Chapter 12

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"When do I get to meet Colton?" My father asked the second we got home. I wasn't surprised at all. On the contrary, I was waiting for him to ask this question on our way back home. I am impressed that he has managed to suppress it until now. "You just got home, Dad," I said softly, guiding him to the living area, "Get some rest, and then we'll talk about meeting him," "I have rested enough when I was at the hospital," He grunted. I gave him a look and wanted to tell him how tired he looked, but I didn't want him to feel offended or bad about it. "Dad, can we not do this now?" "She is right, sweetie," My mother chimed to support me. I looked at her in surprise. Normally, she wouldn't back up me, so why would she do that now? "You can rest now, so tonight you will feel rejuvenated to meet Colton," She added, throwing a sly grin my way. I knew something was up! "Mom, I can't just invite him over after meeting him only two times." I pretended to look flustered, knowing well she would say it was fine. "It is fine. He is the son of your father's close friend anyway. " She shrugged, "I am sure he wouldn't mind. " She waved her hands in front of her. Of course, he doesn't. It was hard to fight back the smile that was starting on my lips, but I managed to, "Fine. I will ask him to see if he's up for it, " I said, pretending like I wasn't happy with it. "That's good," My father said, delighted. I rolled my eyes at him and dashed up the stairs, going to my room. I shut the door closely and leaned against it, trying to eavesdrop on what my parents were saying to each other. "I am sure she will start liking him soon," I heard my mother say, "She just got over Jake. I am sure there are some wounds that haven't healed yet in her heart, but I have a good feeling about Colton. " So they can think rationally but choose not to. "I have that feeling, too. I never had it with Jake. Actually, I never liked him. He was always looking down at his phone and texting with someone. I never had the chance to converse with him. " Ah, I didn't know that. I straightened my back and walked away from the door, taking my phone out of my bag. I dialed Colton's number, putting it against my ear, and sat on my bed while it rang. He picked up on the second ring, "Hello," He said in his deep voice. There were a lot of attractive attributes of him, and his voice was one of them. "Are you there?" He asked again, pulling me out of my trance. "Yeah," I squeaked, "Yes, I am here." I cleared my throat, so I sounded better. My cheeks flushed a little, and I was glad he couldn't see that through the phone, "Can you come over for dinner? My father is going nonstop about meeting you. " "Sure," He agreed right away, "I'll be there at six." With that, the line went off. That's it? He didn't even ask any other questions! I sighed and tossed the phone on the bed. My phone started ringing as soon as it fell on the soft bed so I hurriedly reached for it, thinking it was Colton. Disappointment flooded me when I saw an unknown number on the phone screen. I swiped it to answer and immediately regretted it when I heard a familiar voice on the other end. "Charlotte, please let me explain." That was the first thing he said. I had ninety-nine problems, and I had no time for this drama. "There's no need for explanation. How many times do I have to tell you that? Do you want me to spell it out for you?!" I clenched my fists, "I swear if you call me again, I am reporting you to the police, " I threatened. I was actually considering moving now. I have to find a secure place to stay when I get back in New York. I had been staying with Lana since the breakup, so he couldn't find out where I was. Now, I am actually anxious to get there, but I can't stay with Lana forever, Can I? "I know you still love me, Charlotte," He said, ignoring everything I said just now. He is delusional. I snorted, "Love? I don't love you. In fact, I am in a relationship with someone else now, " I blurted out. I regretted it a second later. Why am I telling him this? There was a slight pause, and I almost thought he had hung up, but then he spoke again, "You're lying," He said, clearly in denial. As if he never lied to me! He had no right to point out if I was lying or not. "I am not. He is meeting my parents today, " I sighed, "Now, please leave me alone. " I hung up the call and blocked that number. From now on, I am not going to answer any unknown numbers. I have to find a new place to live now. Knowing Jake, he would be on his way to my apartment now. He hated it when I even smiled at other guys. "Charlie?" I looked up at the closed door, "Mom?" I asked, "What you're doing there? Come in, " I said, springing to my feet. Did she hear any of that? If she did, I hope she wouldn't tell my father. He would be worried sick. My mother pushed the door open from the other side and peeked her head in, "I passed your room, and it sounded like you were arguing with someone. Is there a problem?" She asked, her face marring in concern. I shook my head, "No, everything is fine." I sent a reassuring smile her way, "Oh, and Colton said he would be here at six." I informed her, changing the subject. She watched me for a few more seconds, "Are you sure everything is fine?" She asked, seeing through my facade. Of course, she would be suspicious. I nodded, not trusting my voice. My mother has great intuitions when it comes to me and my father. Most of the time, she would be able to read us like an open book. She slumped her shoulders, "Alright. Don't tell me. When you get in trouble later, don't come crying to me, " She grumbled, "I am going to prepare dinner for Colton. Your father is asleep. Look after him if you hear him calling for me. " I nodded at her again. She scanned my face for a second, and then her eyes traveled down to what I was wearing, "Please look presentable, will you?" She asked. I looked down at my clothes, "What's wrong with this? I look fine. Colton has already seen me like this -" "I don't care." She cut me off, "Change your clothes and come down," She instructed before pulling the door shut. Ugh, I hate dressing up for someone else!
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