Chapter 3

1519 Words
A week passed since my last encounter with Jake. Surprisingly, I was doing great. I barely thought about him. I deleted all the pictures I took with Jake. It was hard for me to tap that delete button as I was always a photo hoarder, but I managed to do that. After all, I had no intention of going back to Jake. I didn't want to hold on to those memories. It will only slow me down from moving on. As for the things he got me, which is only a pair of earrings, I tossed it into the trash can as well. It wasn't gold or anything, but I appreciated it as it was from him. At that time, that is. I glanced at the small car mirror and fixed my hair, making sure I looked presentable. I saw Lana glance at me from the corners of my eyes, "Stop fretting. You look beautiful. Let's just see how many clients will readily seal the deal with us the moment they lay their eyes on you. " I scoffed at her, "Yeah, I wish." She giggled, "Jake really should kiss goodbye on finding someone as attractive as you." The smile on my face wavered, "Yeah, but he can always find someone as naive as me," I said bitterly. Lana nodded in agreement. "I think it's high time you tell your parents about it. With Christmas approaching, they might be expecting you to turn up with Jake." Lana said, getting my attention. As much as I would like to deny that, she was right. Christmas is in two weeks, and I have to return to my parent's place to spend the holidays. They wouldn't be the happiest if I turned up at their house alone. "Yeah," I mumbled, "I guess I will just tell them in person." Lana made a face, "You and I both know that is not a good idea." She shook her head. "I just - My father was hoping to see me married by July," I groaned, "Why did Jake have to be a cheat!" "Relax," Lana chuckled, "The good thing is, he is not the only man on this planet." She tried to reassure me. "Yeah, and the bad thing is - I have to do everything all over again. The getting to know part to going on dates and then finally being in a relationship -" I took a deep breath, "All of that is going to consume so much time and effort" Lana nodded her head, "But I love that part. It is interesting when you start to get to know someone and then you'll get to know that this person is a jerk in the end" She said, starting with a smile and ending it with a grimace. I guess I could relate to that. "We're here," She said, "I haven't attended an event like this in a very long time" She sighed, "It is hard to maintain a smile and look approachable for a few hours" I smiled, "Yeah, but we could fish a few clients if we manage to impress them," I said, "Then we can go out to celebrate." I winked at her in encouragement. That did the trick. Lana beamed at me, "Really?" I nodded in answer, "That's the exact smile you should put on, though." "I will plaster this smile for however long you want if we are going out tonight," She grinned, getting out of the car. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that she is in her late twenties. How is she excited at the mere thought of going out? All I want is to roll my blanket around me like a burrito as soon as I get home from work. I took a deep breath and put on a pleasant smile before stepping out of the car as well. Lana and I made our way into the seminar hall after getting our files from the backseat. "I hope Emma and Ava did a pretty decent job in setting up the booth," I said to Lana as I walked while looking down at the file and rereading its contents. "They sent me a picture after setting up the booth," Lana said, "I forgot to show you. My bad. " I looked to the side to see her smiling sheepishly at me, "Lana, you should have -" My words got caught in my throat when my body slammed against another person. I stumbled back clumsily but managed to balance myself. "I am sorry!" I looked up at that person apologetically only to lay my eyes on the most beautiful set of eyes that I have ever seen. Green eyes stared back at me in a scrutinizing manner. I was too lost in the beauty of his eyes to realize he was actually saying something at first. I blinked in a daze, "Sorry?" I said, taking in the full view of his attractive face. Every feature on his face was striking. Especially his sharp jawline. His eyebrows looked like someone carved it to perfection and don't get me started with those ridiculously long lashes. They framed his eyes gracefully. His nose was straight and nice. My eyes fell lower to those lips to see them moving as he said something. My cheeks heated up unconsciously, and I averted my eyes away from those luscious lips. What was I thinking? Staring at a stranger's lips? Bad Charlotte. Very bad. I looked at him again, only to see him frowning at me. He shook his head slightly in disappointment and walked away from us. I watched his retreating figure but then felt Lana elbowing at my side. I looked at her in question, still a little bit dazed. "Dude, you were totally checking him out!" She giggled. My eyes went round, and I shook my head at her in frantic, "No, I wasn't!" I denied. She smirked, "Yes, you were. You were staring up at him dreamily as he said to watch your step. " That only made the blush on my face reappear, "He said to watch my step?" I asked, feeling embarrassed now. This is mortifying. The smirk on Lana's face widened, "Ah, so you weren't paying attention to what he was saying?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, "Let me guess why... You were busy checking him out!" "I wasn't checking him out!" I said defensively, red-faced. "Yeah, he was attractive, but did you have to be so obvious?" She teased me. I scowled at her, "Done teasing me?" I asked rhetorically, "If you're done, we have to get going, " I said before turning away from her and starting to walk. "You're going in the wrong direction," Lana called out from behind me. I paused in my steps and turned the other way. "That is not the right direction either," Lana said, and it sounded like she was fighting back her laughter. I let out a sharp breath, and my face felt hot from blushing continuously. "Fine, show me the way," I said, avoiding her eyes, "Quit teasing me as well," I added, walking towards her. Thankfully, she didn't tease me again after having realized that we would be late. I followed behind her with my mind wandering back to that stranger. Without realizing it, my cheeks heated up again. How can I make such an impression on someone? I just hope he won't be in the seminar hall. I won't be able to endure that embarrassment. I took a deep breath and walked into the hall, scanning the room to spot our booth. My wandering eyes found Emma and Ava almost instantly as they were waving at me enthusiastically. "Is everything ready?" I asked, looking over the booth. They did a pretty good job. "Yes, thanks to you," Ava grinned, "You prepared everything. We just filed them together and set up the booth. " I looked at Ava, "Still, you set up the booth. You should take credit for it, " I winked at her, "Now, I know this is hard, but we have to reach our target somehow today. We will celebrate it later, " I said, looking at all three of them. Their faces literally lit up, "Celebrate?" Emma beamed. I nodded with a smile. That will motivate them to reach our target. The three of them squealed in delight, attracting attention from our neighboring booths. I cleared my throat and signaled them to be quiet. "Alright, let's do this," I muttered under my breath, putting on a pleasant smile. I turned to look at our surrounding booths, and my eyes instantly fell on someone I wished not to see again. Jake. My heart stopped, and so did my smile. My mind went blank, and without thinking, I turned the other way around. "Charlotte!" I heard Lana yell from behind me when she saw me literally scampering away from that spot, but I didn't stop. "I'll - I'll be back soon," I said over my shoulders, "Need to use the washroom for a bit," I said before stepping out of the seminar hall.
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