Trouble from the Past

1132 Words
Alpha King Milo POV Leaving Camilla in the room kills me as I have to work. My heart stings not being near her. But I have to do my job looking over 12 other packs on top of running my own. I miss a lot when I’m gone no matter how long the duration. Catching up on all of this wouldn’t have fazed me before I met Camilla but the mate bond is relentless. Just as I’m looking over things I need to accomplish this week Hunter knocks in the door. “Come in” I mind link him since my office is soundproofed. “Alpha Milo, Alpha Lucian is here to see you.” He says standing in the doorway. “Send him in.” “Cousin! So wonderful to see you again.” Lucian says taking a seat in front of me. Hunter fully comes in the room and shuts the door behind him and chooses to stand in the corner burning holes in the back of Lucian’s head. Hunter knows my strong dislike for my cousin. He’s always rubbed me the wrong way even since we were little and be forced to play together. I’m a few years older so we didn’t have much in common either. I believe he thinks he’s more deserving of my position than me. Lucian’s pack isn’t terrible but not the greatest. Merely okay. I’m more confused on why he is here. After some time of awkward small talk between Lucian and I he has told me he is here just for a simple visit. I don’t necessarily believe it but I’ll keep an eye on him. “I have work to finish. Samson can show you to a room somewhere.” I tell Lucian. “Always so accommodating, cousin.” Lucian says. As Lucian heads for the door I start to smell apple pie and I know Camilla is near and Grayson is going crazy in my mind. Lucian opens the door but stops and stares down Camilla making Grayson even more wound up. “Well, well, well. What is sweet Cami doing here at the Alpha King’s pack?” Lucian directs at Camilla. His comment send Grayson over the edge and he is now in full control. “DO NOT SPEAK TO MY MATE LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!” Grayson roars making the whole office shake. “Cami is your mate?” He asks turning to me with an eyebrow c****d. “STAY AWAY FROM MATE AND GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW!” Grayson says with yet another loud rumbling roar. Lucian slides past Camilla giving her a strange smile. Hunter leaves after him while Camilla steps in and closes the door behind her. Grayson still in control gestures Camilla to come closer to us. When she is close enough Grayson pulls her in our lap with a strong grip on her waist and doesn’t let go. “How do you know him?” Grayson growls softly. “Um..we” she starts with fear in her eyes avoiding eye contact with us. I don’t want her to fear us so I quickly convince Grayson to give me back control. “Camilla it’s okay. Just tell me.” “We dated for three years on and off.” It takes me a second to just process what she said. How can a sweet and lovely girl like her ever be interested in that asshole? What catches me off guard the most is that they dated for three years. I never knew Lucian ever had a girlfriend. I thought he just slept around like he did when he was younger. “Why is he here?” She asks me breaking me out of my thoughts. “Claims it’s just a quick visit but the timing is weird. Lucian hasn’t visited me in years.” I tell her playing with her hair. She sighs and snuggles up closer to me in the chair. Moving has probably been emotionally and physically draining for her. The last thing she needs is for that f—k to be here. “Stay away from him and let me know if he tries anything.” I command her. “Yes, my Alpha.” She says seductively. “Are you trying to seduce me because it’s working.” “Maybe, maybe not my Alpha.” She says biting her lip. I pick her up off my lap with one arm and throw everything off my desk with the other. She giggles as I lay her on the cold stone desk top. I quickly take out clothes off and gladly take what is mine. After our rendezvous on the desk Camilla gets up and goes back to the Alpha suite. I tell her I’ll be upstairs soon. After she’s left I mind link Hunter to meet me back in my office. Moments later the door opens and he takes a seat in front of me. “We need to keep Lucian far away from Camilla.” I command him. “What just happened.” He asks with a confused look on his face. “Camilla and Lucian used to be together for quite some period of time I’ve learned.” “Do you think she is why he is here all of a sudden?” “Possible but unsure. Just tell every guard to keep her safe and away from that f—ker. I’ve got a mate to be with now. See you tomorrow.” I tell him leaving the office. On the way to the elevator Samson has stopped me to tell me all of our new residents and unsuspecting guest are all now settled in their rooms. When I get up to our floor most of the lights are off. I follow Camilla’s scent to the bathroom where she lays quietly in the jet tub admiring the view of the sky out the window. She doesn’t notice me standing in the doorway for awhile. When she does her face lights up like a Christmas tree. I go over and sit on the floor beside the tub. Camilla stretches over the side of the tub to give me a kiss. We sit there and talk for awhile until her bath water gets cold. I lift her wet body out of the tub and place her on the ground handing her a fluffy white towel. Together we brush our teeth, wash our faces, and get dressed for bed. It’s been a long and exhausting day for both of us. I carry her to bed and place her gently on the right side. She pulls me down and I flop down on the left of her. We both get under the covers, snuggling together until we drift off to sleep.
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