Chapter 5: Caught By Mom

1962 Words
Tracy’s POV A few intense minutes of glaring later, Mr. White let out a sigh and flipped through a stack of papers beside him. He eyed me before passing his usual smile that shocked me. “Miss Smith, I see that you weren’t paying attention in class today. Is there anything that you want to share?” Mr. White sounded calm and I was really confused now. For a second I thought he was going to lecture me about what happened before; though there doesn’t seem a reason for it, yet. Suddenly, he sounded like he cared less about it or most probably, has forgotten. “Um… Nothing Professor. I’m sorry about that.” I replied while scrutinizing them. “Nevermind. You may leave now.” He flashed his pearly white while moving his spectacles above his nose as he dismissed me. I gladly took off, merely hearing Vincent’s laugh. “What was that?” I grumbled and was surprised to see Ash waiting there patiently for me. “Hey, you didn’t go to your class?” I asked worried that he might have missed it because of me. “I didn’t feel like going there.” He shrugged and reached for my hand before we took off. However, my face heated up even if it was a usual thing. Ash was focused on something and didn’t notice my red face. Apparently, he was brooding over something. When we had reached my home, he stopped me and asked— “Tracy, do you feel that we have met Lester elsewhere?” Ash’s dreadful question turned me blank. He too? “Not sure but…” I wanted to answer but was surprised when I saw Lester glaring at me from afar. “Ah!” I gasped and was taken aback when he was gone the same second. What is it? Am I really going insane? “What?” Ash asked, sweeping a glance around before touching my shoulder carefully. “N-nothing! I mistook a shadow for something.” I smiled tensely and saw Ash raise an eyebrow in query. “Such a silly girl you are.” He said with a soft tone and ruffled my hair in a lame attempt. “Ash!” I pushed him off and he chuckled lightly before waving at me. “See you tomorrow then.” I waved back and watched him drive away. Meanwhile, I wondered what he wanted to tell me. Today he was weirdly too touchy. As I entered my bedroom, I screamed seeing Lester sprawled across my bed lazily. “What took you so long?” He asked as if that was a normal thing to do. I couldn’t believe him. Moreover, my body was nervous with his presence. Thus, I wanted him to be gone. “Wh-what are you doing here?” I questioned, trying to sound confident. Lester c****d his head to one side and pushed his body on one elbow, as he tapped his thigh with the other hand. I squirmed when his eyes didn’t blink for too long, staring at me. “You… are testing my patience now and then. I hoped not to do something but it’s becoming hard to see.” Lester spoke slowly in his usual deep voice that made me shudder. He was now walking towards me, eyeing me as a prey. Deep down, my femininity craved for him. A handsome man with a strong presence—I wanted to be touched the same way as his eyes seemed to devour me. Regardless, my senses called me to run. He was mad. “Na, ah!” He spoke sexily and I was stunned when a weird voice escapes my throat, inaudibly. I was literally shaking and the response was amusing to Lester. I don’t know what was happening despite the fact that I was drowning in him. “S-stop!” Holding on to the last bit of my sanity, I showed him a palm to make him understand to stay away. “Why?” He questioned with a teasing smirk. I groaned and ran off towards my private bathroom; closing it behind me. While my heart thudded loudly with an irresistible throb in my lower part, I was a total mess. Knowing that the hot guy wanted to do something naughty, I felt like throwing the door open and jump into his arms; submitting myself. However, I wouldn’t. Just go away! Please… Honk— Surprised that my mom was home, I requested Lester to leave immediately. What would she think if he stays here? “Lester, please go away. My mom is here.” I cried to which he scoffed across the door. “Who cares?” He said making my eyes pop out. I slammed the door open, giving him a dirty look— “I do! Now please leave before I call the cops.” I threatened only to regret it. He challengingly strode towards me and smugly replied, “Sure. Go on.” Freaking hell! Isn’t he scared? Guess, he is a pervert! Lester was quick to grab my wrist and push me against a wall with a soft thud. My words died in my mouth when he leaned close and rubbed his nose on the crook of my neck. I was breathing heavily. The familiar itch downwards was starting to be prominent as he pushed his body against mine. My eyes closed tightly when I felt it; the bulge against my needy core. A smirk plastered on his lips before he sucked my neck with a slight pain. “Ah!~” I moaned as my hands clenched to my sides, above my head. Everything faded—only his lips on my neck, his tongue on my skin and his body pressed against mine was all that I felt. “Letting another man touch you, dirty pet!” He said and bit me harshly. “Ahhhhh!!!” I screamed in pain, trying to push him off but with his one lick, I forgot how to fight back. “I’ll punish naughty Tracy.” He said and suddenly groped one of my breast, kneading it— “Honey—“ My mind went numb as I moaned and heard my mom’s voice at the same time. “Oh my god!” She screamed and I watched in horror as she slammed the door close behind her hastily. I had forgotten to breathe; shaken completely in shame and fell on my knees. However, what stunned me was— Lester was sitting casually on my bed with a book in his hand. What??? What happened? I am sure he was right in front of me; he even—my face turned beet red when Lester winked at me with that sickly smug smile. “Looks like your mom saw us.” He said amused while I felt like strangling him. Was I really dreaming it? But… I… I… “Oooo—your face looks like you just had an orgasm.” Lester added heartily while I wanted to dig a grave for myself. I hadn’t noticed but—he was right! It really was an orgasm. Fuck! Frustrated, I headed back to my bathroom, worried how things went this way. Was I really day dreaming to the extent that I had an orgasm? Yet, he didn’t move but I felt his touch— God, I’m going crazy. “Visit often!” My mom chirped and waved at Lester who was happy for some reason. His eyes would fleet to me and I cursed him inwardly knowing well that my mom had eyes of a vulture. She can read between the lines and couldn’t go wrong. He waved slightly at me and was on his way. I eagerly slammed the door behind his back, hating to endure every minute he was here. “Wow, Tracy. You never told me there was a guy hotter than Ash in your college? What more? You invited him home behind my back, huh?” She teased and I groaned angrily. “Could it be that you like him and that’s why you and Ash were never a thing? I wouldn’t mind that unless you two stay as friends forever.” She added seriously and I scowled at her. “Mom, shut it already! It’s nothing like that. Lester just attended the college today. Moreover, I hardly know him.” I added and saw her eyes went wide. “You brought a guy home that you hardly know of? That’s not being responsible, love.” Mom added sternly and I grabbed my hair in frustration. Was it worth to let her know that he invited himself here; god knows how. Despite what was right, I felt like not to. Moreover, she was oddly happier than ever. So, I decided to talk it out with Lester in a civilized manner or complaint to Mr. White if he doesn’t listen to me. “Yeah, I guess. I’m sorry, mom.” I said defeated. She smiled and kissed my cheek before handing me a milkshake and some cookies she had baked while talking to Lester. “But it was refreshing seeing you get involved with a charming guy like him. Though, he is a bit older than you but that means he is responsible as well. I wouldn’t mind if you two end up dating.” She said and I laughed at her while fuming in anger. Responsible? My ass! “Common, there you go again!” I teased and earned laughter from her. Surely, everything was back to normal right after that. Everything except—the feel of his hands on my body. *** “Good night, mom.” I kissed my mom’s forehead before retreating back to my room. Today was extremely tiring. Taking a bath, I was dressed in a wimpy outfit before falling asleep. It was a first— “Time for punishment, Tracy~” I jolted hearing that familiar sound. My eyes went wide as a topless Lester approached me in a cat-like walk. “Wh-what? A dream, ag-again?” I pondered, staring at my surrounding. It felt familiar but I wasn’t in my room. The house was lavish and the lights were dim. A familiar scent reached my nostrils. My eyebrows frowned when the bed dipped as Lester put a knee on it. He caged me with his tall body with a smirk. “Naughty girls that seek another man’s attention need to be punished, right?” He asked and I gasped when I heard a few other voices— “Yes, Master!” My head turned and I saw two girls—one of which felt familiar. I knew her. I remember her; that cold face and those accusing eyes, I surely know her. As if my mind was clear the same minute. My eyes landed on a portrait hanging on the wall behind her. My jaw dropped as I remembered it well. This was Lester’s~ it’s the same painting that I picked. Fuck, I’m in Beverly Manor! “Now, now… Pay attention or master will be angry.’ A lean finger lifted my chin and forced me to look at him. I gasped realizing it was Lester himself—Louise Lester—The cold hearted Demon! N-No…. No please… Lester, or should I say, Louise smiled and pushed me back on the mattress while I crouched in fear. Is he going to kill me? Or maybe murder me… What if he will eat me up— “Let’s play, alright kitties?” He asked and I heard the other two agree. What do they mean? Are they crazy? It’s never going to happen. I don’t want to participate in any of it… Never— “NOoooo!”
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