
1081 Words
Camilla POV After the shocking revelations from my father I was angry, sad, and more than anything just confused. I thought my bed and a nap would bring comfort to me. Just like it always has before. However, this time it’s not working. All I have done is lay in my bed in silence feeling the room get darker and darker as the sun slowly sets. Aria has mind linked me several times along with Kane asking all sorts of questions. I just tell them to leave me alone to drown in my heavy thoughts. I don’t feel bad for leaving the Alpha King high and dry at the moment. My mind has also been wondering to him during this turbulent day. Celestia, my wolf hasn’t even made a peep about him since what happened at the training grounds earlier. I think we’re on the same page of taking time to process. After a few more hours of laying in the dark and I can’t sit still any longer. “Camilla you need to find out more about us,” Celestia finally says in my mind breaking out silence. I jump off the bed and throw a cardigan on. I place my earbuds in my ears and start playing some ABBA to lift my spirits. I pace back and forward across my bedroom thinking of how I need to approach my predicament. First, Celestia and I decide it is best not to tell anyone of what is happening. Not even our mate until we have the answers we need and we can completely trust him. After more racing thoughts I think it is best to maybe try to do some more research in the Alpha’s library. The library is off limits to those not in the Alpha family or granted special permission by the Alpha himself. On the way out of my wing I find a note on the floor. It smells like him as I open it. Dear Camilla, I’m sorry about what happened with your brother earlier. I know you must be dealing with a lot right now due to your state earlier by Alpha Jack’s office. When you are ready you know how to find me. Well Wishes Alpha King Milo Xanderbilt I have to admit I’m a bit taken aback by the note. I didn’t think the Alpha King of all people would be so understanding. I’ve seen Alphas less understanding than this. Especially, when it comes to one’s mate. Again, while the note is sweet in a way I have a more important objective at the moment. Finding out who the hell I am. When I reach the library I light a few candles to give me some light. May seem old-fashioned of me but I hate the fluorescent lights the house manager Lexi, installed to save money on energy. Aria changed back the lights in my wing to my favorite Edison light bulbs after Lexi had replaced them. I start reading through the titles of all the books aligned on the mahogany shelves. My first stop on this journey is to learn more about the history of all magical beings. The book is old and heavy with a thick layer of dust. I blow it off with a huff and immediately start sneezing up a storm. “F—k, I mumble under my breath. The Alpha’s wing is not too far down the hall from the library. I really can’t face father right now if he wakes up. I sit down on the leather loveseat and start flipping and skimming through the pages one by one. After an hour of reading I have learned some new things about vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies, and dragon’s histories but not anything helpful to my situation. I’m skimming the section about the witches’ history again when a the library light comes on scaring the sh-t out of me. “It’s a lot of information to take in isn’t it?” Kane asks me standing in the doorway. “I presume you have spoken with our father?” My question more rhetorical. “I always knew you were special little sister but I didn’t think it would be in this way.” He says sitting down to me lightly laughing. Kane has always had a nervous chuckle. “She was a witch. I’m a f—king witch and a werewolf. This isn’t exactly how I imagined my life at this moment.” Tears have started falling down my face. Salty and sweet as some make way to my mouth. “Have you spoken with the Alpha King about your mating?” “No, but he did actually write me a pleasant note. He told me to come to him when I’m ready.” “I have a feeling he’ll be a good mate little sister. Call it my brotherly intuition.” This time his laughter isn’t nervous but loving. “If I didn’t have to deal with having magical powers all of a sudden I think I’d be flipping my sh-t about being the possible Luna Queen.” “I will always believe in you little sister, no matter what. All hail to the Queen, the Luna Warrior. Camilla the Great.” Kane says bowing at my feet. Kane now has me laughing and crying at his words. I put the heavy book back in the shelf as a sudden wave of sleepiness has finally hit me. “Goodnight, brother. May the Moon Goddess bless you,” I say heading out the library door and back to my wing. Sometimes I can really hate my brother, however, times like now is where I love him with all of my heart. When I catch glimpse of the clock in the hallway it is already five in the morning. I didn’t think my insomnia was that bad. I have been through some real sh-t though in the last 24 hours. Suddenly, he stands in front of me just staring at me. F—k, he’s even hotter up close. We stand there for a few moments just taking each other in. His scent is intoxicating to me. It almost makes me dizzy and light headed. Then everything begins to get fuzzy. He is talking to me but I cannot hear him, he is just a blur now. He is quickly by my side holding me. Calmness takes over me and I collapse into him. The darkness has officially taken over.
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