embarrassed over a petty thing like that at that time" He started walking again, "If he sees you now, he will regret that decision" I smiled, "Is that your way of telling me that I look nice?" I teased. "You're beautiful. There is no denying in that" He said, looking into my eyes. My cheeks started to heat up and I looked away, "I thought you would tease me" I muttered. "But you are messy. No, clumsy would be the right word. How did you get yourself into that career?" He chuckled, "I wouldn't have guessed that you're an interior designer" Now he was teasing me but strangely, I didn't mind at all. Colton gave me a comfortable feeling. Like a friend that I could tease all day without getting worried. "Feeling better now?" I asked, studying his handsome face. He nodded his head, "Yes, thanks to you" He answered, "Your presence was enough to make me feel better" I chuckled again, "You're teasing me again" I shook my head. He extended his arm and tucked a free hair behind my ear making me stop giggling at once, "Trust me, I am serious. You just made my day" He said before resuming to walk again, leaving me to stand there still with my heart racing against my chest. What- What was that? "Aren't you coming?" He asked, looking over his shoulder. "Yeah," I answered, running behind him as I shook away that feeling. That feeling of being precious to someone.
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