Chapter 13

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I got ready pretty quickly and went down to see if my parents needed any help. My mother looked at me and smiled approvingly, "Now, you look so much better." She nodded, "Come on, help me set the table." She held out the plates. "Mom, do we need to do this?" I asked, walking towards her and taking the plates, "I mean, this is so old school. No one does this anymore. " I reluctantly set the plates on the dining table as I spoke. "It means so much for your father," She said, "You don't know how excited he is right now. He even has taken the album out from the shelves. " I stared at her incredulously, "He will not show it to Colton." "He will," My mother stated. "Mom, I have only known him for three days, and now you want to show him my entire childhood? Doesn't it seem too fast for you? What happened to taking things slow?" I rambled, "Did it go out of the window?" She shrugged, "Just let your dad have his fun. You will leave in a few days, but he will cherish these moments till his last. " She placed the cutleries next to the plates carefully, "It might keep him satisfied and happy for a while. " God, she knows how to play her cards. I scowled at her, "Fine. Just remember that I am doing this for the both of you, " I grunted just as the doorbell rang. I glanced down at my watch and made a face. He is a punctual one. He did mention that he doesn't like tardy people. "He is a man of his word!" My father sang excitedly from the living area, "I'll get the door. " I heard my father's light footsteps moving around, and then a few seconds later, our front door opened. At this moment, I knew one thing, certainly. My father didn't even need to meet Colton. He already approves of Colton. I exchanged a look with my mother, "You two better not embarrass me in front of Colton," I warned her, "And no photo albums." I waved my index finger at her. "Charliee!" My father called me out, "Come here, " My mother giggled like a little girl, "Go, your dad is calling out for you" She placed her hands on my sides and turned me around, "Go" She pushed me lightly to the front, "It is not nice to keep a guest waiting" I glowered at her but walked away from there anyway. I saw my father sitting on the couch and right next to him, Colton, dressed in a light Polo T-shirt with big bouquets of wildflowers. I tried not to cringe at the sight of that bouquet. Why did he have to bring one? I clearly told him that we needed to make it seem like we were taking things slow. His wandering eyes fell on me, and they softened, "Charlotte," He said, standing up. He looked up and down at me, taking in what I was wearing, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, "You look -" I cleared my throat, "Colton," I said, giving him a look so he could drop it. He chuckled softly, clearly enjoying this. He wanted to make me flustered, "Here. I couldn't come empty-handed, " He said, extending the bouquet to me. "Thanks, but you didn't have to," I accepted the bouquet from him, "I believe you already met my father," I gestured to my father, "That leaves my mother. She is -" "She is here," I heard my mother chirp from behind me, "Hi Colton. Nice to meet you, dear. You look exactly like your father. " She gushed, taking his hand in hers. If I remember correctly, I assumed his father was a sore subject for him and now I could confirm that by the way his soft eyes hardened at the mention of his father for a fraction of a second. Colton was quick to rearrange his features and I was sure my mother probably didn't notice it. "I didn't expect you to look so young, Mrs. Harrington" He flashed a charming smile down at her, "You could easily pass a sister to Charlotte, " He complimented my mother. My mother blushed at that. Yeah, her cheeks turned crimson, and I was sure Colton noticed that, too. "Thanks," She said, "Please, call me Julie," "Julie it is" Colton dazzled her with a smile, "I brought you something as well," He said, bringing a small gift bag from where he was sitting, "It isn't much but I really hope you'll like it" I raised my eyebrows at that but didn't say anything. If my parents aren't impressed by him before this, I bet they are now. The way they are grinning ear to ear as they talk with Colton said it all. My mother accepted the little bag with a smile, "Charlotte didn't tell us much about you," She told him, gesturing him to take the seat. His eyes flashed to mine, "Oh, that is not her fault." He said, "We are still in the getting to know phase. We haven't shared everything with each other yet. " He sat next to my father while me and my mother sat opposite to them. "Don't rush it. You two have a lot of time ahead of you. Just have some fun while you're at it. " My father looked my way and quickly averted his eyes when he noticed I was glaring at him. He was the one who had been rushing me all this while. "Yeah, that's what I told her" Colton lied fluently, "Actually, I liked her from the moment I saw her but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable" He went making my eyes literally pop out of their sockets. What did he just say?!?!?! My parents were overjoyed. They were trying their best not to let their excitement show while I sat there, trying to comprehend what he had just said. He sounded so sincere that if I hadn't known better, I might have believed him as well. I have to give him credit for his fine acting skills. "I know that feeling pretty well, son," My father grinned, glancing at my mother, "It was like that for me too," Am I the only one who is uncomfortable now? My mother blushed, "Oh, come on, don't start with old stories now. You might bore these two. " She waved her hands dismissively, "This is a different era, Stephen. Things are not the same anymore." Colton shook his head, "Believe me, love at first sight still exists to this date." He chuckled softly. Oh yeah, what about hate at first sight? Colton's eyes darted my way and noticed my frown and amusement shined in his eyes, "What do you think, Charlotte?" He asked, averting everyone's attention to me, "Do you think love at first sight exists?" I gave a tight smile, "No," My mother laughed nervously at that, "She has always been the practical one," She said, probably not wanting Colton to get a wrong impression. "Exactly the reason why I like her." Colton handled that easily. This time, my cheeks started to heat up. I didn't want anyone to notice that, so I let out a breath and stood up, "Please excuse me for a bit," I said politely and headed towards the kitchen. I went to the tap and washed my hands, a habit that I have developed since little when something stresses me out. I heard someone walk into the kitchen, and I thought it was my mother. "You and Dad seem to have a really good time with him," I stated. "What can I say? It is hard not to like me. " I gasped and spun around to see Colton standing a foot away from me. There was mirth and mischief in his green eyes. I gulped, pushing myself against the sink counter in a desperate attempt to put some distance between us but couldn't. I glared up at him, "Had fun making me all flustered up?" I asked, "I thought I said to take things slow. " He closed the little distance, making me gulp. He leaned towards me, "Your parents are watching us now," He whispered into my ear. His minty breath tickled my ears. My heart was beating so fast that it made it hard for me to hear him. "What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice ask, and I turned my head to the side just in time to see my parents turn their heads to look at a cheerful Lana in shock. My eyes widened when Lana turned her head to the side to look at what my parents were looking at, and just as I expected, her eyes went big as saucers when they fell on me. Her jaw slacked, "Charlotte," She said, stunned. Oh dear, what an awkward situation to be in.
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