Chapter 4

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My chest constricted, and a ringing resonated in my ears as I fled. I wanted to look over my shoulders so badly, but I didn't. was paranoid that Jake would start chasing behind me, and that only made me run faster. I started questioning myself as I ran. Why was I running? I didn't do anything wrong or shameful. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. That's when I realized that I was going to slam against someone. My eyes widened in aghast, and I tried to slow down my pace, but it was already too late. "Offhh," I cried out as my body crashed against someone. I guess today was just not my day. My body started plummeting towards the ground, making me squeeze my eyes in fright. There was no time to even mentally prepare myself for the hard impact. Warm fingers enclosed my wrist and pulled me to my feet again. My eyes flew open in surprise, but my hair was on my face, covering the face of my face, my savior. I raised my hand and brushed it away from my face to apologize to this person, and my breath got caught in my throat. It was the same man I had bumped into earlier. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment, and I bowed my head in an apologetic manner, "Sorry" I said breathlessly. I didn't realize I was breathing heavily until I opened my mouth to talk. I looked up at him again to see him studying my face in keen interest. He parted his lips to say something, but someone I know too well cried out my name from far before that. "Charlotte!" All the blood from my face drained when I looked over my shoulder to find Jake searching for me. It seemed like he hadn't spotted me yet, so I whipped my head to the front again to face the beautiful stranger. He was still watching me, his eyes held a glint in them. "Sorry," I said quickly and looked around to see if I could hide anywhere to escape from Jake. Fortunately, there was a janitor's room nearby, so I rushed in there without hesitating. I shut the door and held my breath. I tried to calm myself for a few seconds before leaning against the door to listen for anything. I heard Jake's heavy footfall as he ran down the corridor, "Did you see any brunette pass by this area?" My eyes widened in horror. Oh God, what if the beautiful man tells Jake about my hideout? "No," I heard his deep voice reply. Relief washed over me, and I relaxed a little. That could have gone bad, but thanks to that stranger, it didn't. I bit my lower lip and strained my ears to listen again. I knew Jake wasn't the type to give up that easily. "But I saw her running this way," Jake spat. I could almost imagine how Jake would be looking at that man in disbelief. "You asked me if I saw, and I said no," The man replied. A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. This man is a lifesaver. I could hear a set of footsteps leaving that area, but I wasn't sure who left. I stood there, debating if I should push open the door just to take a quick glance to see if Jake was the one who left. I put my hand on the knob and counted to ten in my head before braving myself to push the door slowly but my eyes widened in surprise when someone from the other side pulled the door open with a greater force making me lose my balance for the third time today. I flew straight into a set of warm arms. I stayed still for a few seconds, too stunned to digest what happened. My cheeks went beet red as I slowly looked up to see the beautiful stranger. This time, I could see the amusement as clear as the day in his eyes. "I have never seen anyone as clumsy as you," The man said. I quickly pushed away from his arms, still blushing profusely, "I am sorry," I said to him, "And thank you for not telling him about me," I added. He nodded his head at me, "No big deal" He said, "You can ask the security guards to kick him out if he is bothering you" He went on, his face was hard. I nodded, "It's not that bad." I smiled, "But I will keep that in my mind," He looked like he had more to say, but before he could, his phone started ringing. I cleared my throat and bowed my head again in apology before moving away from there. "Charlotte!" I froze in my steps, squeezing my eyes shut as if that could magically make me invisible. Great. Just when I thought I got lucky. I released a breath and slowly spun around to face him. Jake was striding towards me, past the handsome man, "Why are you running away from me?" He asked as if nothing happened. That struck a nerve in me, "Because I don't want to see your face," I snapped, gritting my teeth together, "You know why. Would you want to look at me if I cheated on you?" I fumed. I was aware of the fact that there was another man's presence in this conversation, but I had no choice. I was actually glad for that. Who knows how bad the situation could be if Jake and I were alone? Jake looked stunned for a moment, "Charlotte, it was a mistake." He started, his eyes flickered towards the other man, "Can we talk in private?" He suggested, "We are too old to act this immature. " I shook my head, "It was not a mistake. You can be with her all you want without me being the third person in your life now. " Jake looked embarrassed now, "Charlotte..." He trailed. "I don't want to talk with you anymore, Jake. I was loyal, and you were not. " I shook my head, "I won't degrade myself and be with an unfaithful man. " Jake made a move to grab my hand, but I stepped away, "Do not touch me." I spat. "Alright, that's enough" The man intervened, "When a woman says to stay away then it means you should stay away," He said, stepping in front of me, hiding Jake's face. "Look, man, this is none of your business," Jake said in what he thought his intimidating voice. I craned my head to look at his expression and had a hard time controlling my laughter. The other man was taller than him. He wasn't bulky, but anyone who laid their eyes on him would know that he was strong as he looked toned and neat. "Leave while I am in a good mood," The man warned. His tone made the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight. Now that is the intimidating voice. Knowing Jack, I was pretty sure that he was about to pee in his pants. I could see his face gone slightly pale, "You think I am afraid of you?" He asked, still trying to look courageous. The man took a step in front, and at the same time, Jake retreated a few steps back, "I think you are." I heard the man say. The smile on my face widened when Jake cleared his throat and looked at me, "You" He said, "You and I will talk about it soon" He looked at the man again before turning on his heels and walking away from there. The man spun to face me, "I guess I have a rough idea of what's that about now." He said, "You should be careful from now on. Man like him finds pleasure in harassing helpless women" My cheeks burned, "I am not a helpless woman," I stated. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he nodded in agreement, "I can see that" He said, putting his hand in his pocket, "Report him to the police if he bothers you again" He ordered before walking away from me. I watched his back until he completely vanished from my sight. I didn't know who he was, but I felt an immense amount of gratitude towards him. I could say that he was a good man- Never mind, I shouldn't judge anyone so quickly. Especially men. The last time I judged someone wrongly, I gave myself a heartbreak. Never again, though.
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