Chapter 19

1508 Words
Colton's POV I glanced at her sleeping figure and smiled, shaking my head. Her hair was falling on her face, and she looked a little uncomfortable in that passenger seat. Just a few minutes ago, she was humming to song a random song that was playing in the background. How could she fall asleep that fast? She made a noise and turned to the side. Her hair was fully covering her face now. I can't believe that all I could think at that moment was how adorable she looked. Fighting back the urge to laugh, I stopped the car at the shoulder of the road and leaned over her, lowering the backrest of the seat so she would be more comfortable. I brushed her hair away from her face and put down the sunshade. Once I was done, I looked at her again. Just like what she said at the beach, she fell asleep in the car. I studied her face for a moment. She is a breathtaking beauty, though I never told her that before. Her eyebrows framed her small face well. Her nose looked cute. My eyes fell to her lips, and at the same time, she parted them in her sleep. I gazed at her soft pink lips for more than I should. Something in me stirred, and I found myself leaning towards her, wanting to touch her soft lips. I was inches away from her when I realized what I was doing and froze. What was that? Was I about to- I pulled myself away from it, feeling ashamed of myself. I was lucky that I was able to stop myself before I could make that mistake. I pushed myself further against the seat, relieved and stunned by my own actions. I took a few seconds to gather myself and looked at her again for the millionth time today. There she lay, completely oblivious to her surroundings now, deep in her slumberland. "Jake, you prick." She groaned in her sleep. Something flared in me when she said his name. Obviously, she wasn't having a good dream from the way her face was scrunched up in disgust. How could someone have the heart to cheat on her? She is beautiful without even trying. Kind and smart. She is what beauty with brains. What else would a man look for in a woman? She has it all. Is this what the meant by one man's trash is another man's treasure? She shifted in her sleep but didn't wake up. With one last long look at her, I resumed my drive. My mind went back to the time we spent at the beach after chasing each other. We sat on the soft sand and talked about random things for almost an hour. She brought a sense of peace whenever I was with her, and for that reason, conversations with her were easier for me. She has humor and takes humor as well. "Colton," She said. Is she awake now? "Yes?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the road as it was a busy intersection. It was quiet after that. Once the road became free again, I allowed myself to look at her again, "What-" I swallowed my words when I saw her, fast asleep in the same position. Did she just call out to me while she was asleep? Her phone started ringing, and she jumped awake, startled. I turned my head to the front, though I watched her from the corners of my eyes. She begrudgingly took out her phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID. "What?!" She sounded so mad that I stifled a chuckle. I could feel her glaring at the side of my face, "I told you a million times already. Stop calling me. It is over between us. " I unconsciously gripped the steering wheel tighter. Was that her ex? "Jake. I will tell you this one last time. I won't allow you into my life again. So stop calling with different numbers and use your time wisely. " I heard her growl into the phone. A few seconds passed before I cleared my throat, "Is that your ex?" I asked. I glanced to the side and found her straightening up the seat. She ran her fingers through her long tresses. "Yeah, "Yeah" She answered curtly. "I guess it has been going on for a while now," I stated, "Him calling you with different numbers," I said when she looked at me in confusion. "Ah, yes." She nodded, "I don't know what his problem is. If he wanted to stay with me, he shouldn't have been with another woman. Now, he is regretting it and wants to come back to me. " So he is harassing her. I don't know why, but that bothered me more than it should have. "Have you considered to report him to the police?" I asked her. "I am starting to" "Do you want me to talk to him?" I asked, "I can warn him to back off, " She chuckled at that, unaware that I was dead serious. "No, that won't be necessary. I'll handle it. I already threatened him that I would tell the police about him, but he still hasn't stopped calling me. " She sighed, "Maybe he would if I really made a complaint against him. " Another thing that I like about her is that she believes that she can overcome any situation. Someone like her would never ask for help or take help even when it is being offered without asking. That's fine. I can ask someone to look into this matter and handle it without having her know about it. "I can break his jaw if you want" I joked in an attempt to keep the conversation going. Her answering chuckles were a delight to my ears, "As much as I like to see that, I don't want you to lay your hands on him" She said and for a moment I thought she still cared about him, "He is not worth it. He is not worth the time we are talking about" That made me smile, "I don't mind punching him through" "If he keeps this up, I will punch him myself the moment I return to New York" The smile on my face widened, "Speaking of New York, when do you plan on returning?" I asked. "This Friday. I will leave after lunch at my parents. What about you?" "I would be leaving on Thursday" Something came up at work so I had to leave earlier than I had planned. "Will you bring your grandma along?" She asked. I was surprised she remembered it, "Yeah" "Good for you" She sighed sadly, "It's just that I invited my parents to come and live with me in New York but my father has been refusing the idea since day one" "If they come and live with you then it will be a little hard for you to keep faking our relationship" I reminded her. "I won't mind though. My father has only a few months at the most to live and I want him to be with me on those days. I want to create as many memories as possible so I can sit and reflect one day when he is no more" Her tone was vacant but I knew how emotions might be bubbling up to her throat now. I made a mental note to talk about it to her father when I was alone with him. We were almost at her house now, "Thank you for the lunch. I had a great time with your grandma even though it felt a little awkward at first" She said, grabbing her bag. "I am sure she has a lot to say when I return home" "Only the good things I hope" She grinned, "My mother would be drilling me with questions as well" She muttered, not looking excited at all. I stopped the car in front of her place, "So when are we meeting again?" She thought about it for a while, "What about that indoor ice rink? We could skate our problems away" I laughed, "I wish it was that easy. Fine, we'll go to the ice rink tomorrow. I will pick you up" She looked ready to protest but decided against it when I gave her a look, "Fine-" Her eyes widened when they fell on something outside the car. I followed the line of her sight and found a familiar young man, leaning against a car. Where have I seen him again? "Jake" Charlotte whispered ever so lightly that I barely heard her. I whipped my head to the side to look at her. She had turned pale as if she was seeing a ghost. She stayed in her seat, frozen in shock. Jake? As in her ex? I looked to the front again and recognized that jerk this time. So we meet again. Should I teach him a lesson or two now?
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