Chapter 7

1324 Words
"Make sure you behave," My mother said as I styled my hair. "What am I? Five?" I retorted, gripping the curling wand tighter. I didn't want to impress this mysterious man, so I chose to wear my everyday hairstyle. My mother didn't appreciate my sarcasm, "I am serious, Charlie." She said, "Bernard is your father's good friend. Even if Colton and you don't work out in the end, I don't want your father to lose his friend, " She explained to me. I switched off the curling wand and looked at her dead in the eye, "How many times I have ashamed you or Dad before this?" I asked, and she pursed her lips. I smiled at her reaction, "Yeah, I thought so. I won't cause a scene, Mom, " I reassured her. She looked at me as if she had more to say, but whatever it was, she decided against it and left quietly. I shook my head and looked at myself in the mirror, "What's so special about this Colton anyway?" I mumbled to myself and resumed doing my hair. It took me less than ten minutes to do my makeup before walking down the stairs reluctantly. My parents were waiting for me at the end of the stairs, looking up at me in delight. Now, I feel like I have experienced this before. "You two are making me feel like a teenager who is on her way to prom," I said, going to stand in front of them, "Only I am not in a dress, thank God for that" I didn't bother to hide the sarcasm. I let it flow in every word I speak. My parents exchanged a glance before turning to put their focus on me again, "You have to thank me for the genes. You won't be looking this nice without me. " My father winked at me. I smirked at him in return, "Thanks," I said, "So how do I meet this Colton again? I have never seen him before this" "He will be at table number five," My mother answered, "A little bird told me that he looks spectacular." I made a face at that, "Looks mean trouble these days," I muttered, "Alright, I will get going now. I hope he is on time or I will come back after five minutes, " I sang as I walked past them. Oh, I hope he will be late so I don't have to meet him at all. "Loosen up and have fun, will you?" I heard my father yell just as I stepped out of the house. Yeah, this is not going to be fun at all. I glanced down at my watch and realized I had a good fifteen minutes ahead of me. I skipped away from my car, deciding to get there by foot. I won't be staying here for long so I wanted to walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air while I had the chance. Besides, the cafe is just down the street. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of the cafe. I checked the time again and I sighed when I realized I was five minutes early. I didn't want to look like I was waiting to meet this guy for hours but as a generally punctual person, I couldn't help myself. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, my eyes going straight to table number five only to find it empty. Actually, the whole cafe was empty. There were no customers around. Maybe it was not their peak time. I stepped into the cafe and went straight to the counter to order a drink. A man was standing in front of me, ordering a drink, so I went to stand behind him and waited for my turn. I looked down at my phone while I waited, but the man's familiar deep voice caught my attention. I looked up to see the back of his head in curiosity. I felt like I had heard this voice before, but then again, I grew up here, so the chances of meeting someone from my school or an acquaintance from all those extra classes I attended is pretty high. "Thank you," He said, and the woman at the cash register was practically drooling. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled shyly, repeating his order. I rolled my eyes at that and shook my head to myself. My eyes went to the man in front of me. I don't remember every person that I conversed with at school, so I just hoped that if I didn't recognize him, he wouldn't recognize me as well. I didn't want to have an awkward conversation with someone whom I don't remember. The man in front of me was tall, and his shoulders were broad. He was wearing a dark t-shirt, and it fit him gorgeously, showing off his well-toned muscles. He turned his head to the side, and I could see his prominent jawline and his long lashes. My phone vibrated in my hands, so I looked down to see I had received a text from Lana. I quickly replied to it and looked up again. The man had already received his drink and walked away from there. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time because I didn't get to see his face. I stepped forward and cleared my throat to get the attention of the barista behind the counter. She was still looking at the man before me with a dreamy smile on her face. She quickly apologized, her cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. She took my order and I waited a couple of minutes before getting my drink. Gingerly holding my hot beverage, I spun around to see that the man before me was sitting at table number five. He was facing the other way so I still couldn't see his face. Ah, so this was Colton? Or could it be someone else? It is a cafe, anyone can sit anywhere though. The only way to find that out is to ask him. I quietly made my way to the table, "Colton?" I asked, unsurely. "Yeah," He answered and turned around in his seat, just enough to show me his face. My jaw slacked at the familiar man in front of me, "You-you're Colton?" I stuttered in disbelief. He was the same man that had saved me from Jake the other day in New York. His green eyes were wide in surprise as well before amusement glinted in them, "I believe I am" He said, standing up to his full height, "You must be Charlotte" He concluded, extending his hand towards me. I stood there, speechless for a moment before rearranging my facial features. I looked down at his extended hand and realized both of my hands were not free. I was holding my coffee on my right and my phone on my left. "Um-" I said, blanking again. A charming smile tugged at his lips as gently took the coffee from my hand and set it on the table before extending his hand again, raising his eyebrow when I stood still like a statue. "Oh," I said, grabbing his hand and giving it a firm shake, "We meet again," I said, noting how my hand felt small in his. "In the most unexpected way," He added, letting go of my hand, "Please, have a seat" He gestured for me to take the seat in front of him. I kept my face as neutral as possible as I strutted to sit on the chair. He sat down as well, directing his inquisitive eyes on me, "I didn't know what I was expecting when I agreed to this blind date but certainly, it wasn't you" I gave a tight-lipped smile, "Should I feel offended?" He shook his head, "No. Definitely not" Well, this should be interesting.
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