Chapter 4: Mr. White's New Assistant

1897 Words
Tracy’s POV As I stepped inside the classroom, it was weirdly silent. Perhaps, it was because of the recent incidents. “Do you plan on standing there for the entire class?” My head lifted in surprise hearing Mr. White’s voice. He had a taunting smile on his face as he peeked through his small glass frame at me. To his side was stood that handsome guy who was still a mystery to me. If he is still here than… Not going to lie but I half expected him to be a teacher just like the other one. “Excuse me, Professor.” I muttered and dashed to my desk, ignoring Mr. White’s soft chuckles. “Anyway, since you all are seated it’s time for an introduction.” Mr. White turned to that sulking guy fondly. I dared not look directly at him though I wanted to; feeling hard stares from him. “Hello everyone, call me Lester and I’ll be helping professor with the class and stuff.” He said lazily that received my whole attention. Apparently, a few of them snickered at his half-ass introduction while others were awestruck at how cool he was. Meanwhile, I felt a shock run through me, paralyzing for a second. Lester… That name sounds familiar… Suddenly, his eyes interlocked with mine and a smirk formed on his lips; affecting me. I was engrossed into it until he turned his face away as if nothing happened. “Haha, what he means is he will work as my assistant for time being while enrolled in some specialized research program at this university. He is a genius and you guys should follow his suite.” Mr. White was singing his praise while Lester continued with some papers and stuff nonchalantly. While I pondered how am I going to endure his presence? If this continues, I’m going to fail this semester for sure. Nonetheless, it happened exactly as I thought. Lester was gazing at me oddly. His one glance sent tingles all over my skin and I felt suffocated with this unwanted attention. As if the day couldn’t have gone worse. Lester stood to pass out a case-study along with a form, moving effortlessly through the rows of chairs. I was anxious of his approaching body. Every second was felt difficult to tolerate knowing well that he has his eyes on me. Unaware, I too was giving him discreet glances only to have met with his silver eyes. A smirk formed and I gasped seeing he was just a desk away. My anxiety arose and I sat upright; an involuntary action. And like some suspense movie, his speed walk seemed to have slowed down. I watched with nervousness as he approached me with that casual smirk on his lips; directed at me. “Relax, Tracy” My head jolted and my mouth dropped. It seemed his words were spoken inside my head. The fact that it was his voice inside my head while he approached me intensively was quiet shocking to me. I grabbed my book at the same time as he put the papers on it; touching my fingers simultaneously. You might think me crazy but a buzz was set off inside my body. It was the last thing that I could handle without freaking out. Conclusively, I pushed him a bit and stormed outside the class in hurry. Luckily, the class bell rang at the same time. I kept running without any intention to stop until reaching the stairs of the hallway. While I stood panting heavily, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of his touch on my hand—followed by the familiar kiss he planted not an hour ago. This is crazy… It is extremely crazy… With foggy head, I tried to calm down when all of a sudden— “Running wouldn’t stop me.” Aagggrhhhh! Hearing this sudden voice whispering in my ear as the warm breath hitting my ears in surprise; I screamed and toppled. About to fell off the stairs when at lightning speed, an arm was hooked around my waist, pulling me back altogether. The fright has messed up badly and I couldn’t help but feel like crying. However, it stopped the second my eyes fell on my savior—Lester! The man behind all this trouble… He had a frown on his hollow pale face while I struggled to breathe normally. Lester clicked his tongue and what he did next was indescribable. No one would have thought that with this straight face, he placed his palm on my chest while slowly stroking it. Speechless and flabbergasted, I pushed him off me; eventually falling backwards. This time however, he let go without blinking while my stomach fell with every second of my free fall. “Gotcha!” I didn’t want to open my eyes—not after that scary moment. Moreover, I couldn’t face from the shame of facing Lester after his pervy act. “There, there. You let her go, just like that?” and a bit of shuffling lead to me standing on my shaky legs while someone supported me. “Shut up! I just wanted to calm her down but she didn’t like it.” Hearing those words spoken too close to me, I opened my eyes instantly and was scared. The one who held me was Lester while we faced the gorgeous guy from earlier; I mean my teacher. “Hehe… Then why did you mind if I saved her?” He asked with a playful smirk that was directed at Lester and then at me. I wanted to struggle free from him; though, the warmth and weirdly the comfort I received from Lester were overpowering my want. It’s too complicated to explain—on one hand I wanted nothing from him while on the other hand, he somehow provided me this feeling that it was meant to be. Even if he isn’t my type—except his looks. “Tsk. Stop fooling around, big bro~” and that came out as another blow to me. Lester and this teacher were siblings? No way! My head snapped in his direction, almost breaking in the process. Lester stared down at me and before we could have said a thing, loud murmurs filled the hallway. “Lester, Vincent and…” My mouth went shut as I watched Mr. White staring at us questioningly in shock before finishing his sentence, “Miss Smith?” And only now did I realize the position we were in—my body closely held by Lester in his strong arms. Wait, what strong? Jeez… it’s not the right time for that. “Ah, professor!” I acknowledged him feeling ashamed while doing my best to free myself from Lester. Awkwardly, he didn’t budge and my face turned redder than before; almost wanting to cry in shame. Mr. White was too shocked himself but said nothing. His eyes kept fleeting at our touch now and then while they talked with students coming out of the classrooms and aiming for their next class. I needed to go too. “Uncle, what do you want?” Lester sounded frustrated for some reason. Mr. White shook his head in annoyance and turned to face Vincent, as he called earlier. “Uncle, stop worrying about him. I was just teasing him a bit.” Vincent said sweetly, eyeing me from the corner of his eyes. Truth being told, I felt caged. It was hard to break free even if I wanted to. Vincent wasn’t helping much too. When I thought I had lost all hopes, Mr. White raked a hand through his hair and appeared to be agitated—something new. “Let her go! The students might see.” He demanded and I couldn’t help but stare at him with happiness and relief. “As if I care.” Lester was still using his condescending tone; sounding serious. If it was true, I’ll be in trouble. “But I care! You three… To my office now!” Mr. White remarked in anger and left dismissing this topic there and then. “Man! The old man seems to be angry, Better let her go, buddy.” Vincent called and I neared to tear when I spotted some students heading this way. Contemplating, right when I had given up all hopes, did Lester set me free and sighed in frustration. He turned to his brother with murderous look in his eyes and said, “Don’t mess with me or my pet, big bro.” I was too much exhausted mentally when suddenly the large crowd of children walked past us. Some spared us a glance while others were drooling over the two hot brothers. “Watch your steps!” Vincent shouted joyfully and suddenly, a few of them slipped down the stairs; earning gasps and giggles from a few others. “Now, let’s go!” He turned to us and gestured hurriedly. I didn’t want to follow but it was Mr. White we were talking about. The fact that it was the first time I had seen him being angry was scary too. Regardless, these two brothers were too much for me to handle. Wish I could run… “Tracy!” A warm feeling flooded as I heard Ash’s voice call out to me. I turned and saw his steps falter seeing Lester and disappearing back of Vincent, all alone in this hallway. “Is everything okay?” He asked, glaring at Lester all the while. “Uh, yea—” I said and gladly decided to walk away with him when out of blue Lester’s voice boomed inside my head. “Don’t you dare!” It was stupefying. Was he able to read my thoughts? What is he? Is he a witch? A vampire? What exactly is he. My heartbeat skyrocketed and fell from the possibilities of what Lester could be. Surely, I might be going crazy. Something like that doesn’t exist, yet, I couldn’t find a reason to support these activities happening. “Tracy?” Ash’s voice brought me out of my reverie and I stared at him half-willingly. He reached for my hand, stepping up the stairs until he was at my eye-level and cupped my cheek with worry. “You, okay?” He questioned yet again. I jumped inwardly hearing Lester’s growl. Thus, I nodded hesitantly and smiled weakly. “Mr. White wouldn’t wait.” Vincent shouted and Ash’s eyebrows raised in confusion. “Let’s go.” Lester, surprisingly, talked in a monotone and grabbed my wrist, rather harshly. I waved back at Ash as Lester tugged me along, only to let go of it afterwards. “Careless! Undisciplined!” He kept murmuring; I listened as we walked towards Mr. White’s cabin. No sooner had we reached there when Lester turned to me, giving me death glares. I stilled and stared back at him, intimidated. “Tsk!” He just clicked his tongue and stormed inside the office, leaving me behind in an unstable state. I was really confused and exhausted. What’s his deal, anyway? “Miss Smith!” I heard Mr. White’s voice loud and clear; I scurried inside the office and smiled waveringly. Vincent seemed to be enjoying but Lester was grumpy as this entire time while Mr. White seemed displeased about something. Oh common! Now what?
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