Chapter 16

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"This is unnecessary," I said for the tenth time since I got in the car. Colton came to fetch me in a sleek Range Rover. Just like he had promised. Colton glanced at me with a mischievous smile on his face, "My grandma believes chivalry still exists. She would suspect something is up if I let you get there on your own. "He said, making his justification a valid one. I rolled my eyes at that, "Still, you could've told her I liked to drive to places on my own." "I figured out something. We are going to fake this relationship anyway, so why don't we do it properly? We can go all the way in so everyone around us is happy. " "Except us," I pointed it out, "You're forgetting that we too are important to ourselves, Colton." "That's true, but we wouldn't be doing this if we knew how to put ourselves first," He pointed out. He turned his face to the side to look at me again. The way his eyes pierced through my soul made my heart skip a beat. I brushed my hair away from my face and looked away. Why was he gazing at me that way? "My grandma is super excited to meet you," Colton stated after a few seconds of painful silence. "I am going to be honest with you. I feel a little anxious to meet her. What if I tell her something I shouldn't by mistake?" I rambled, turning to look at him again, "I never got the chance to meet my grandparents, so I am not very familiar with older people. " "Whoah, take deep breaths. How could you speak so fast? I had a hard time catching all the words you said, " Colton chuckled, "You don't have to be so nervous. She is a pretty cool person. " My cheeks heated up, "Sorry. I tend to ramble when I am nervous." He glanced at me for a moment, his eyes softening. He muttered something to himself and quickly averted his face to the front. "What was that?" I asked him curiously, "You said something, didn't you?" "Just talking to myself," He said, "We are here. Welcome to the Lockwood Mansion. My grandma lives here alone with a few people that take care of this place, " He said when I turned to look to the front. The towering iron gates opened, revealing a humongous mansion in there. Now, I know Colton comes from a wealthy family, but I didn't expect them to be this rich. "God, you should see your face," Colton snickered, "It's priceless!" "You call this a mansion? It's a freaking castle, Colton. How filthy rich are you? This is insane!" I couldn't tear my gaze away from the mansion. The exterior was done in a contemporary concept. I wondered what the interior would look like. "You look so excited," Colton said, gaining my attention again. "I am an interior designer, Colton. That excites me more than anything else in the world right now. You're going to give me a house tour. It would be a shame if I came all the way here and left without exploring this mansion. " "My grandma would love to show you around," Colton said, "She is a sweet girl. Don't be nervous. Just be yourself. She would love you the way you are, " He added, parking the car on the porch. At that moment, he sounded like a real boyfriend to me. It felt so genuine that I couldn't lift my tongue to form any words after that. Did he realize that as well? "What?" He asked, making me blink a few times. I scowled at him in confusion, "What?" I parroted. "You were staring at me as if something was on my face," I hoped the blush on my face wouldn't give away anything, "Oh, I must have been staring into off-space," I said quickly with a sheepish smile. Colton narrowed his eyes on me. "Okay," He said. "Let's go. My grandma would be waiting for us, " He said, getting down from the car. I took a deep breath before stepping down as well, pushing the car door close with a soft shut. I looked at Colton to know what was next and found him gesturing for us to go in. I felt like a little girl going on a school trip to the museum. I couldn't help but wander my eyes around in awe. If I was impressed by the exterior of the house, the interior took that to the next level. I was currently standing in the living area, and I could already say that whoever designed this mansion had great taste. It was lavishly furnished, but at the same time, it looked elegant. "You must be Charlotte," I heard someone say, and I looked to the side to see a beautiful woman in her eighties smiling at the both of us lovingly. Her hair had turned fully white from aging, but it looked so good on her. She stood there with her back straight despite her. If it wasn't for her hair and her wrinkled skin, I wouldn't be able to believe that. I bowed my head slightly out of respect, "Yes, I am," I said. "Charlotte," Colton said, "Allow me to introduce you to my favorite person in the world. My grandmother, Vivian Lockwood. " He went on when I lifted my gaze to him again. I put on a pleasant smile, "It feels good to finally meet you, Mrs. Lockwood. Colton has been talking a lot about you, " I said before handing a small gift bag to her, "I got a little something for you. " She looked impressed until now. It was a good sign to indicate everything was going well. She accepted the gift bag from me. "Thank you, dear," She said, "Colton told me a lot about you too. I can see why though. You look stunning. No wonder my grandson is smitten by you" My cheeks turned crimson, "Thank, Mrs Lockwood" I said shyly, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear. "Come on, it's time to eat now," She said, "We'll talk later. Colton, please show Charlotte the way to the main dining area" She commanded in an authoritative tone. Colton nodded at her and casually took my hand in his, "Sure, grandma" He said before pulling me with him into the mansion. I looked at our intertwined hands and looked up at him with wide eyes. He cleared his throat lightly when he saw me looking up at him with that expression on his face and I quickly rearranged my features, "Please dear, go in. I'll be there in a minute" His grandmother said as Colton guided me past her. Once I was sure that I was out of the hearing distance, I looked up at him with a scowl on my face, "Colton" I said meaningfully, nodding at our hands when he looked at me. "She would feel suspicious if we don't hold hands" I frowned at his reply, "Ugh, fine. Whatever" I said, trying my hardest not to get bothered with that simple act. Instead, I averted my attention to the interiors again, "I have to say, this is the most stunning place that I have ever visited" He smiled down at me as he led me into the dining area, "What can I say? My grandma got great taste" He pulled the luxurious dining chair and waited for me to sit on it. I sat on it, "Chivalrous, aren't you?" I grinned when he pushed the chair in for me. "Oh he better be chivalrous, dear" His grandmother entered the dining area making me freeze. I hadn't expected to see her return so soon, "I would be disappointed if he isn't" I smiled at her, "I see you're the reason why he is like this. He wouldn't even let me open the car door" I glanced to the side at him. Colton grinned in return, "It's a pleasure to make you feel like the princess that you are" His grandmother looked at her grandson with pride-filled eyes, "That's good, Colton. That's how it should be" She said to him before fixating her eyes on me, "Make sure he even holds your bags for you" She winked at me playfully. I laughed at that, "I will keep that in my mind, Mrs. Lockwood" "Oh, there is no need to be so formal. Please call me grandma. If I am Colton's grandma, then I am yours too" She flashed a sweet smile at me.s I nodded at her, "Okay, grandma" I said, feeling a little weird to use that word for the first time on someone. She nodded her head approvingly, "That's better" She said. She looked at one of the maids who had been waiting there the entire time, "Please ask the others to serve the food now" She commanded. The maid nodded and left without a word. I looked at Colton and then at his grandma, not knowing what to say. A minute passed and then two before it started to feel a little awkward.
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