Little White Lies

1028 Words
Camilla POV When I make it to father’s office I slowly knock on the door. I have a strange feeling something is going to happen. “Come in!” I hear father yell. I open the door to find father sitting behind his desk staring at a picture of my mother. He motions me to sit down, not taking his eyes off the picture. “Camilla this is not going to be an easy discussion. I believe I may have some answers for you about what he been happening to you.” father says, the worried look still on his face from earlier. “Does this have something to do with mother?” “Yes and no. Camilla I kept this information from everyone for your and Kane’s safety. Your mother was the most amazing woman I had ever met in my life. She was my one true mate from the Moon Goddess herself. However, your mother was not a wolf. She was a witch.” he continues on. “Witches can be mated with Wolves?” I ask interrupting him. “It is very rare but, yes it can happen. When you and Kane were born your mother’s powers magically disappeared. It was unheard of in her world. With what you have told me has been happening I believe you inherited your mother’s powers and my wolf gene as well.” he finishes waiting for my reaction. “Are you telling me I am a f—king witch with magical powers?” “Precisely, yes daughter.” I am overwhelmed to say the least. I’m a witch and a werewolf. Just f—king wonderful. I feel the need to scream so, I do. When I open my eyes every glass object in father’s office has shattered and my hands are glowing again. “You lied to me, to us all these years. Does Kane have powers too?” I yell at father. “Not that I am aware of. Camilla, I only withheld this information because there is no hybrid on record and the doctor confirmed you and Kane were both wolves at birth.” “Does Kane know?” I ask, tears streaming down my face. “No.” “Tell him, before I have to.” I command walking out of the office. When I open the doors his scent hits me like a storm just like it did when he lunged at Kane. The calmness of fresh pine and lavender all in one swift motion. I’m still crying and don’t need to formally meet my mate like this. I don’t acknowledge him and head straight for my bedroom. When I get to my bedroom I see that my bed frame has been replaced while I was gone. When I hit the bed all I can do is close my eyes and think about what a day it has been. Alpha King Milo POV She walks out of Alpha Jack’s office distraught and heads for the grand stair case. I am dying to meet my mate and get to know her but know doesn’t seem like the right time. Standing outside the door all I could hear of the conversation was muffled yelling. Most offices and bedrooms of pack houses are sound proofed because of our loud nature. I calmly walk into Alpha Jack’s office which is flooded with her scent. It’s relaxing my body and mind every time I smell it. I sit down across from him and wait for him to acknowledge me. “What was that about?” I ask getting his attention. “Family business. None of your concern until Camilla accepts you as her mate.” His words stinging me. There’s no way she wouldn’t accept the mate bond or would she? “If she accepts the mate bond, treat her right or I will kill you myself.” He says coldly. “Threatening me? The Alpha King.” I laugh at his words. “You’ll do anything to protect your daughter if you ever get the pleasure to have one. Then you will understand my words and where I’m coming from young Alpha King.” “WE WILL NEVER HARM MATE!” Grayson growls trying to take control. He is very protective over our mate and we haven’t really even met her. I walk out of the office and try to decide what to do about Camilla. I think she needs space so I decide the best thing to do is to write her a note. Dear Camilla, I’m sorry about what happened with your brother earlier. I know you must be dealing with a lot right now due to your state earlier by Alpha Jack’s office. When you are ready you know how to find me. Well Wishes Alpha King Milo Xanderbilt I follow her scent to a wing on the third floor of the pack house. I slide the note under her door and head back to my room. When I get to my room my Beta Hunter is waiting for me. He begins talking about pack relations with Silver Moon. I’m not listening to him. My mind is racing with a million other thoughts. Most of them about my perfect mate. “I found my mate.” I say cutting Hunter off mid-sentence. “WHO?” Hunter ask standing up from his chair. “Alpha Jack’s daughter, Camilla.” “I met her last night at that after party I went to.” Hunter says, grabbing his phone from his pocket. He pulls up a video and hands the phone to me and instructs me to watch. Alpha’s don’t take orders from their Beta’s but it seems to be a video of Camilla. When I play the video Camilla starts singing a song I don’t know in a snazzy outfit that hugs her body in all the right places. Her voice is absolutely beautiful. Only an angel can sing that well. I want her to sing for me. Grayson is going crazy in the back of my mind watching mate sing and dance. Thank you moon goddess for this astonishing woman of a mate.
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