Chapter 6

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"I can't believe Jake would do something like that," My father hissed, clenching and unclenching his fragile fists, "He just looked so-" He stopped, struggling to find the right word. "Looked so genuine," I finished for him with a sigh. I never imagined that he of all people would do that to me but here we are, "He made sure I spent a hefty amount of money on him while we were dating and took advantage of my tight business schedules" I shook my head to myself, "Every time I have to cancel our date, I make up to him by buying a gift for our next date" I went on, hating myself for being like that. "Why would you do something like that, Charlie?" My father tsked his tongue in disapproval. Emotions started to bubble up in my throat, "I thought I was in love, Daddy," I said, surprisingly keeping my tone vacant of any emotions. "I am going to slap him the next time I see him," My mother grumbled as she set a mug of steaming hot chocolate in front of me, "How dare he hurt my precious girl!" I chuckled softly, "There won't be a next time, Mom," I said, glad for that. "You will never see him again." I shook my head. My mother frowned, "That's too bad. I can't give a black eye. " I couldn't help but smile at that. I can almost picture her in my mind with her tiny fist extended towards Jake. "Good thing. You won't be arrested for an assault. " I grinned at her, "Don't worry, mom. I am over him now. " "That's a relief," My father sighed, "You can start seeing again -" I shook my head before he could even finish his sentence, "At the moment, no," I said, "I want to focus on myself now. The last thing that I want right now is a rebound" "Don't be like that," My mother said, disapproval coloring her face, "This time, you might be able to find a genuine man," She added quickly when I gave her a look. "I don't need a genuine man in my life, Mom," I said softly, "I am happy with the way my life turned out right now. No commitments, so I can finally give my all to my work. " The frown on my parent's faces deepened tenfold, "Charlotte, that's exactly why I am worried" My father said, "You immerse yourself in work and miss out on every tiny little thing in life. Don't make the same mistake that I did. " His eyes glazed with regret. I looked at him, unable to say anything in return, "You didn't make any mistakes," I stated after a few seconds of painful silence. "I wish I spent more time with you and your mother while I was younger and healthy," He mumbled to himself, "I wish I had taken more pictures with you two -" "You can still take pictures with us," I said, standing up, "Come on, we are going to take some pictures right now," I said, walking towards him and helping him to stand, "We will treasure all the moments" "What- What?" My father stuttered, but I didn't stop. I grabbed my mother along and made the two of them stand side by side, "Let me get that tripod," I said to them and dashed towards the many drawers in our living area. Even though I don't visit often, I still know where my mother keeps everything. I smiled to myself when I spotted the tripod with ease and attached my phone to it. "Right, we can take pictures now," I said, spinning around to face my parents again after setting the tripod in a good spot, "No mistakes, no regrets" I grinned at their stunned faces and closed the distance between me and them. "Give me your best smiles!" I chirped, taking a few pictures with them and then letting them take a couple of pictures. "That's nice," My father said, looking at the pictures, "But you know this is not what I meant" He looked up at me meaningfully, "You will be only young for a short period-" "Dad, I know that," I said abruptly, "I just-" I pressed my lips into a thin line, wrecking my brain to come up with the right words, "I am not ready to be in another relationship" I shrugged, "Maybe I will in the future but at the moment, nope" His warm eyes once again glazed with pain, "I won't be in that future." He shook his head, "I just want to meet your man before I-" I put my hand over his mouth, not allowing him to finish it, "Dad...please" I said, my voice thick with emotion as well. He smiled against my hand and brought his hand up to take my hand away from his mouth, "My good friend is coming to Maryland for the weekend. He has a son -" "Dad -" I said, knowing full well where this was going. He was going to play matchmaking now. "Let me finish," He said, "You two can go on a blind date and get to know each other. If you like him and he likes you, you can be a couple, and if not, you can be friends, " He suggested with a hopeful smile. I stared at him, taking that in."This is so embarrassing, Dad," I shook my head, "Don't you think I am a little too old for blind dates?" I asked, not liking the idea in the least. What is this? The eighties? "Actually, people your age are the ones who go on a blind date these days" My mother butted in after being quiet during the whole conversation, "Come on, just try this thing out for your father" She added when I glowered at her. Something in me told me that my mother was the mastermind behind this plan. "Please, cupcake," My father said pleadingly, "Just meet him. That alone will make me happy" He added when stayed silent. If I didn't agree to this, my parents would keep on nagging me until I went back to New York. Judging by the way they were looking at me now, I knew they were hell-bent on making me agree to this. I could meet this man and explain to him that I wasn't interested in being in a relationship and tell my parents that he didn't want to take things further. They won't pressure me then. "When did you plan this?" I asked my father, "You only got to know that I broke up with Jake earlier today" I narrowed my eyes on my father suspiciously. "When you don't have enough time on earth, you have to improvise and take chances" My father answered, "I thought of this the moment you told me about your breakup" "I can't believe you're making me do this" I grumbled under my breath, "Fine" I looked at them, "When do I meet him?" I asked, not hiding the displeasure on my face. My parents looked overjoyed, "Tomorrow at the cafe down the street" My mother answered without missing a beat, "You'll have to be there by five" I nodded to myself, wondering how they managed to set up a date in under a few hours, "Tell him to be on time or else, I will come home" I warned, "Don't have to be a couple if I don't like him, right?" I asked, just to clarify. "You will like him" My mother nodded her head surely, "But yes, if you don't, you can just stay friends" If she thinks I'd swoon for the man whom I just met, then she has to think again. "Okay," I said, "Now can we take more pictures?" I asked pointing at the tripod and my parents laughed, nodding in agreement.
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