Chapter 6: I'm The Devil's Spawn

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Louise’s POV Having a glass of red wine in hand, sitting crossed legs on a couch with my brother Vincent in front of me, I complained about the youth of this century. “Ha! To disturb someone for fun, jeez, what are they?” Vincent raised an eyebrow and laughed out loud. He licked his tongue as he finished a glass of blood before setting it down on the table and smirked. “Jeez??? You sure picked up some weird words nowadays.” He answered and I rolled my eyes at him. “Is that all you cared about? Stupid.” I groaned when he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “You’re right though. If they keep harassing you like that Father might abandon you or even execute for being incompatible. He might point it as your failure not being able to stop mere weaklings like human.” Vincent’s eyes showed worry and I clicked my tongue in annoyance. We aren’t brothers for real. Vincent is a human turned vampire while I was born to a demon Lord, Gerard Lester. Since my father was his sire, the one who turned him to a vampire, Vincent is practically my brother now. Regardless, he lacks a lot of power and is warm hearted compared to me; the devil’s spawn. Thus, the next successor is me and not him. In order to gain this inhumanly power and rule the three worlds, I need to execute my power wisely and indiscriminately. “Huh! Indiscriminately you say?” Vincent scoffed and I frowned, hating that he read my thoughts. I scoffed and blocked my thoughts while wondering if he had a point. There are rules that need to be followed in the Lester family. These are— 1. Never pity humans, goblins or fairies—they are waste of times. 2. Never to betray dear father; Lord Gerard Lester. 3. Never hesitate to show your power. Hesitation means weakness; which has no place in the Lester family. Since I am the next in line, I need to be fiercer and wrathful to make others piss in their pants when they see me. In other words, I was born to be fearful. “Unfortunately, your looks betray that fearfulness.” Vincent added and I was baffled. Is he for real? I surely blocked my thoughts. “What’s with the surprise? This is what you keep sighing at almost thousand times a day.” He adds and I sighed involuntarily. He was right though. Nonetheless, I can easily scare my prey with my intense gaze and powers—power of destruction. Just like those pair of kids last night. They thought it was okay to trespass one’s property and lousily call it’s owner for fun. I was furious and snapped their heads then and there. What more? Their blood smelled awful but Vincent doesn’t mind. “Master.” I lifted my gaze to notice Sarah, the physician and personal helper of mine stand meekly there. She’s a human with infected blood that doesn’t allow her to die. Though, due to her past awful deeds, she is supposed to live a miserable life. Honestly, I don’t see how miserable her life could be. Being an honored doctor of an honored family like us, moreover, my personal doctor; how can it be miserable? “Your place is cleaned; do you intend to go back?” She was talking about the Beverly Manor where I hated that awful stench of those kids. Luckily, I don’t have to deal with these parts. I nodded but suddenly a force stabbed me like a needle pierce. My body became stiff and I tried my best not to cave in. “Oh s**t!” Vincent was on his feet as I could feel my body disappear— Anger rose feeling this helplessness. I wonder why it is just me—and I let the force suck in my soul bringing me back to the Beverly Manor. “Arrgghhhh!” I growled inside my throat and fumed seeing another bunch of idiotic kids playing around my house. Their eyes met mine and I smirked seeing fear reside in them; however before I could punish them for summoning me, I watched a girl pass out. My eyebrows knit together when my sharp nostrils picked up her blood stench—pure and kind. Urghhh! This kind deserves to be my pet! In reality, I never had a pet now for a long time. When I was young, I didn’t care what kind they were since pets are basically play toys to vent out s****l frustration. However with the time I lost interest because either their soul was bland or they became too clingy. I got bored of them easily because they were too experienced or easily influenced by other members. It made me sick to the stomach. Now when I am inflicting pain to these insolents, her blood scent was distracting me. Thus, I wanted to make a deal with her. I hated that it took so long. She was sacrificing herself for those prudes who allowed her to lead the summoning? Sick! It will be fun to break her, play and then discard her; anyway, she is meant as a sacrifice. I sneered and dragged her while fulfilling my end of deal. Though, I doubt if I’ll leave them off the hook. We were back at Lord’s palace and I chained her to my bed when we heard a distant growling. My eyes went golden and I glared at Vincent who was pinned to a wall by my powers. “Stay put!” I ordered and saw him whimper while trying his best. It’s my fault to forget that her scent will affect Vincent the most. That being said there is a high probability that Vincent will take a taste of her, first. “You want her?” I questioned, glancing between him and the unconscious girl on my bed. She seemed helpless, her lips apart as she breathed softly. I frowned how peaceful she appears even when she is chained down by me. “Uhhh…. Yes…” He answered, hungrily. It frustrated me and I called for Sarah who immediately understood her task. She injected him with Gerard’s blood, which will satisfy his blood need. After a few minutes, he leaned back on the wall standing at a safe distance while assessing us. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Sarah twitch seeing Tracy. Before I could ask, Vincent opened his damned mouth— “It’s a first to see you get a pet as young as an nineteen year old.” And my eyes went wide. Is she really nineteen? But, Vincent is never wrong in speculations. “So, you didn’t know?” He asked with a playful smirk and I hate seeing him act cocky. “Doesn’t matter!” I replied shrugging when suddenly that girl, Tracy, flinched in her dream. “Could it mean that I can have her?” Vincent asked trying to step closer, a hungry look in his eyes. “NO!” I warned and he fearfully stepped back as others present in the room flinched with him. However, Tracy came back to her consciousness as well. I cannot help but fume knowing she was younger than what I preferred. So, thinking to wait three more years, I let go of her with a parting kiss. Nonetheless, I was surprised when her warmth seeped through my lips—it was enticing. “Ah! What a stupid devil you are to believe her simply. Today’s generation is sexually active from a young age. Moreover, she wouldn’t even remember you anyway since her memories were wiped with that kiss and also—” Vincent, though playfully, was stating something that I had forgotten. “Three years is a very long time… Louise. All the best!” He patted my shoulder and was about to leave when I tackled him down in a blink of an eye. His shocked face didn’t lower down my anger. Neither will it by any way. We both were aware that he stated the facts. I wouldn’t know and a guy might be forcing himself on her. What if she was already in a relationship with one of her friends and thus decided to sacrifice herself in order to protect them. Now that I think, I particularly remember the agony in the face of those two bulky kids when I was close to her. Fuck! If it is true, then there are chances she will give in to their desires and be worthless to me. I can’t let this happen. “Find out about her!” I threatened and pushed him off. Vincent was irritated but said nothing. He nodded and left in a lightning speed. I wouldn’t let her get snatched away yet. No one can taste her before I do. She is my offering and I have the sole right on her. Tsk! What a pain in the ass are the kids nowadays! *** Rightly thought… Ash Hill, her best friend was intolerably close to her. I wanted to tear those arms with which he touched her but Vincent held me back. I was furious with his presence but couldn’t do anything when uncle White has set this condition. He wouldn’t trust me around humans until Vincent was present. Uncle White is a half-human and half-vampire. He is born that way and has known me from the day one. Though my dad hates him because of his friendly attitude towards the humans, especially the kids, he doesn’t mind it. Uncle is a very kind person that means he is a weakling in my dad’s eyes. No wonder that he outcaste uncle from our realm. In fact, dad asked me to stay away from him in fear that I might get infected by his scary kindness. Regardless, what he believes, I needed his help for now. Also, I don’t think such things would affect my cruelness. Heh! Whatsoever, Vincent was the one who made it possible as they share a good bonding. Despite that I had to suffer his lecture when he saw me meddling with a young adult. “She is the brightest kid of my class. I can’t endanger her, get it? I would like to believe that what I saw earlier was just a coincidence or accident.” Uncle White cleared his throat sounding stern while I cared less. “A-ah, sure Uncle! We’ll do our best.” Vincent urged but I glared at him offensively. “I didn’t go here for nothing! That girl is my possession and I have the right to protect her from others’ illegal trespassing.” I declared to which Uncle disappointedly glanced between Vincent and me. “I would interfere if I find her in danger. That’s all I want to add, Prince Lester.” He challengingly locked his eyes with mine and it ticked me every second that passed. “Really?” I slammed on the desk, feeling my darkness fume and appear instantly. However, Vincent interfered in between and because he is my brother, I had to control myself back. “Easy guys!” He shouted and sighed, running a hand through his hair. Before turning to face me, he took a deep breath and apologized to Mr. White saying, “I’ll take the responsibility if anything happens. Please trust me that I wouldn’t let anything wrong happen to your students as I was the one whom you trusted before letting Louise enroll here.” He replied and I hated how easily he was giving in to a half-human. He is a full-fledged vampire; could easily twist Uncle’s neck but I guess— Vincent turned his head around giving me sharp looks. Realization that he heard what I thought struck me and I smiled devilishly at him. He shook his head in disbelief and bowed to Uncle who dismissed us immediately. “I know I can trust you Vin. However, not that devil’s spawn. Now please leave.” He said and I scoffed, feeling pride in what he said. A devil should never be trusted after all!
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