Chapter 5

1469 Words
"Have you told your parents yet?" Lana asked, and I stopped singing the song on the radio abruptly. Way to kill my mood. I glanced at her and shook my head, "Nope" I answered in a flat tone, averting my eyes back to the road, "I know what you're about to say and I know you're probably right but in my defense, I was too busy with work that I barely had time for myself" I quickly said when she gave me a judgemental glare. I could see that she was shaking her head, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Charlotte," She sang, "If you told them sooner, your Thanksgiving would have been better," I bit my lower lip. I knew this wasn't good, "I am sure they wouldn't be affected by this" I smiled to hide my anxiety, "I mean, in this era, this is normal," I shrugged. "You were engaged to him," Lana reminded me, "Yes, many couples break it off these days, but only some do that after getting engaged, and that is not a mere thing." I cringed, "Sure, make me nervous as if I am not already," I muttered under my breath. I tried to focus on the road, basking in the familiar path that I had missed so much, "When was the last time we were here again?" I asked, avoiding the subject. "Last Thanksgiving," Lana replied without missing a beat. I pressed my lips into a thin line at that. Yes, we seldom visit our hometown. Lana and I have been together since we were in diapers. Our parents were business partners. Since both of us had similar visions, we decided to move to the city to start out our own company. Which, by far, is the best decision I have ever made. Our parents weren't so happy at first as we already had a food chain business here, but eventually, they came to terms with the fact that we wanted to be self-sufficient. "Time flies, doesn't it?" I found myself saying, "It feels like yesterday we left this town, but now it has been a decade. " I glanced at Lana again. Lana grinned, "Yeah. Remember the time we wanted to return so badly?" She asked, chuckling at the memory, "We were so broke, but our ego never wavered. " I laughed along with her, "Well, I am glad we didn't give up back then," I sighed, "We would never be where we are now if we came back," Lana nodded, "Hey, mind dropping me at the florist? I wanted to get my mother some flowers. " I took a left, "Sure" I said, pulling the car to a stop, "Do you want me to wait or -" "No, you can go. My house is just walking distance from here. " She grinned, stepping down from the car, "Have a great week. " She winked, grabbing her duffel bag from the backseat and closing the door shut. I took a deep breath before resuming the drive. I deliberately drove slowly to get home as late as I could. I missed my parents badly, but I didn't know how to break the news about Jake and me to them. Ugh. Why do I always have to make them sad? Ultimately, I found myself stepping down from the car on this nostalgic porch. I grabbed my bag and quietly made my way to the front door, but before I could step in, I heard a joyful squeal. My eyes widened in surprise as my mother tackled me into a warm hug, "Charlieee!" She giggled in delight, "Oh you don't know how much I missed you!" She added, pulling away from the hug to look at me. She observed me for a few seconds and nodded to herself, "Yeah, definitely a lot thinner than before. What are you eating back there? Crumbs?" I rolled my eyes at her, "I weigh the same, Mom. I didn't gain, I didn't lose" She snorted, "Pshh. I am your mother. I could tell if you lost or gained. " She narrowed her eyes on me, "Come in, I prepared your favorites. " Her eyes held so much excitement that it made me smile. "Where's dad?" I asked, stepping into the house. I took a deep breath and relished in the homey scent. God, I missed being here. "He is in the garden, watering the plants," She said, her smile wavered and her eyes glazed with sorrow now, "He is- He is-" She stuttered as if it was hard for her to talk about him out loud. I felt a lump in my throat. I knew his health was deteriorating, but seeing my mother in emotional agony made me terrified. Just how bad his health was? "He is well." I heard my father's voice join. I spun around to find him standing by the sliding door with a smile on his face. I felt my heart wrench at the sight of him. He looked so sick. "Dad," I said, but my voice came out as a mere whisper. This man, who had been strong my entire life, now looked frail. He had lost so much weight that his bones started to show through. "Good to see you home, Charlie," He said, putting on a sweet smile to hide all the pain he was enduring now, "I missed you so much, cupcake" He added, limping towards me. I dropped my bag to the floor and ran to him without wasting another second, "I missed you too, Daddy," I said, putting my arms around him carefully and gently hugging him. He felt so small in my arms that I was afraid I'd cause him pain if I hugged him tighter. He patted my back softly, "You should come home often if you miss me" He said as I pulled away to look at him, "No, don't cry" He shook his head at me, putting a hand against my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying until he pointed it out. I couldn't control my tears as they streamed down my cheeks, "Daddy..." I whispered, "I am sorry, " I said, not knowing what else to say. I am sorry that you're going through this hell right now. I am sorry I left you to start my business. I am sorry that when you're in pain and need me the most, I was not here because I had to take care of my business projects. "No, cupcake." He shook his head, "Daddy is fine. Look, I am strong. " He smiled, bending his arm to show his bony bicep. My heart shattered into a million pieces all over again. Yes, he was strong. Strong enough to go through this excruciating pain without complaints. That too, with a smile on his face. "Alright, enough with the waterworks," My mother said, her voice thick with emotion as well, "You're only here for a few days. Let's make them the happiest ones." My father nodded in agreement, "Your mother is right. As always, " He grinned at her, "We don't want to make her mad. You know what comes after that" He winked at me, desperately trying to lighten the mood. Despite being felt like a thousand knives were thrown straight at my heart, I took a deep breath and willed to stop the streaming tears. I forced a smile and wiped my damp cheeks, "Right. I have so much to share with you two, " I said, looking at the both of them. "Wait," My mother interrupted, and her wandering eyes darted toward the doorstep, "I thought Jake would be joining us this time," She said, her eyebrows creasing in worry. My stomach dropped when she mentioned my ex. For a moment, I debated if I should just lie to them. I can easily tell them that he was spending the holidays with his family members, but eventually, that will backfire. I have to come up with more lies trying to cover one. So I decided to tell them the truth and get over with it. "About that..." I trailed, looking at their wary faces, "We broke up, " Their faces paled, and their jaw fell open. On any other day, I would've laughed at their stunned faces, but today, I waited for them to say anything. It was my mother who spoke first, "Why?" She asked in disbelief. My parents exchanged an alarmed look among themselves before putting their attention on me again. "He is a cheater," I said, shrugging as if it was nothing, and walked away from them, "I know you have a lot of questions," I said, pausing briefly on the mid-step, "I will answer them later after a quick nap" I added before climbing up the stairs, leaving them bewildered.
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