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Camilla POV After a week I am completely unpacked and settled in. Lucian is still unfortunately staying with us though. He hasn’t tried anything since Milo has me under constant protection. Milo is in meeting all day long so in my spare time I have been reading my mother’s spell book and practicing. It’s taken a lot of concentration but I have found that anger really influences my magic. I have mastered easy spells such as levitating objects, and moving objects with more control unlike what happened to my poor bed back home. I haven’t been able to move two large objects with the force I had with Milo and Kane. The only downside to learning and using my magic is that it drains my energy so quickly. I read in another one of my mother’s books that my exhaustion is because I’m not used to using my magic. After practicing I usually take naps until Milo ends up waking me up. Today, I practiced some new spells from the spell book that take more energy so I was more tired than usual after. When I wake up in our bed it is dark outside. There is someone in our bed that isn’t Milo. I panic jumping out of the bed and looking to see who it is. Lucian stays perfectly still on the bed examining my body. “What the f—k do you think you’re doing?” I yell at him. “I wanted to talk to you which has been impossible with Milo’s guards everywhere. So, I decided to create a diversion to sneak in here while your mate is in his meeting.” He says with a devilish grin appearing in his smug face. “What do you want?” I ask him bluntly. “You, my great love” he says making me want to gag. “Milo is my mate. He treats me a million times better than you ever did you asshole!” I practically screaming at him now. As soon as I’m finished screaming at Lucian four guards rush into the bedroom from the elevator and two from the stair access. They are all surrounding Lucian ready to pounce on him. Lucian’s canines emerge and his claws are out as well. Milo comes into the bedroom observing the scene that has unfolded upon us. When he sees guards surrounding Lucian and me practically half naked in only a t-shirt his eyes turn black and Grayson has taken over. Grayson strides towards me fully examining my body. “What happened?” He asks putting his hands on my shoulders. “Can we talk in private please?” I beg him. “Take him to my office downstairs.” He commands them with his Alpha authority. Once the guards escort Lucian out and and I hear the elevator shut I spill my guts with tear streaming down my face. Alpha King Milo POV I am fuming riding the elevator down the the first floor. It took everything I had in me not to suppress Grayson after Camilla told me what happened. That asshole made my mate cry and he f—king thinks he can have my mate. F—k him. When I get to my office it takes complete and utter self control not to attack that bastard. I sit down at my desk and try to calm myself down. I pour myself some scotch and take it back with one gulp. When I look up Lucian has a smug look on his face, “Not going to offer me a drink cousin?” “Why the f—k would I do that when you came here to attempt to steal my mate from me?” I say pouring another for myself. “In my defense, Cami was mine first.” “But the Moon Goddess deemed you unfit of such a wonderful mate.” I snap back at him nonchalantly. “If her damn stubborn father would have sold her to me she would’ve been my Luna by now and had my pup.” He says laughingly. Anger is rising inside me the more this i***t talks, “What do you mean sold her to you?” Did her father put a price tag on her? My racing thoughts have Grayson on the edge as well. “Since, Cami isn’t my destined mate. I offered Alpha Jack a million dollars for her to be my bride. He refused saying he doesn’t believe in chosen mates and that Cami is priceless. But Cami will be mine soon cousin.” Lucian said smiling happily at me. “CAMILLA IS MINE! GET OUT OF MY PACK RIGHT NOW! IF I SEE YOU NEAR CAMILLA AGAIN I WILL HAVE TOUR HEAD!” I roared shaking the whole floor. Guards quickly came in and escorted Lucian off my pack territory. After Lucian was escorted out I sat down processing what had just happened. I wanted to blame myself for not being there with Camilla because of my meeting. To save her from Lucian. I have to protect Camilla from him at all cost. I headed back up to the Alpha floor to settle in for the night and comfort my distraught mate. I can sense her fear as soon as I step off the elevator. I find her curled up in our bed watching a movie. She has since showered and changed from earlier. Her hair is all wet and braided into two braids and she is wearing my Pink Floyd t-shirt. God, she is absolutely stunning in every way. I strip myself of my clothes only leaving on my Marvel boxers. I climb in bed next to her and scoop her up from behind so she is laying in between my legs. I wrap my arms around her waist loosely and inhale the smell of her strawberry shampoo. “What movie are we watching angel?” I ask her running my hands through her wet hair. “Clueless” she states lowly. I turn Camilla so she is facing me and gently kiss her. “I will always protect you. You are my mate. My Queen.” I tell her her holding her face. She kisses me and turns back around. She tells me I have to watch the movie and get acquainted with her rom-coms. Just as the movie is ending Camilla is passed out beside me holding my arm hostage. The movie actually wasn’t too bad but not something I would pick to watch myself. It is comical though to see how trivial human teenage girls act. To fall asleep I switch the tv to NBC to watch Saturday Night Live which always lightens my mood. I tried to stay awake to watch but Camilla’s sweet scent sifted me off to a peaceful sleep.
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