Stranger Things

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Camilla POV Being late to training Kane did not go easy on me at all. We sparred for hours. I am a better fighter than him so he didn’t most of the rounds we fought. We were both sweaty and cooling off when Alpha Father walked into the training grounds with a angry look on his face. “You BOTH missed welcoming Alpha King Milo to the pack today.” He roared at us. “This is unacceptable as the future Alpha and one of the best warriors in this pack.” Kane and I exchanged looks knowing we really f—ked up this time. The entire Alpha family not being there to welcome the Alpha King was not a good impression. “Both of you get back to your rooms and get ready for the welcoming celebration at 7” father said walking away from us in a huff. I picked up my water bottle and headed for my bedroom. As I reached the stairs in the main hall I got a whiff of something enticing. The smell was like fresh mountain rain mixed with pine. Someone must have put on too much cologne today I thought to myself. I continued heading for my bedroom but the smell only got stronger. Once I made it to the entrance of my wing the smell disappeared and went in some other direction. Opening the door I could hear Jane and Millie in my living room going over what ABBA songs to sing and what we all would wear. They tried to talk to me but I went into my bedroom and slammed the door. I was pissed. Today has been a sh-t show. First, I’m late to training. Then, the Alpha King decides to visit on short notice. Finally, Kane and I angered father by not being there to welcome the Alpha King. I was stressed and angry. Not a good combination. I ball my fist up, close my eyes, and scream as loud as my lungs will let me. All of a sudden there’s a loud bang. I open my eyes and find that my bed has been thrown against the wall and broken into thousands of pieces. Thank goodness, all bedrooms in the pack house are sound proofed. But I can’t wrap my head around what just happened. Did I do that? I’m still confused on what just happened so I mind link Aria to bring me a broom and a dustpan. Aria is sort of the house staff and assigned to me sort of as an assistant kind of. I meet her outside just outside my bedroom for before she can get a peak of the disaster my room has turned into. I clean up all the broken wood and pull the mattress and box spring back properly on the floor. By the time I cleaned up and made my bed it is 5 o’clock. I step in my bathroom and start to get ready for the welcome ceremony. I’m just about ready when Jane and Millie knock on my bedroom door. I quickly move from the vanity in my bathroom to open the door. Both the girls pile into my bedroom and sit on my bed. “Where is your bed frame, Cami?” They both ask in unison. “Decided it was time for a new one so I got rid of the old one” I lie. “Exciting! So, tonight we’re going to sing “Voulez-Vous”, “Super Trouper”, and “Waterloo”. Then we’re going to wear these costumes.” Jane proudly states showing me the outfit she has chosen. The outfit consist of baby blue bell bottom pants, a white long sleeve lace crop top, and thick platform heels. I have to admit it is a really cute outfit. Jane has put a lot of work into every outfit we have ever performed in. “I’m almost in love with it Jane” I tell her holding up the outfit. “Oh, goody!” Jane beams. “I can’t wait for tonight’s after part in the barn!” Millie says likes she about to explode from excitement. We spend the next hour and a half going over the songs and dance moves we will do during our performance. Performing at the after parties thrown by Kane and his best friend Caleb after big events at the pack house has become Jane, Millie, and I’s specialty. Everyone surprising really gets into it. The songs we sing are four decades old but they are fun and upbeat to sing and dance to. Before we head downstairs to the celebration I go into the bathroom to touch up my makeup and look in the mirror one last time. As I’m looking in the mirror I stare at myself thinking of my mother Fiona. Everyone tells me that I look so much like her. I miss her and I hate that I really never met her. She died when Kane and I were infants. A tear falls down my cheek and I look down at my hands. They’re glowing. I freak out. Why are my hands glowing? Hands should not glow! I’m starting to panic. I can’t go anywhere with glowing hands. I don’t know what to do! “Cami! Are you coming?” I hear Millie call out to me through my bedroom door. I mind link her and Jane to go ahead of me and that I will find them when I make it down there. I’m having a full panic attack now. I lay in my cold bathroom floor and start taking deep breaths. After 30 minutes of lying in the floor I have calmed down and the glowing has gone away. What the hell is happening to me? I quickly get up check myself in the mirror again and head for the welcome celebration. I have probably missed the introduction so father is going to give me an earful later about my recent behavior. Moon Goddess please help me.
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