Chapter 14

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It took me a second to react. I put both of my hands against Colton's hard chest and pushed him away from me. He stumbled a few steps behind, his eyes widening in shock but managed to find his balance. "Lana," I said, my cheeks flushing with prominent crimson, "When did you come?" I asked, walking past Colton, who had a sly grin on his face. I have to talk to him alone about this. Lana's eyes were still glued to Colton, "What's going on?" She asked, looking at me. She glanced at my parents, "I- I-" She stuttered, "Did I come at the wrong time?" Yep, it's a very wrong one, indeed. My mother coughed, "No dear. Not at all. " Lana looked at Colton again, "But I think I have seen him before." Her face scrunched up a little as she tried to recall where she met him. My parents didn't know I had met Colton before, so I covered Lana's mouth with my hand when her eyes lit up in realization, "Mhphhh," She said, against my hand. She pushed it away, "What the hell, Charlotte?" I gave her a pleading smile, "I want to talk with you alone," I said, "Please. I promise I will explain everything, " I said, fully aware that everyone was watching me right now. No pressure. Lana looked at me and then at Colton. She glanced at my parents before fixating her eyes on me again. "Fine," She said suspiciously, "I will wait in your room." Her eyes zeroed on Colton again for the last time before she walked away from there. I looked at my parents, "I have to talk to her for a bit. We'll join you in a few, " I said, "Excuse me, " I added, glancing at Colton's way. My heartbeat still hadn't returned to its normal pace, so I used the breathing technique to make it better while I climbed up the stairs. I jogged to my room and found Lana sitting on my bed. "Tell me what Colton Lockwood is doing in your kitchen." She commanded the moment I stepped in. "You know Colton?" I asked her, surprised. She rolled her eyes at me, "He was the guy you had bumped into the other day when we attended the seminar" She said, clearly remembering the day, "He is also one of our clients. He liked the one you designed and booked us right away that day. " Why I don't know that? "I don't remember?" I scratched the back of my head. "You didn't come back for a long time after seeing Jake in that hall." She frowned. Yep, that was right. She didn't know I had bumped into Colton again that day, but I didn't tell her about confronting Jake that day. "So, what's Colton Lockwood doing here again?" She pressed. I sighed, "I told my parents that Jake and I broke up, so they set me up for a blind date with Colton." I kept it short and sweet. Her eyes went wide, and then a cheeky smile played on her lips, "Gosh, your parents have better taste than you. Colton is an Adonis compared to Jake. " She gushed, "You're so lucky!" "Lana, you know I don't care about the looks," Her smile dulled, "Yeah. The last time you did that, you didn't care about his stinking personality, too. " Dang. "Fine," I grunted, "But Colton and I- We don't want to be in a relationship right now -" "So you guys are taking things slow?!" Lana finished it for me, "Yeah, that kind of makes sense considering you just broke up with your ex. " She went on, oblivious to the fact that I had more to say. I pursed my lips. I debated internally if I should tell her about Colton's idea of faking a relationship but then decided against it. It is better if no one other than Colton and me knows about this. It is not a secret if a third person knows about it anyway. "Yeah, you're right." I forced a smile on my face. "I am so excited. Can we go downstairs? I want to meet him officially. " She chirped. "Why are you here? I thought you wanted to have fun with your family at the falls this week" "We did have a lot of fun. I just got back and I heard from my father that Uncle Stephen was at the hospital. I came to visit him" She answered, "Now, let's go down. I have a lot to say to Colton" "My parents don't know that I met Colton before," I told her, "You know, I didn't want to bring their hopes up in case if it didn't work out between Colton and me" I added when she started towards my room door. She shrugged, "It's just a bump. You didn't even talk with him that day. " She beckoned me, "Come on. It is not nice to keep them waiting. " She literally sprinted away. Oh God, please let me get through this. "Charlotte!" She called out when she realized I hadn't moved yet. "Coming!" I shouted back, heading downstairs again. Lana had already taken the seat next to my mother, "I knew I recognized you, Mr. Lockwood. You booked us to renovate your office, " She said, getting my parent's attention. "Really? Charlotte never mentioned that" "That's because I didn't know about it until now," I said, getting down from the last step, "Lana only told me earlier" I went to take the other seat next to my mother. "I didn't know it was your company," Colton said, "You were the one who designed it?" He asked, looking directly at me. I nodded in answer. He looked impressed with that, "I thought it was a fun and unique touch. You're so talented, Charlotte, " He said. Again, the way my name rolled off his tongue made me shudder. "Thank you. However, I am not the only creative mind behind our projects. This is Lana Williams. She is my best friend and my business partner, " I introduced her to him, "I heard from her that you two have already met. " Colton averted his gaze to my friend, "Yes, I can recall meeting her." He said, "It is a shame that I didn't meet you, though." A sly smile graced his lips. Lana cleared her throat, "Actually, you did. You might not remember, though, " She said, "She bumped into you without looking where she was going, " Lana laughed, unaware of my piercing glare. It was a good thing I didn't tell her about my fake relationship with Colton. Lana saw me glaring at her and put a hand over her mouth. "Ops," She said. "Oh yeah, I remember that now," Colton pretended to recall, "Oh, that was you? I am sorry, I didn't recognize you right away. " Amusement swam in his eyes. I wanted to say I didn't remember his as well, but Lana knew I did, so I kept my lips sealed. "That's like destiny, isn't it?" My mother squealed, "You were meant to meet him, Charlotte. Oh, I have only heard something like this happen in the movies" I knew she would say something like this. She was a hopeless romantic. "It is a good thing you have booked her as your interior designer, Colton. That way you two can spend more time together" My father said. Colton and I exchanged a look. So much for going back to the way we used to be in New York. With Lana knowing about us, it will be hard to keep this up. This is the main reason why I didn't want to do this. The lies would only pile up to the point that it would be next to impossible to maintain it. "Yeah, I look forward to it, Mr. Harrington" Colton said with a knowing smile, "I bet Charlotte is excited as well" I had to suppress a snort that was threatening to escape from me, "Yeah. Very" I answered in a vacant tone. "Alright, it's time for dinner" My mother glanced down at her watch, "Lana, you can join us as well. The more the merrier" Lana grinned at my mother, "I wasn't going to leave even if you told me to. I am excited to see Lana with a new man" She giggled and then turned pale when she saw me scowling at her, " Um, do you need any help? I can help you set the table or-" "That's alright sweetie. Charlie already helped me" My mother stood up and Lana did too, following my mother into the kitchen. My father cleared his throat, "I am going in as well" My father cleverly left me alone with Colton. I sighed, "Was that necessary?" I asked Colton when everyone was out of hearing range, "You seemed to enjoy this" "I am only getting started" He winked at me before walking towards the dining area as well. He paused in his steps and looked over his shoulder at me, "Aren't you coming?" He asked. "Do I have a choice?" I asked, storming past him. What did I get myself into?
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