Falling for You

1101 Words
Alpha King Milo POV I was up early to head down to train with Hunter before the first training session starts at 8 o’clock. When I open the door I can smell her beautiful scent. I follow the scent to its source in a third floor hallway. There she is just standing there staring into the distance at the clock. With my wolf speed I make my way to her. When I’m standing in front of her she just stares at me in silence so I do the same. She is breathtaking. I could stare at her all day. I break the silence when she slowly starts to sway back and forward and her eyes are droopy. “Camilla? Are you okay?” No response. I move closer to her and she falls into me. Holding her up I try again to get her to respond or open her eyes. She’s out cold. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my room and lay her softly on the bed. I quickly mind link Hunter that training is not going to happen for me today and to go without me. He tries to question me, but I use my Alpha command to silence his nosiness. It’s been a couple hours since Camilla passed out. The packs doctor has been in to check on her. He informed me that noting was visibly wrong with her. Women don’t just go passing out and not waking up for hours on end randomly. I quickly dismissed him and keep pacing the floor. I don’t know what to do. I’m worried. Only the mate bond can make an Alpha King worry. Thirty more minutes have gone by and nothing. I just stand there pacing praying to the Moon Goddess she’ll wake up soon. There’s then a rapid banging on the door. I open it and Kane pushes past me and heads right to his sister’s bedside. He sits next to her lightly skating her and telling her to wake up. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?” He yells in his Alpha tone. I usually wouldn’t stand for this as the Alpha King but I have a little sister myself. So, I understand his distress. “She just collapsed on me hours ago. Hasn’t woken up since. Your pack doctor tells me there’s nothing wrong with her.” I say in a calm voice. “Are the doctors idoits? She f—king unconscious and unresponsive!” He says now in a more annoyed and pissed off tone. “I couldn’t agree more. Sit down and tell me more about your heavenly sister.” I tell him. He hesitates but knows he can’t deny a request from his Alpha King. He tells me some things about Camilla but insisted he thinks it’s better for me to learn more about Camilla from her. He mostly just tells me of embarrassing stories of him and Camilla’s childhood and growing up as twins. He has started telling me a rather juicy story when we’re interrupted. “KANE MICHAEL TODD DO NOT SAY ANOTHER WORD!” Camilla says rising from the bed. Kane and I rush over to Camilla both staring at her. She doesn’t acknowledge Kane and just stares at me with her eyes. Her glowing golden eyes; the ones that have haunted my dreams for some time. Sh-t this really must be fate I think to myself. Camilla POV After everything turned fuzzy and black I was lost in a void of darkness. I had no clue where I was. Am I dead? Then a figure appears in front of me. I recognize her from my father’s description and the few pictures I have seen of her throughout my life. My mother, Fiona. She has long dark hair like me and my golden eyes. I’m an exact copy of her almost but my body is more muscular and curvy than hers. Kane however I see looks more like my father with his blonde hair and height. She slowly makes her way towards me placing a kiss in my forehead. I’m in shock. I never thought I’d get to met my mother. Tears start to fall down my cheeks. “Oh, my child no need to cry.” She softly whispers her hands cupping my face. “I never thought I would meet you. How is this possible?” I ask her. “The Moon Goddess has granted me this time with you. I have the answers you so desperately need that no one can give you.” “You know about my powers?” I’m stunned. “I had a slight suspicion one of you had gotten my powers after they vanished when you both were born. I had honestly hoped it had been you because I knew Kane would have much on his plate being the next Alpha. I hadn’t had time before I got ill to confirm my suspicions.” She says lovingly while holding my hands. “Did father know?” I ask her bluntly remembering my anger towards him yesterday after our conversation. “No, sweetheart and even if he had he would have been powerless to help you find your way.” “Please, tell me more. I’m so confused on what’s happening to me.” I plead with her. “You need to go into my secret room in the pack house. Your father doesn’t know where it is. It is your job to find it. There you will find the answers you are looking for my child. My time is almost up. I need you to know I love you with all of my heart and that I am always watching over you. Please tell your brother the same. Goodbye, Camilla.” She disappeared as fast as she had appeared. Then the darkness went away and the light flooded my eyes. I opened my eyes to find sunlight showering into the room. A room I am unfamiliar with. Then his scent hits me along with Kane’s. I hear them talking not far from me. I sit up slowly and stretch my arms out. Oh, that feels good. I’m listening to their conversation. “There’s this one time in high school where Camilla’s entertaining..” Kane was about to tell the Alpha King one of my most embarrassing stories about an old crush of mine and my love notes to him. I quickly cut Kane off from speaking more of that horrible story, “KANE MICHAEL TODD DO NOT SAY ANOTHER WORD!”
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